This Week in JBoss - 22 September 2022
Hi everyone and welcome to the latest installment of JBoss editorial! Today’s stars of the show: Quarkus and KIE (Kogito/Drools)
Quarkus is quite busy this month! Just yesterday, the project released Quarkus 2.12.3.Final, the third round of bugfixes and performance enhance of for the 2.12, which we mentioned in our previous editorial. But that’s not all, Quarkus tooling also got some love with the release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ 1.13.0 released!.
Beyond the publication of new software and bugfixes, James Cobb also took the time to publish the 24th installment of the Quarkus Newsletter, a must-read for anyone who wants to follow or play with Quarkus! And to this point, an interesting new player has joined the project’s community: Quarkus adoption by APHP (Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris)!
Of course, if you are already familiar with Quarkus, you may want something more technical to quench your thirst and Clément Escoffier has just the article for you: How to implement a job queue with Redis.
KIE community has been quite active too in the last days and produced quite an amount of interesting articles about their technology. First, we’ll suggest you’ll dive into this one about Creating your first cloud-agnostic serverless application with Java. It’s a good place to start!
Another one, called New visualizer for the Serverless Workflow Editor provides a nice overview of this new tool and we’ll certainly learn more about it and use it. If you are more interested into technical details and implementation, you are in luck, there is a rather detailed overview of the Efesto refactoring.
Wait, that’s not all! Check out this article, and the video it links to: Transparent ML, integrating Drools with AIX360!
If KIE and Quarkus have been the most prolific of the last two weeks, there is still a few more articles, coming from other projects, that you may want to check out: * How to spot Java bugs with SpotBugs * Getting started with Jakarta RESTful Services * Creating cache with wizard - Infinispan 14 * Remote dev-watch development with WildFly Jar Maven Plugin * Multiple repositories Pull Request chaos, crawl them all in one single place
Releases, releases, releases…
As always, the JBoss community has been quite active and a few projects published new version in the last two weeks:
Feeling too jittery? Enough Java for now? Get refreshed with these two next articles about regular expressions:
That’s all for today! Please join us again next time for another round of our JBoss editorial!