Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node
org.jboss.dna.graph The JBoss DNA Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.session A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached. 
org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer The classes that make up the sequencing service and its configuration. 

Uses of Node in org.jboss.dna.graph

Classes in org.jboss.dna.graph with type parameters of type Node
static interface Graph.BaseResults<NodeType extends Node>
          A set of nodes returned from a graph, with methods to access the properties and children of the nodes in the result.
static interface Graph.Executable<NodeType extends Node>
          A interface used to execute the accumulated requests.

Subinterfaces of Node in org.jboss.dna.graph
 interface SubgraphNode
          An extended Node that includes the ability to get nodes in the subgraph relative to this node.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph that return Node
 Node Graph.GetNodeConjunction.andReturn()
 Node Graph.CreateAt.getNode()
          Complete this request, submit it, and return the actual node that was created.
 Node Results.getNode(Location location)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 Node Results.getNode(Path path)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 Node Results.getNode(String path)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Location location)
          Request to read the node at the supplied location.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Path path)
          Request to read the node at the supplied path.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Property idProperty)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier property.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Property firstIdProperty, Property... additionalIdProperties)
          Request to read the node with the supplied unique identifier properties.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(String path)
          Request to read the node at the supplied path.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(UUID uuid)
          Request to read the node with the supplied UUID.
 Node Graph.resolve(Reference reference)
          Request to read the node given by the supplied reference value.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph with parameters of type Node
 Graph.Clone<Graph> Graph.clone(Node from)
          Begin the request to clone the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.clone(Node from)
          Begin the request to clone the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph> Graph.copy(Node from)
          Begin the request to copy the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.copy(Node from)
          Begin the request to copy the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.delete(Node at)
          Request to delete the specified node.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.delete(Node at)
          Request to delete the specified node.
 Graph.Move<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.move(Node from)
          Begin the request to move the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.move(Node from)
          Begin the request to move the specified node into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Next node)
          Set the property value to be a reference to the given node.

Uses of Node in org.jboss.dna.graph.session

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.session with parameters of type Node
 void GraphSession.Operations.materialize(Node persistentNode, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node)
          Update the node with the information from the persistent store.
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.materialize(Node persistentNode, GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> node)
          Update the node with the information from the persistent store.

Uses of Node in org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer

Methods in org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer with parameters of type Node
 void StreamSequencerAdapter.execute(Node input, String sequencedPropertyName, NetChangeObserver.NetChange changes, Set<RepositoryNodePath> outputPaths, SequencerContext context, Problems problems)
          Execute the sequencing operation on the supplied node, which has recently been created or changed.
 void Sequencer.execute(Node input, String sequencedPropertyName, NetChangeObserver.NetChange changes, Set<RepositoryNodePath> outputPaths, SequencerContext context, Problems problems)
          Execute the sequencing operation on the supplied node, which has recently been created or changed.
 List<Sequencer> SequencingService.Selector.selectSequencers(List<Sequencer> sequencers, Node node, NetChangeObserver.NetChange nodeChange)
          Select the sequencers that should be used to sequence the supplied node.

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