Uses of Class

Packages that use Location The classes that define the "basic" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 
org.jboss.dna.graph The JBoss DNA Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node   
org.jboss.dna.graph.observe The Observation API provides several mechanisms for asynchronously observing changes to content. Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.session A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached. 

Uses of Location in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Location
 List<Location> SubgraphQuery.getNodeLocations(boolean includeRoot, boolean includeChildrenOfMaxDepthNodes)
          Get the Location for each of the nodes in the subgraph.

Uses of Location in

Methods in that return Location
 Location RequestProcessorCache.getLocationFor(Long workspaceId, Path node)
 Location RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.getLocationFor(Path node)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Location
 LinkedList<Location> RequestProcessorCache.getAllChildren(Long workspaceId, Path parent)
 LinkedList<Location> RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.getAllChildren(Path parent)

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 void RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.addNewNode(Location location)
 void RequestProcessorCache.addNewNode(Long workspaceId, Location location)
 boolean RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.moveNode(Location oldLocation, int oldIndexInParent, Location newLocation)
 boolean RequestProcessorCache.moveNode(Long workspaceId, Location oldLocation, int oldIndexInParent, Location newLocation)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Location
 boolean RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.removeBranch(Iterable<Location> locations)
 boolean RequestProcessorCache.removeBranch(Long workspaceId, Iterable<Location> locations)
 void RequestProcessorCache.setAllChildren(Long workspaceId, Path parent, LinkedList<Location> children)
 void RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.setAllChildren(Path parent, LinkedList<Location> children)

Uses of Location in org.jboss.dna.graph

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph that return Location
static Location Location.create(Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and an iterator over identification properties.
static Location Location.create(List<Property> idProperties)
          Create a location defined by multiple identification properties.
static Location Location.create(Path path)
          Create a location defined by a path.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and an iterator over identification properties.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Property idProperty)
          Create a location defined by a path and a single identification property.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and multiple identification properties.
static Location Location.create(Path path, UUID uuid)
          Create a location defined by a path and an UUID.
static Location Location.create(Property idProperty)
          Create a location defined by a single identification property.
static Location Location.create(Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Create a location defined by multiple identification properties.
static Location Location.create(UUID uuid)
          Create a location defined by a UUID.
 Location Subgraph.getLocation()
          Get the location of the subgraph, which is the location of the node at the top of the subgraph.
 Location Node.getLocation()
          Get the location of the node.
 Location Graph.CreateAt.getLocation()
          Complete this request, submit it, and return the actual location of the created node.
 Location Workspace.getRoot()
          Get the root node of the workspace, which includes the path and any identification properties.
abstract  Location Location.with(Path newPath)
          Create a copy of this location that uses the supplied path.
abstract  Location Location.with(Property newIdProperty)
          Create a copy of this location that adds the supplied identification property.
abstract  Location Location.with(UUID uuid)
          Create a copy of this location that adds the supplied UUID as an identification property.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph that return types with arguments of type Location
 List<Location> Node.getChildren()
          Get the children of the node.
 Graph.Children<List<Location>> Graph.getChildren()
          Request that the children be read on the node defined via the of(...)

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph with parameters of type Location
 Next Graph.And.and(Location from)
          Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
 Next to)
          Specify the location of the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.Before.before(Location parentLocation)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
 Graph.Clone<Graph> Graph.clone(Location from)
          Begin the request to clone a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.clone(Location from)
          Begin the request to clone a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 int Location.compareTo(Location that)
 Graph.Copy<Graph> Graph.copy(Location from)
          Begin the request to copy a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.copy(Location from)
          Begin the request to copy a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.CreateNode<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.createUnder(Location parent)
          Begin the request to create a node under the existing parent node at the supplied location.
 Graph.CreateNodeNamed<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.createUnder(Location parent)
          Begin the request to create a node under the existing parent node at the supplied location.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.delete(Location at)
          Request to delete the node at the given location.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.delete(Location at)
          Request to delete the node at the given location.
 Node Results.getNode(Location location)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 NodeType Graph.BaseResults.getNode(Location location)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Location location)
          Request to read the node at the supplied location.
 boolean Results.includes(Location location)
          Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
 boolean Graph.BaseResults.includes(Location location)
          Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
 Next Graph.Into.into(Location parentLocation)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Next Graph.ImportInto.into(Location to)
          Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Graph.WithUuids<T> Graph.CloneTargetAction.into(Location into)
 boolean Location.isSame(Location other)
          Compare this location to the supplied location, and determine whether the two locations represent the same logical location.
 boolean Location.isSame(Location other, boolean requireSameNameSiblingIndexes)
          Compare this location to the supplied location, and determine whether the two locations represent the same logical location.
 Graph.Move<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.move(Location from)
          Begin the request to move a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.move(Location from)
          Begin the request to move a node at the specified location into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Next Graph.Of.of(Location to)
          Specify the location of the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.On.on(Location to)
          Specify the location of the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Graph.BatchConjunction location)
          Request to read the node at the supplied location.
 Next Graph.BlockOfChildren.startingAfter(Location previousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next desiredLocation)
          Finish the request by specifying the Location.create where the node should be copied/moved.
 Next location)
          Set the property value to be a reference to the given location.
 Next Graph.Under.under(Location to)
          Specify the location of the node under which the request is to operate.

