Class SuggestionBoxTag

  extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase
      extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
          extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentELTag
              extended by org.richfaces.webapp.taglib.UIComponentELTagBase
                  extended by org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.UIComponentTagBase
                      extended by org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase
                          extended by org.richfaces.taglib.SuggestionBoxTag
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspIdConsumer, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag

public class SuggestionBoxTag
extends org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
bodyContent, pageContext, UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getComponentType()
 java.lang.String getRendererType()
 void release()
 void setAjaxSingle(javax.el.ValueExpression __ajaxSingle)
          Boolean attribute which provides possibility to limit JSF tree processing(decoding, conversion/validation, value applying) to the component which send the request only.
 void setBgcolor(javax.el.ValueExpression __bgcolor)
 void setBorder(javax.el.ValueExpression __border)
          This attributes specifies the width (in pixels only) of the frame around a table Setter for border
 void setBypassUpdates(javax.el.ValueExpression __bypassUpdates)
          If "true", after process validations phase it skips updates of model beans on a force render response.
 void setCellpadding(javax.el.ValueExpression __cellpadding)
          This attribute specifies the amount of space between the border of the cell and its contents.
 void setCellspacing(javax.el.ValueExpression __cellspacing)
          This attribute specifies how much space the user agent should leave between the table and the column on all four sides.
 void setEntryClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __entryClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the suggestion entry elements (table rows) Setter for entryClass
 void setEventsQueue(javax.el.ValueExpression __eventsQueue)
          Name of requests queue to avoid send next request before complete other from same event.
 void setFetchValue(javax.el.ValueExpression __fetchValue)
          A value to set in the target input element on a choice suggestion that isn't shown in the suggestion table.
 void setFirst(javax.el.ValueExpression __first)
          A zero-relative row number of the first row to display Setter for first
 void setFor(javax.el.ValueExpression __for)
          id (or full path of id's) of target components, for which this element must provide support.
 void setFrame(javax.el.ValueExpression __frame)
          This attribute specifies which sides of the frame surrounding a table will be visible.
 void setFrequency(javax.el.ValueExpression __frequency)
          Delay (in seconds) before activating the suggestion pop-up.
 void setHeight(javax.el.ValueExpression __height)
          Height of the pop-up window in pixels.
 void setIgnoreDupResponses(javax.el.ValueExpression __ignoreDupResponses)
          Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response produced by a request if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue already.
 void setImmediate(javax.el.ValueExpression __immediate)
          A flag indicating that this component value must be converted and validated immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting until a Process Validations phase.
 void setLimitToList(javax.el.ValueExpression __limitToList)
          If "true", then of all AJAX-rendered on the page components only those will be updated, which ID's are passed to the "reRender" attribute of the describable component.
 void setMinChars(javax.el.ValueExpression __minChars)
          Minimal number of chars in input to activate suggestion pop-up Setter for minChars
 void setNothingLabel(javax.el.ValueExpression __nothingLabel)
          "nothingLabel" is inserted to popup list if the autocomplete returns empty list.
 void setOnbeforedomupdate(javax.el.ValueExpression __onbeforedomupdate)
          The client-side script method to be called before DOM is updated Setter for onbeforedomupdate
 void setOncomplete(javax.el.ValueExpression __oncomplete)
          The client-side script method to be called after the request is completed Setter for oncomplete
 void setOnobjectchange(javax.el.ValueExpression __onobjectchange)
          The client-side script method to be called before the list of suggested objects is changed Setter for onobjectchange
 void setOnselect(javax.el.ValueExpression __onselect)
          The client-side script method to be called after the value of the target element is updated Setter for onselect
 void setOnsubmit(javax.el.ValueExpression __onsubmit)
          The client-side script method to be called before an ajax event is submitted Setter for onsubmit
 void setParam(javax.el.ValueExpression __param)
          Name the HTTP request parameter with the value of input element token.
 void setPopupClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __popupClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the content of the pop-up suggestion element Setter for popupClass
 void setPopupStyle(javax.el.ValueExpression __popupStyle)
