This Week in JBoss - 22 April 2022

Welcome back! Amazing how quickly two weeks can fly by isn’t it? We have some great things for you this week including releases, tidbits from the blogoshpere, and information about Red Hat Summit 2022!

Release roundup

Let’s jump right into what has been released over the past couple of weeks:

  • Kogito 1.20.0 - Updates including tooling, images, operator, and the CLI.

  • Keycloak 18.0.0 - A new admin console preview, new Operator preview, client secret rotation, session limits per user, etc. Lots of great new features and additions!

  • RESTEasy 6.1.0.Beta1 - First release to implement Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1, updates to RESTEasy CDI allowing injection of certain types, and an SeBootstrap API implementation.

  • Wildfly 26.1.Final - Honestly, too many things to list here, take a look at the blog post including new features, how to run on Java 17, and links to additional information.

  • Quarkus 2.8.1.Final - First maintenance release of the 2.8 branch, it contains only bug fixes

The KIE team (jBPM, Drools, Optaplanner, Kogito) has had some interesting posts the last couple of weeks:

Quarkus Bits

Quarkus always has interesting things going on, and these past weeks are no exception:

Wildfly Buzzings

Wildfly continues strong with a number of posts:

Getting enough REST

While it may not be one of the sexiest technologies, REST is used all over for communication and microservices. Take a look at two posts to get going if you’re new to RESTEasy: Getting started with Jakarta RESTful Services and RESTEasy Spring And RESTEasy Spring Boot EE9 Deployment With WildFly Preview.

Red Hat Summit 2022

Red Hat Summit 2022 is happening May 10th and 11th. It will be a hybrid event. Take a look at the Red Hat Summit page for more information. There will be great information, talks, events, and tech for everyone who attends either virtually or in person. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Jason Porter