Uses of Location in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Location
 MapNode MapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.

Uses of Location in

Methods in with parameters of type Location
 XmlHandler GraphImporter.getHandlerForImportingXml(Location location, boolean skip)
          Return an XmlHandler that can be used to import content directly into the supplied location.
 Graph.Batch GraphImporter.importXml(InputStream stream, Location location)
          Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.
 Graph.Batch GraphImporter.importXml(InputStream stream, Location location, boolean skip)
          Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.
 Graph.Batch GraphImporter.importXml(URI uri, Location location)
          Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.
 Graph.Batch GraphImporter.importXml(URI uri, Location location, boolean skip)
          Read the content from the supplied URI and import into the repository at the supplied location.

Uses of Location in org.jboss.dna.graph.observe

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.graph.observe with parameters of type Location
NetChangeObserver.NetChange(String sourceName, String workspaceName, Location location, EnumSet<NetChangeObserver.ChangeType> eventTypes, Set<Property> modifiedProperties, Set<Name> removedProperties)

Uses of Location in

Methods in that return Location
 Location PathNotFoundException.getLocation()
          Get the path that was not found

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Location
 Map<Location,List<Reference>> ReferentialIntegrityException.getInvalidReferences()

Constructors in with parameters of type Location
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist)
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist, String message)
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist, String message, Throwable cause)
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist, Throwable cause)
ReferentialIntegrityException(Location location, Reference... invalidReferences)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Location
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location,List<Reference>> invalidReferences)
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location,List<Reference>> invalidReferences, String message)
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location,List<Reference>> invalidReferences, String message, Throwable cause)
ReferentialIntegrityException(Map<Location,List<Reference>> invalidReferences, Throwable cause)