          CSS style rules to be applied to the content of the pop-up suggestion element Setter for popupStyle
 void setProcess(javax.el.ValueExpression __process)
          Id['s] (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of components, processed at the phases 2-5 in case of AjaxRequest caused by this component.
protected  void setProperties(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
 void setRequestDelay(javax.el.ValueExpression __requestDelay)
          Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the request will be wait in the queue before it is ready to send.
 void setReRender(javax.el.ValueExpression __reRender)
          Id['s] (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest caused by this component.
 void setRowClasses(javax.el.ValueExpression __rowClasses)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the rows.
 void setRules(javax.el.ValueExpression __rules)
          This attribute specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table.
 void setSelectedClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectedClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the selected suggestion entry (table rows) Setter for selectedClass
 void setSelectValueClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectValueClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the cells of the selected suggestion entry (table cells) Setter for selectValueClass
 void setSelfRendered(javax.el.ValueExpression __selfRendered)
          If "true", forces active Ajax region render response directly from stored components tree, bypasses page processing.
 void setShadowDepth(javax.el.ValueExpression __shadowDepth)
          Pop-up shadow depth for suggestion content Setter for shadowDepth
 void setShadowOpacity(javax.el.ValueExpression __shadowOpacity)
          Attribute defines shadow opacity for suggestion content Setter for shadowOpacity
 void setSimilarityGroupingId(javax.el.ValueExpression __similarityGroupingId)
          If there are any component requests with identical IDs then these requests will be grouped.
 void setStatus(javax.el.ValueExpression __status)
          ID (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request status component Setter for status
 void setSuggestionAction(javax.el.MethodExpression __suggestionAction)
          Method calls an expression to get a collection of suggestion data on request.
 void setSummary(javax.el.ValueExpression __summary)
          This attribute provides a summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media such as speech and Braille Setter for summary
 void setTimeout(javax.el.ValueExpression __timeout)
          Response waiting time on a particular request.
 void setTokens(javax.el.ValueExpression __tokens)
          The list (or single value) of symbols which can be used for division chosen of suggestion pop-up values in a target element.
 void setUsingSuggestObjects(javax.el.ValueExpression __usingSuggestObjects)
          if true, a suggested object list will be created and will be updated every time when an input value is changed.
 void setVar(java.lang.String __var)
          A request-scope attribute via which the data object for the current row will be used when iterating Setter for var
 void setWidth(javax.el.ValueExpression __width)
          Width of the pop-up window in pixels.
 void setZindex(javax.el.ValueExpression __zindex)
          Attribute is similar to the standard HTML attribute and can specify window placement relative to the content.
Methods inherited from class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase
setDir, setLang, setOnclick, setOndblclick, setOnkeydown, setOnkeypress, setOnkeyup, setOnmousedown, setOnmousemove, setOnmouseout, setOnmouseover, setOnmouseup, setStyle, setStyleClass, setTitle
Methods inherited from class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.UIComponentTagBase
getExpressionFactory, isValueReference, setActionListenerProperty, setActionProperty, setBooleanProperty, setBooleanProperty, setDoubleProperty, setDoubleProperty, setFloatProperty, setFloatProperty, setIntegerProperty, setIntegerProperty, setLongProperty, setLongProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setStringProperty, setStringProperty, setValueChangedListenerProperty, setValueProperty, setValueProperty
Methods inherited from class org.richfaces.webapp.taglib.UIComponentELTagBase
setActionListenerProperty, setActionProperty, setConverterProperty, setRowKeyConverterProperty, setValidatorProperty, setValueChangeListenerProperty
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentELTag
createComponent, getELContext, hasBinding, setBinding, setRendered
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
addChild, addFacet, addVerbatimAfterComponent, addVerbatimBeforeComponent, createVerbatimComponent, createVerbatimComponentFromBodyContent, doAfterBody, doEndTag, doInitBody, doStartTag, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getBodyContent, getComponentInstance, getCreated, getCreatedComponents, getDoAfterBodyValue, getDoEndValue, getDoStartValue, getFacesContext, getFacesJspId, getFacetName, getId, getIndexOfNextChildTag, getJspId, getParent, getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase, getPreviousOut, setBodyContent, setId, setJspId, setPageContext, setParent, setupResponseWriter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
doEndTag, doStartTag, getParent, setPageContext, setParent

