Class DurationOperations

  extended by org.jboss.dna.common.math.DurationOperations
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparator<Duration>, MathOperations<Duration>

public class DurationOperations
extends Object
implements MathOperations<Duration>, Comparator<Duration>

The math operations for Durations.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Duration add(Duration value1, Duration value2)
          Add the two operands and return the sum.
 BigDecimal asBigDecimal(Duration value)
          Create a BigDecimal representation of the supplied value.
 int compare(Duration value1, Duration value2)
          Compare the two operands and return an integer that describes whether the first value is larger, smaller or the same as the second value.
 Duration create(double value)
          Convert the double representation into the natural object representation.
 Duration create(int value)
          Convert the integer representation into the natural object representation.
 Duration create(long value)
          Convert the long representation into the natural object representation.
 Duration createZeroValue()
          Create the object form of the "zero value".
 double divide(Duration value1, Duration value2)
          Divide the first operand by the second, and return the result.
 double doubleValue(Duration value)
          Convert the value to a double.
 float floatValue(Duration value)
          Convert the value to a float.
 Duration fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal value)
          Convert the BigDecimal representation into the natural object representation.
 Comparator<Duration> getComparator()
          Return a Comparator for this operand class.
 int getExponentInScientificNotation(Duration value)
          Get the exponent if the number were written in exponential form.
 Class<Duration> getOperandClass()
          Return the class that these operations operate upon.
 Duration increment(Duration value)
          Increment the supplied operand by 1.
 int intValue(Duration value)
          Convert the value to an integer.
 Duration keepSignificantFigures(Duration value, int numSigFigs)
 long longValue(Duration value)
          Convert the value to a long integer.
 Duration maximum(Duration value1, Duration value2)
          Compare the two operands and return the one that is larger.
 Duration minimum(Duration value1, Duration value2)
          Compare the two operands and return the one that is smaller.
 Duration multiply(Duration value1, Duration value2)
          Multiply the two operands and return the product.
 Duration negate(Duration value)
          Negate the supplied operand.
 Duration random(Duration minimum, Duration maximum, Random rng)
          Generate a random instance within the specified range.
 Duration roundDown(Duration durationValue, int decimalShift)
          Round down the supplied value to the desired scale.
 Duration roundUp(Duration durationValue, int decimalShift)
          Round up the supplied value to the desired scale.
 short shortValue(Duration value)
          Convert the value to a short.
 double sqrt(Duration value)
          Return the square root of the supplied operand.
 Duration subtract(Duration value1, Duration value2)
          Subtract the second operand from the first, and return the difference.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator

Constructor Detail


public DurationOperations()
Method Detail


public Class<Duration> getOperandClass()
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Return the class that these operations operate upon.

Specified by:
getOperandClass in interface MathOperations<Duration>
the class


public Duration add(Duration value1,
                    Duration value2)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Add the two operands and return the sum. The zero value is used in place of any operand that is null.

Specified by:
add in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value1 - the first operand
value2 - the second operand
the sum of the two operands.


public Duration subtract(Duration value1,
                         Duration value2)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Subtract the second operand from the first, and return the difference. The zero value is used in place of any operand that is null.

Specified by:
subtract in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value1 - the first operand
value2 - the second operand
the difference between the two operands.


public Duration multiply(Duration value1,
                         Duration value2)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Multiply the two operands and return the product. The zero value is used in place of any operand that is null.

Specified by:
multiply in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value1 - the first operand
value2 - the second operand
the product of the two operands.


public double divide(Duration value1,
                     Duration value2)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Divide the first operand by the second, and return the result. The zero value is used in place of any operand that is null.

Specified by:
divide in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value1 - the first operand
value2 - the second operand
the result of the division


public Duration negate(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Negate the supplied operand. The zero value is used in place of any operand that is null.

Specified by:
negate in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value that is to be negated
the result of the negation


public Duration increment(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Increment the supplied operand by 1. (Note, the exact meaning of "1" is dependent upon the particular operand class. The zero value is used in place of any operand that is null.

Specified by:
increment in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value that is to be incremented
the incremented value


public Duration maximum(Duration value1,
                        Duration value2)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Compare the two operands and return the one that is larger. A null value is considered smaller than non-null values (including 0).

Specified by:
maximum in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value1 - the first operand
value2 - the second operand
the larger of the two operands


public Duration minimum(Duration value1,
                        Duration value2)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Compare the two operands and return the one that is smaller. A null value is considered larger than non-null values (including 0).