Uses of Location in org.jboss.dna.graph.request

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.request that return Location
          Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
          Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
          Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
          Get the location defining the top of the branch to be read
          Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
          Get the location defining the top of the branch to be deleted
          Get the location defining the top of the branch to be deleted
 Location MoveBranchRequest.before()
          Get the location defining the node before which the branch is to be placed
 Location UpdateValuesRequest.changedLocation()
 Location UpdatePropertiesRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location SetPropertyRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location RenameNodeRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location RemovePropertyRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location MoveBranchRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location DestroyWorkspaceRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location DeleteChildrenRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location DeleteBranchRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location CreateWorkspaceRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location CreateNodeRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location CopyBranchRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location CloneWorkspaceRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location CloneBranchRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
abstract  Location ChangeRequest.changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 Location RemovePropertyRequest.from()
          Get the location defining the node from which the property is to be removed.
 Location MoveBranchRequest.from()
          Get the location defining the top of the branch to be moved
 Location CopyBranchRequest.from()
          Get the location defining the top of the branch to be copied
 Location CloneBranchRequest.from()
          Get the location defining the top of the branch to be cloned
 Location RenameNodeRequest.getActualLocationAfter()
          Get the actual location of the node after being renamed.
 Location MoveBranchRequest.getActualLocationAfter()
          Get the actual location of the node after being moved.
 Location CopyBranchRequest.getActualLocationAfter()
          Get the actual location of the node after being copied.
 Location CloneBranchRequest.getActualLocationAfter()
          Get the actual location of the node after being cloned.
 Location RenameNodeRequest.getActualLocationBefore()
          Get the actual location of the node before being renamed.
 Location MoveBranchRequest.getActualLocationBefore()
          Get the actual location of the node before being moved.
 Location CopyBranchRequest.getActualLocationBefore()
          Get the actual location of the node before being copied.
 Location CloneBranchRequest.getActualLocationBefore()
          Get the actual location of the node before being cloned.
 Location VerifyNodeExistsRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node whose properties were read.
 Location UpdateValuesRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
 Location UpdatePropertiesRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
 Location SetPropertyRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
 Location RemovePropertyRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was updated.
 Location ReadPropertyRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node whose property was read.
 Location ReadNodeRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node whose children and properties were read.
 Location ReadBranchRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was read.
 Location ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node whose children were read.
 Location ReadAllPropertiesRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node whose properties were read.
 Location ReadAllChildrenRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node whose children were read.
 Location DeleteChildrenRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was deleted.
 Location DeleteBranchRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was deleted.
 Location CreateNodeRequest.getActualLocationOfNode()
          Get the actual location of the node that was created.
 Location VerifyWorkspaceRequest.getActualLocationOfRoot()
          Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
 Location DestroyWorkspaceRequest.getActualLocationOfRoot()
          Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
 Location CreateWorkspaceRequest.getActualLocationOfRoot()
          Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
 Location CloneWorkspaceRequest.getActualLocationOfRoot()
          Get the actual location of the root node in the new workspace, or null if the workspace was not (yet) created.
 Location ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.getActualLocationOfStartingAfterNode()
          Get the actual location of the starting after sibling.
 Location ReadBranchRequest.getLocationFor(Path path)
          Get the location for the supplied path.
 Location MoveBranchRequest.into()
          Get the location defining the parent where the branch is to be placed
 Location CopyBranchRequest.into()
          Get the location defining the parent where the new copy is to be placed
 Location CloneBranchRequest.into()
          Get the location defining the parent where the new clone is to be placed
 Location ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.of()
          Get the location defining the node whose children are to be read.
 Location ReadAllChildrenRequest.of()
          Get the location defining the node whose children are to be read.
 Location UpdateValuesRequest.on()
          Get the location defining the node that is to be updated.
 Location UpdatePropertiesRequest.on()
          Get the location defining the node that is to be updated.
 Location SetPropertyRequest.on()
          Get the location defining the node that is to be updated.
 Location ReadPropertyRequest.on()
          Get the location defining the node that is to be read.
 Location ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.startingAfter()
          Get the location of the child after which the block begins.
 Location CreateNodeRequest.under()
          Get the location defining the parent of the new node that is to be created.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.request that return types with arguments of type Location
 List<Location> DeleteChildrenRequest.getActualChildrenDeleted()
          Get the list of the actual children that were deleted.
 List<Location> ReadNodeRequest.getChildren()
          Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
 List<Location> ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.getChildren()
          Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
 List<Location> ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.getChildren()
          Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
 List<Location> ReadAllChildrenRequest.getChildren()
          Get the children that were read from the RepositoryConnection after the request was processed.
 List<Location> ReadBranchRequest.getChildren(Location parent)
          Get the children of the node at the supplied location.
 Set<Location> CloneBranchRequest.getRemovedNodes()
          Get the set of nodes that were removed because of this clone operation.
 Iterator<Location> ReadNodeRequest.iterator()
 Iterator<Location> ReadBranchRequest.iterator()
           The resulting iterator accesses the Location objects in the branch, in pre-order traversal order.
 Iterator<Location> ReadAllChildrenRequest.iterator()