Constructor Detail


public SuggestionBoxTag()
Method Detail


public void setAjaxSingle(javax.el.ValueExpression __ajaxSingle)
Boolean attribute which provides possibility to limit JSF tree processing(decoding, conversion/validation, value applying) to the component which send the request only. Default value is "true" Setter for ajaxSingle

ajaxSingle - - new value


public void setBgcolor(javax.el.ValueExpression __bgcolor)
Deprecated. This attribute sets the background color for the document body or table cells. This attribute sets the background color of the canvas for the document body (the BODY element) or for tables (the TABLE, TR, TH, and TD elements). Additional attributes for specifying text color can be used with the BODY element. This attribute has been deprecated in favor of style sheets for specifying background color information Setter for bgcolor

bgcolor - - new value


public void setBorder(javax.el.ValueExpression __border)
This attributes specifies the width (in pixels only) of the frame around a table Setter for border

border - - new value


public void setBypassUpdates(javax.el.ValueExpression __bypassUpdates)
If "true", after process validations phase it skips updates of model beans on a force render response. It can be used for validating components input Setter for bypassUpdates

bypassUpdates - - new value


public void setCellpadding(javax.el.ValueExpression __cellpadding)
This attribute specifies the amount of space between the border of the cell and its contents. If the value of this attribute is a pixel length, all four margins should be this distance from the contents. If the value of the attribute is percentage length, the top and bottom margins should be equally separated from the content based on percentage of the available vertical space, and the left and right margins should be equally separated from the content based on percentage of the available horizontal space Setter for cellpadding

cellpadding - - new value


public void setCellspacing(javax.el.ValueExpression __cellspacing)
This attribute specifies how much space the user agent should leave between the table and the column on all four sides. The attribute also specifies the amount of space to leave between cells Setter for cellspacing

cellspacing - - new value


public void setEntryClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __entryClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the suggestion entry elements (table rows) Setter for entryClass

entryClass - - new value


public void setEventsQueue(javax.el.ValueExpression __eventsQueue)
Name of requests queue to avoid send next request before complete other from same event. Can be used to reduce number of requests of frequently events (key press, mouse move etc.) Setter for eventsQueue

eventsQueue - - new value


public void setFetchValue(javax.el.ValueExpression __fetchValue)
A value to set in the target input element on a choice suggestion that isn't shown in the suggestion table. It can be used for descriptive output comments or suggestions. If not set, all text in the suggestion row is set as a value Setter for fetchValue

fetchValue - - new value


public void setFirst(javax.el.ValueExpression __first)
A zero-relative row number of the first row to display Setter for first

first - - new value


public void setFor(javax.el.ValueExpression __for)
id (or full path of id's) of target components, for which this element must provide support. If a target component inside of the same <code>NamingContainer</code> (UIForm, UIData in base implementations), can be simple value of the "id" attribute. For other cases must include id's of <code>NamingContainer</code> components, separated by ':'. For search from the root of components, must be started with ':'. Setter for for

for - - new value


public void setFrame(javax.el.ValueExpression __frame)
This attribute specifies which sides of the frame surrounding a table will be visible. Possible values: "void", "above", "below", "hsides", "lhs", "rhs", "vsides", "box" and "border". The default value is "void". Setter for frame

frame - - new value


public void setFrequency(javax.el.ValueExpression __frequency)
Delay (in seconds) before activating the suggestion pop-up. Default value is 400ms Setter for frequency

frequency - - new value


public void setHeight(javax.el.ValueExpression __height)
Height of the pop-up window in pixels. Default value is "200". Setter for height

height - - new value


public void setIgnoreDupResponses(javax.el.ValueExpression __ignoreDupResponses)
Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response produced by a request if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue already. ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel the request while it is processed on the server, but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates on the client side if the response isn't actual now Setter for ignoreDupResponses

ignoreDupResponses - - new value


public void setImmediate(javax.el.ValueExpression __immediate)
A flag indicating that this component value must be converted and validated immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase), rather than waiting until a Process Validations phase. Setter for immediate

immediate - - new value


public void setLimitToList(javax.el.ValueExpression __limitToList)
If "true", then of all AJAX-rendered on the page components only those will be updated, which ID's are passed to the "reRender" attribute of the describable component. "false"-the default value-means that all components with ajaxRendered="true" will be updated. Setter for limitToList

limitToList - - new value


public void setMinChars(javax.el.ValueExpression __minChars)
Minimal number of chars in input to activate suggestion pop-up Setter for minChars

