This Week in JBoss - 10 September 2021

Hello! Welcome to another edition of the JBoss Editorial that brings you news and updates from our community.

Release roundup

Congrats to each team on completing all the hard work and thanks to all community contributors!

Quarkus LRA extension and microservice reliability

An Extension for Long Running Activities, by Michael Musgrove

Quarkus provides an @LRA annotations that lets you build more reliable service interactions. Michael’s informative article breaks down the details and walks you through an example with microservices that coordinate long running actions that complete in an atomic manner.

Metadata for your BPMN nodes

BPMN and Metadata – Leveraging app capabilities, by Wagner Lemos

The BPMN Editor includes fields where you can add metadata to nodes, offering a versatile and flexible way to receive custom event notifications via process listeners. Wagner’s article shows us how to control process flow with metadata, highlighting both its simplicity and usefulness.

Kogito in action

Shopping recommendations in PMML – Kogito at Work, by Gabriele Cardosi

Bringing Drools rules into the cloud with Kogito: a step by step path, by Mario Fusco

The Kogito team do an amazing job providing hands-on, practical examples for real-world use cases. Since our last editorial, Gabriele concludes a previous post by demonstrating how to set up a Kogito service that allows remote clients to get purchase recommendations to personalize a web shopping experience.

Mario Fusco’s latest entry on the Kogito blog gives a lot of food for thought and is highly recommended. In his article, Mario digs into migrating from Drools and start using Kogito and Quarkus. He shows you how to start building microservices that you can eventually deploy into Function as a Service (FaaS) environments to provide stateless rule evaluation.

Don Naro