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.request with parameters of type Location
 void ReadNodeRequest.addChild(Location child)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Location child)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Location child)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.addChild(Location child)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.addDeletedChild(Location child)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 UpdateValuesRequest RequestBuilder.addValues(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
          Add a request to add values to a property on an existing node
 CloneBranchRequest RequestBuilder.cloneBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Add a request to clone a branch to another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.cloneBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Add a request to clone a branch to another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.copyBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy)
          Add a request to copy a branch to another.
 CopyBranchRequest RequestBuilder.copyBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to copy a branch to another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.copyBranch(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to copy a branch to another.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 CreateNodeRequest RequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.createNode(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property[] properties, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Add a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
 DeleteBranchRequest RequestBuilder.deleteBranch(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to delete a branch.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.deleteBranch(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to delete a branch.
 List<Location> ReadBranchRequest.getChildren(Location parent)
          Get the children of the node at the supplied location.
 Map<Name,Property> ReadBranchRequest.getPropertiesFor(Location location)
          Get the nodes that make up this branch.
 boolean ReadBranchRequest.includes(Location location)
          Return whether this branch contains the specified location.
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, Location before, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another before the given child node of the new location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, Location before, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForNode, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 MoveBranchRequest RequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.moveBranch(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
 ReadAllChildrenRequest RequestBuilder.readAllChildren(Location of, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the children of a node at the supplied location in the designated workspace.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readAllChildren(Location of, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the children of a node at the supplied location in the designated workspace.
 ReadAllPropertiesRequest RequestBuilder.readAllProperties(Location of, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readAllProperties(Location of, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest RequestBuilder.readBlockOfChildren(Location of, String workspaceName, int startingIndex, int count)
          Add a request to read a block of the children of a node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readBlockOfChildren(Location of, String workspaceName, int startingIndex, int count)
          Add a request to read a block of the children of a node at the supplied location.
 ReadBranchRequest RequestBuilder.readBranch(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the branch at the supplied location, to a maximum depth of 2.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readBranch(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the branch at the supplied location, to a maximum depth of 2.
 ReadBranchRequest RequestBuilder.readBranch(Location at, String workspaceName, int maxDepth)
          Add a request to read the branch (of given depth) at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readBranch(Location at, String workspaceName, int maxDepth)
          Add a request to read the branch (of given depth) at the supplied location.
 ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest RequestBuilder.readNextBlockOfChildren(Location startingAfter, String workspaceName, int count)
          Add a request to read those children of a node that are immediately after a supplied sibling node.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readNextBlockOfChildren(Location startingAfter, String workspaceName, int count)
          Add a request to read those children of a node that are immediately after a supplied sibling node.
 ReadNodeRequest RequestBuilder.readNode(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readNode(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 ReadPropertyRequest RequestBuilder.readProperty(Location of, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.readProperty(Location of, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
 Request RequestBuilder.removeProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Name... propertyNames)
          Add a request to remove from the node the properties with the supplied names.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.removeProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Name... propertyNames)
          Add a request to remove from the node the properties with the supplied names.
 RemovePropertyRequest RequestBuilder.removeProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to remove the property with the supplied name from the given node.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.removeProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Add a request to remove the property with the supplied name from the given node.
 UpdateValuesRequest RequestBuilder.removeValues(String workspaceName, Location on, Name property, List<Object> values)
          Add a request to remove values from a property on an existing node
 RenameNodeRequest RequestBuilder.renameNode(Location at, String workspaceName, Name newName)
          Add a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.renameNode(Location at, String workspaceName, Name newName)
          Add a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
 void UpdateValuesRequest.setActualLocation(Location actual, List<Object> actualAddedValues, List<Object> actualRemovedValues)
 void VerifyNodeExistsRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose properties have been read.
 void UpdatePropertiesRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being updated.
 void SetPropertyRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being updated.
 void RemovePropertyRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being updated.
 void ReadPropertyRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose property has been read.
 void ReadNodeRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children and properties have been read.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being read.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children have been read.
 void ReadAllPropertiesRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose properties have been read.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actualLocation)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children have been read.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being deleted.
 void DeleteBranchRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being deleted.
 void CreateNodeRequest.setActualLocationOfNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being created.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.setActualLocationOfStartingAfterNode(Location actual)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node whose children have been read.
 void RenameNodeRequest.setActualLocations(Location oldLocation, Location newLocation)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
 void MoveBranchRequest.setActualLocations(Location oldLocation, Location newLocation)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
 void CopyBranchRequest.setActualLocations(Location fromLocation, Location intoLocation)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
 void CloneBranchRequest.setActualLocations(Location fromLocation, Location intoLocation)
          Sets the actual and complete location of the node being renamed and its new location.
 void VerifyWorkspaceRequest.setActualRootLocation(Location actualLocationOfRoot)
          Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
 void DestroyWorkspaceRequest.setActualRootLocation(Location actualLocationOfRoot)
          Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
 void CreateWorkspaceRequest.setActualRootLocation(Location actualLocationOfRoot)
          Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
 void CloneWorkspaceRequest.setActualRootLocation(Location actualLocationOfRoot)
          Set the actual location of the root node in the new workspace.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setChildren(Location parent, List<Location> children)
          Record the children for a parent node in the branch.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setChildren(Location parent, Location... children)
          Record the children for a parent node in the branch.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setChildren(Location parent, Location... children)
          Record the children for a parent node in the branch.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setProperties(Location node, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Add a node that was read from the RepositoryConnection.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setProperties(Location node, Property... properties)
          Add a node that was read from the RepositoryConnection.
 Request RequestBuilder.setProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Property... properties)
          Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.setProperties(Location on, String workspaceName, Property... properties)
          Add a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
 SetPropertyRequest RequestBuilder.setProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Property property)
          Add a request to update the property on the node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.setProperty(Location on, String workspaceName, Property property)
          Add a request to update the property on the node at the supplied location.
 VerifyNodeExistsRequest RequestBuilder.verifyNodeExists(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to verify the existance and location of a node at the supplied location.
 BatchRequestBuilder BatchRequestBuilder.verifyNodeExists(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Add a request to verify the existance and location of a node at the supplied location.

