Uses of Class

Packages that use Duration
org.jboss.dna.common.math A set of classes that define mathematic operations for a particular class of values. 
org.jboss.dna.common.statistic A set of utilities for working with statistics, including a Stopwatch and Histograms. 

Uses of Duration in org.jboss.dna.common.math

Methods in org.jboss.dna.common.math that return Duration
 Duration Duration.add(Duration duration)
          Add the supplied duration to this duration, and return the result.
 Duration DurationOperations.add(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration Duration.add(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Add the supplied duration to this duration, and return the result.
 Duration DurationOperations.create(double value)
 Duration DurationOperations.create(int value)
 Duration DurationOperations.create(long value)
 Duration DurationOperations.createZeroValue()
 Duration Duration.divide(long denominator)
          Divide the duration by the supplied number, and return the result.
 Duration DurationOperations.fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal value)
 Duration DurationOperations.increment(Duration value)
 Duration DurationOperations.keepSignificantFigures(Duration value, int numSigFigs)
 Duration DurationOperations.maximum(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration DurationOperations.minimum(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration DurationOperations.multiply(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration Duration.multiply(long scale)
          Multiply the duration by the supplied scale factor, and return the result.
 Duration DurationOperations.negate(Duration value)
 Duration DurationOperations.random(Duration minimum, Duration maximum, Random rng)
 Duration DurationOperations.roundDown(Duration durationValue, int decimalShift)
 Duration DurationOperations.roundUp(Duration durationValue, int decimalShift)
 Duration Duration.subtract(Duration duration)
          Subtract the supplied duration from this duration, and return the result.
 Duration DurationOperations.subtract(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration Duration.subtract(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Subtract the supplied duration from this duration, and return the result.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.common.math that return types with arguments of type Duration
 Comparator<Duration> DurationOperations.getComparator()
 Class<Duration> DurationOperations.getOperandClass()

Methods in org.jboss.dna.common.math with parameters of type Duration
 Duration Duration.add(Duration duration)
          Add the supplied duration to this duration, and return the result.
 Duration DurationOperations.add(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 BigDecimal DurationOperations.asBigDecimal(Duration value)
 int value1, Duration value2)
 int Duration.compareTo(Duration that)
 double Duration.divide(Duration duration)
          Divide the duration by another duration to calculate the ratio.
 double DurationOperations.divide(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 double DurationOperations.doubleValue(Duration value)
 float DurationOperations.floatValue(Duration value)
 int DurationOperations.getExponentInScientificNotation(Duration value)
 Duration DurationOperations.increment(Duration value)
 int DurationOperations.intValue(Duration value)
 Duration DurationOperations.keepSignificantFigures(Duration value, int numSigFigs)
 long DurationOperations.longValue(Duration value)
 Duration DurationOperations.maximum(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration DurationOperations.minimum(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration DurationOperations.multiply(Duration value1, Duration value2)
 Duration DurationOperations.negate(Duration value)
 Duration DurationOperations.random(Duration minimum, Duration maximum, Random rng)
 Duration DurationOperations.roundDown(Duration durationValue, int decimalShift)
 Duration DurationOperations.roundUp(Duration durationValue, int decimalShift)
 short DurationOperations.shortValue(Duration value)
 double DurationOperations.sqrt(Duration value)
 Duration Duration.subtract(Duration duration)
          Subtract the supplied duration from this duration, and return the result.
 Duration DurationOperations.subtract(Duration value1, Duration value2)

Uses of Duration in org.jboss.dna.common.statistic

Methods in org.jboss.dna.common.statistic that return Duration
 Duration Stopwatch.getAverageDuration()
          Get the average duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
 Duration Stopwatch.getMaximumDuration()
          Get the maximum duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
 Duration Stopwatch.getMedianDuration()
          Get the median duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
 Duration Stopwatch.getMinimumDuration()
          Get the minimum duration that this stopwatch has recorded.
 Duration Stopwatch.getTotalDuration()
          Get the total duration that this stopwatch has recorded.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.common.statistic that return types with arguments of type Duration
 DetailedStatistics<Duration> Stopwatch.getDetailedStatistics()
          Return this stopwatch's detailed statistics, if they are being kept.
 Histogram<Duration> Stopwatch.getHistogram(int numSigmas)
          Return the histogram of this stopwatch's individual runs.
 SimpleStatistics<Duration> Stopwatch.getSimpleStatistics()
          Return this stopwatch's simple statistics.

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