Specified by:
minimum in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value1 - the first operand
value2 - the second operand
the smaller of the two operands


public int compare(Duration value1,
                   Duration value2)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Compare the two operands and return an integer that describes whether the first value is larger, smaller or the same as the second value. The semantics are identical to those of Comparable. The zero value is used in place of any operand that is null.

Specified by:
compare in interface Comparator<Duration>
Specified by:
compare in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value1 - the first operand
value2 - the second operand
-1 if the first value is smaller than the second, 1 if the first value is larger than the second, or 0 if they are equal.


public BigDecimal asBigDecimal(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Create a BigDecimal representation of the supplied value.

Specified by:
asBigDecimal in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value that is to be converted to a BigDecimal
the BigDecimal representation, or null if value is null


public Duration fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the BigDecimal representation into the natural object representation. This may result in loss of some data (e.g., converting a decimal to an integer results in the loss of the fractional part of the number).

Specified by:
fromBigDecimal in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the BigDecimal value
the natural representation, or null if value is null


public Duration createZeroValue()
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Create the object form of the "zero value". This is often used to create an uninitialized object.

Specified by:
createZeroValue in interface MathOperations<Duration>
the object that represents zero.


public Duration create(int value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the integer representation into the natural object representation.

Specified by:
create in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the integer value
the object representation of the integer


public Duration create(long value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the long representation into the natural object representation.

Specified by:
create in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the long value
the object representation of the long integer


public Duration create(double value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the double representation into the natural object representation.

Specified by:
create in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the double value
the object representation of the floating point number


public double sqrt(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Return the square root of the supplied operand.

Specified by:
sqrt in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value whose root is to be found; may not be null or 0
the square root of the value


public Comparator<Duration> getComparator()
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Return a Comparator for this operand class. The implementation is free to return the same comparator instance from multiple invocations of this method.

Specified by:
getComparator in interface MathOperations<Duration>
a comparator


public Duration random(Duration minimum,
                       Duration maximum,
                       Random rng)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Generate a random instance within the specified range.

Specified by:
random in interface MathOperations<Duration>
minimum - the minimum value, or null if the zero-value should be used for the minimum
maximum - the maximum value, or null if the zero-value should be used for the maximum
rng - the random number generator to use
an instance of the operand class placed within the desired range using a random distribution, or null if this class does not support generating random instances


public double doubleValue(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the value to a double. This may result in a loss of information depending upon the operand class.

Specified by:
doubleValue in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value
the representation as a double


public float floatValue(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the value to a float. This may result in a loss of information depending upon the operand class.

Specified by:
floatValue in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value
the representation as a float


public int intValue(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the value to an integer. This may result in a loss of information depending upon the operand class.

Specified by:
intValue in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value
the representation as an integer


public long longValue(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the value to a long integer. This may result in a loss of information depending upon the operand class.

Specified by:
longValue in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value
the representation as a long


public short shortValue(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Convert the value to a short. This may result in a loss of information depending upon the operand class.

Specified by:
shortValue in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value
the representation as a short


public int getExponentInScientificNotation(Duration value)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Get the exponent if the number were written in exponential form.

Specified by:
getExponentInScientificNotation in interface MathOperations<Duration>
value - the value
the scale


public Duration roundUp(Duration durationValue,
                        int decimalShift)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Round up the supplied value to the desired scale. This process works (conceptually) by shifting the decimal point of the value by decimalShift places, rounding, and then shifting the decimal point of the rounded value by -decimalShift

For example, consider the number 10.000354. This can be rounded to 10.0004 by calling this method and supplying the value and an "exponentToKeep" value of -4.

Specified by:
roundUp in interface MathOperations<Duration>
durationValue - the value to be rounded
decimalShift - the number of places the decimal point should be shifted before rounding
the rounded value


public Duration roundDown(Duration durationValue,
                          int decimalShift)
Description copied from interface: MathOperations
Round down the supplied value to the desired scale. This process works (conceptually) by shifting the decimal point of the value by decimalShift places, rounding, and then shifting the decimal point of the rounded value by -decimalShift

For example, consider the number 10.000354. This can be rounded to 10.0003 by calling this method and supplying the value and an "exponentToKeep" value of -4.

Specified by:
roundDown in interface MathOperations<Duration>
durationValue - the value to be rounded
decimalShift - the number of places the decimal point should be shifted before rounding
the rounded value


public Duration keepSignificantFigures(Duration value,
                                       int numSigFigs)
Specified by:
keepSignificantFigures in interface MathOperations<Duration>

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