Method parameters in org.jboss.dna.graph.request with type arguments of type Location
 void ReadNodeRequest.addChildren(Iterable<Location> children)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChildren(Iterable<Location> children)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChildren(Iterable<Location> children)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.addChildren(Iterable<Location> children)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.addDeletedChildren(Iterable<Location> children)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the supplied children with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadBranchRequest.setChildren(Location parent, List<Location> children)
          Record the children for a parent node in the branch.
 void CloneBranchRequest.setRemovedNodes(Set<Location> existingNodesThatWereRemoved)
          Set the locations of the nodes that were removed by this operation, if CloneBranchRequest.removeExisting() is true.

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.graph.request with parameters of type Location
CloneBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForClone, Path.Segment exactSegmentForClone, boolean removeExisting)
          Create a request to clone a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace)
          Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy)
          Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CopyBranchRequest(Location from, String fromWorkspace, Location into, String intoWorkspace, Name nameForCopy, NodeConflictBehavior nodeConflictBehavior)
          Create a request to copy a branch to another.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Property... properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
CreateNodeRequest(Location parentLocation, String workspaceName, Name childName, Property... properties)
          Create a request to create a node with the given properties under the supplied location.
DeleteBranchRequest(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to delete a branch.
DeleteChildrenRequest(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to delete all children of the supplied node.
MoveBranchRequest(Location from, Location into, Location before, String workspaceName, Name newNameForMovedNode, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, Name newNameForMovedNode)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
MoveBranchRequest(Location from, Location into, String workspaceName, NodeConflictBehavior conflictBehavior)
          Create a request to move a branch from one location into another.
ReadAllChildrenRequest(Location of, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to read the children of a node at the supplied location in the designated workspace.
ReadAllPropertiesRequest(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest(Location of, String workspaceName, int startingIndex, int count)
          Create a request to read a block of the children of a node at the supplied location.
ReadBranchRequest(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to read the branch at the supplied location, to a maximum depth of 2.
ReadBranchRequest(Location at, String workspaceName, int maxDepth)
          Create a request to read the branch (of given depth) at the supplied location.
ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest(Location startingAfter, String workspaceName, int count)
          Create a request to read those children of a node that are immediately after a supplied sibling node.
ReadNodeRequest(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
ReadPropertyRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Create a request to read the properties and number of children of a node at the supplied location.
RemovePropertyRequest(Location from, String workspaceName, Name propertyName)
          Create a request to remove a named property from the node at the supplied location.
RenameNodeRequest(Location at, String workspaceName, Name newName)
          Create a request to rename the node at the supplied location.
SetPropertyRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Property property)
          Create a request to set the property on the node at the supplied location.
UpdatePropertiesRequest(Location on, String workspaceName, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Create a request to update the properties on the node at the supplied location.
UpdateValuesRequest(String workspaceName, Location on, Name propertyName, List<Object> addedValues, List<Object> removedValues)
VerifyNodeExistsRequest(Location at, String workspaceName)
          Create a request to verify the existance and location of a node at the supplied location.

Uses of Location in org.jboss.dna.graph.session

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.session that return Location
 Location GraphSession.Node.getLocation()
          Get the current location for this node.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.session with parameters of type Location
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.findNodeWith(Location location)
          Find in the session the node with the supplied location.
 void GraphSession.Operations.postUpdateLocation(GraphSession.Node<NodePayload,PropertyPayload> node, Location oldLocation)
          Signal that the node's location has been changed
 void GraphSession.NodeOperations.postUpdateLocation(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> node, Location oldLocation)
          Signal that the node's location has been changed

Method parameters in org.jboss.dna.graph.session with type arguments of type Location
 void GraphSession.Node.loadedWith(List<Location> children, Map<Name,GraphSession.PropertyInfo<PropertyPayload>> properties, DateTime expirationTime)
          Define the persistent child information that this node is to be populated with.

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.graph.session with parameters of type Location
GraphSession.Node(GraphSession<Payload,PropertyPayload> cache, GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> parent, GraphSession.NodeId nodeId, Location location)

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