Interface GraphSession.Operations<NodePayload,PropertyPayload>

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public static interface GraphSession.Operations<NodePayload,PropertyPayload>

Method Summary
 void materialize(Node persistentNode, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node)
          Update the node with the information from the persistent store.
 void postCopy(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> original, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> copy)
          Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent.
 void postCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> newChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child has been added to the supplied parent node.
 void postMove(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> movedNode, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> oldParentNode)
          Notify that an existing child has been moved from the supplied previous parent into its new location.
 void postRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> removedChild)
          Notify that an existing child has been removed from the supplied parent.
 void postRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)
 void postSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)
 void postUpdateLocation(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Location oldLocation)
          Signal that the node's location has been changed
 void preCopy(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> original, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> newParentNode)
          Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent.
 void preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode, Path.Segment newChild, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
          Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created.
 void preMove(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> nodeToBeMoved, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> newParentNode)
          Notify that an existing child will be moved from its current parent and placed under the supplied parent.
 void preRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode, GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> child)
          Notify that an existing child will be removed from the supplied parent.
 void preRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName)
 void preSave(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node)
          Validate a node for consistency and well-formedness.
 void preSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Name propertyName, GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> newProperty)

Method Detail


void materialize(Node persistentNode,
                 GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node)
Update the node with the information from the persistent store.

persistentNode - the persistent node that should be converted into a node info; never null
node - the session's node representation that is to be updated; never null


void postUpdateLocation(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node,
                        Location oldLocation)
Signal that the node's location has been changed

node - the node with the new location
oldLocation - the old location of the node


void preSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node,
                    Name propertyName,
                    GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> newProperty)
                    throws ValidationException


void postSetProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node,
                     Name propertyName,
                     GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)


void preRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node,
                       Name propertyName)
                       throws ValidationException


void postRemoveProperty(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node,
                        Name propertyName,
                        GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload> oldProperty)


void preCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode,
                    Path.Segment newChild,
                    Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
                    throws ValidationException
Notify that a new child with the supplied path segment is about to be created. When this method is called, the child has not yet been added to the parent node.

parentNode - the parent node; never null
newChild - the path segment for the new child; never null
properties - the initial properties for the new child, which can be manipulated directly; never null
ValidationException - if the parent may not have a child with the supplied name and the creation of the new node should be aborted


void postCreateChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode,
                     GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> newChild,
                     Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties)
                     throws ValidationException
Notify that a new child has been added to the supplied parent node. The child may have an initial set of properties specified at creation time, although none of the PropertyInfo objects will have a payload.

parentNode - the parent node; never null
newChild - the child that was just added to the parent node; never null
properties - the properties of the child, which can be manipulated directly; never null
ValidationException - if the parent and child are not valid and the creation of the new node should be aborted


void preMove(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> nodeToBeMoved,
             GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> newParentNode)
             throws ValidationException
Notify that an existing child will be moved from its current parent and placed under the supplied parent. When this method is called, the child node has not yet been moved.

nodeToBeMoved - the existing node that is to be moved from its current parent to the supplied parent; never null
newParentNode - the new parent node; never null
ValidationException - if the child should not be moved


void postMove(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> movedNode,
              GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> oldParentNode)
Notify that an existing child has been moved from the supplied previous parent into its new location. When this method is called, the child node has been moved and any same-name-siblings that were after the child in the old parent have had their SNS indexes adjusted.

movedNode - the existing node that is was moved; never null
oldParentNode - the old parent node; never null


void preCopy(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> original,
             GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> newParentNode)
             throws ValidationException
Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent. When this method is called, the copy has not yet been performed.

original - the existing node that is to be copied; never null
newParentNode - the parent node where the copy is to be placed; never null
ValidationException - if the copy is not valid


void postCopy(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> original,
              GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> copy)
Notify that an existing child will be copied with the new copy being placed under the supplied parent. When this method is called, the copy has been performed, but the new copy will not be loaded nor will be capable of being loaded.

original - the original node that was copied; never null
copy - the new copy that was made; never null


void preRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode,
                    GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> child)
                    throws ValidationException
Notify that an existing child will be removed from the supplied parent. When this method is called, the child node has not yet been removed.

parentNode - the parent node; never null
child - the child that is to be removed from the parent node; never null
ValidationException - if the child should not be removed from the parent node


void postRemoveChild(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> parentNode,
                     GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> removedChild)
Notify that an existing child has been removed from the supplied parent. When this method is called, the child node has been removed and any same-name-siblings following the child have had their SNS indexes adjusted. Additionally, the removed child no longer has a parent and is considered stale.

parentNode - the parent node; never null
removedChild - the child that is to be removed from the parent node; never null


void preSave(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node)
             throws ValidationException
Validate a node for consistency and well-formedness.

node - the node to be validated
ValidationException - if there is a problem during validation

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