minChars - - new value


public void setNothingLabel(javax.el.ValueExpression __nothingLabel)
"nothingLabel" is inserted to popup list if the autocomplete returns empty list. It isn't selectable and list is closed as always after click on it and nothing is put to input. Setter for nothingLabel

nothingLabel - - new value


public void setOnbeforedomupdate(javax.el.ValueExpression __onbeforedomupdate)
The client-side script method to be called before DOM is updated Setter for onbeforedomupdate

onbeforedomupdate - - new value


public void setOncomplete(javax.el.ValueExpression __oncomplete)
The client-side script method to be called after the request is completed Setter for oncomplete

oncomplete - - new value


public void setOnobjectchange(javax.el.ValueExpression __onobjectchange)
The client-side script method to be called before the list of suggested objects is changed Setter for onobjectchange

onobjectchange - - new value


public void setOnselect(javax.el.ValueExpression __onselect)
The client-side script method to be called after the value of the target element is updated Setter for onselect

onselect - - new value


public void setOnsubmit(javax.el.ValueExpression __onsubmit)
The client-side script method to be called before an ajax event is submitted Setter for onsubmit

onsubmit - - new value


public void setParam(javax.el.ValueExpression __param)
Name the HTTP request parameter with the value of input element token. If not set, it be will sent as an input element name. In this case, input will perform validation and update the value. Default value is "inputvalue". Setter for param

param - - new value


public void setPopupClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __popupClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the content of the pop-up suggestion element Setter for popupClass

popupClass - - new value


public void setPopupStyle(javax.el.ValueExpression __popupStyle)
CSS style rules to be applied to the content of the pop-up suggestion element Setter for popupStyle

popupStyle - - new value


public void setProcess(javax.el.ValueExpression __process)
Id['s] (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of components, processed at the phases 2-5 in case of AjaxRequest caused by this component. Can be single id, comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with array or Collection Setter for process

process - - new value


public void setReRender(javax.el.ValueExpression __reRender)
Id['s] (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest caused by this component. Can be single id, comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with array or Collection Setter for reRender

reRender - - new value


public void setRequestDelay(javax.el.ValueExpression __requestDelay)
Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the request will be wait in the queue before it is ready to send. When the delay time is over, the request will be sent to the server or removed if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue already Setter for requestDelay

requestDelay - - new value


public void setRowClasses(javax.el.ValueExpression __rowClasses)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the rows. If the CSS class names are comma-separated, each class will be assigned to a particular row in the order they follow in the attribute. If you have less class names than rows, the class will be applied to every n-fold row where n is the order in which the class is listed in the attribute. If there are more class names than rows, the overflow ones are ignored. Setter for rowClasses

rowClasses - - new value


public void setRules(javax.el.ValueExpression __rules)
This attribute specifies which rules will appear between cells within a table. The rendering of rules is user agent dependent. Possible values: none: No rules. This is the default value. groups: Rules will appear between row groups (see THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY) and column groups (see COLGROUP and COL) only. rows: Rules will appear between rows only. cols: Rules will appear between columns only. all: Rules will appear between all rows and columns Setter for rules

rules - - new value


public void setSelectValueClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectValueClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the cells of the selected suggestion entry (table cells) Setter for selectValueClass

selectValueClass - - new value


public void setSelectedClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectedClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the selected suggestion entry (table rows) Setter for selectedClass

selectedClass - - new value


public void setSelfRendered(javax.el.ValueExpression __selfRendered)
If "true", forces active Ajax region render response directly from stored components tree, bypasses page processing. Can be used for increase performance. Also, must be set to 'true' inside iteration components, such as dataTable. Setter for selfRendered

selfRendered - - new value


public void setShadowDepth(javax.el.ValueExpression __shadowDepth)
Pop-up shadow depth for suggestion content Setter for shadowDepth

shadowDepth - - new value


public void setShadowOpacity(javax.el.ValueExpression __shadowOpacity)
Attribute defines shadow opacity for suggestion content Setter for shadowOpacity

shadowOpacity - - new value


public void setSimilarityGroupingId(javax.el.ValueExpression __similarityGroupingId)
If there are any component requests with identical IDs then these requests will be grouped. Setter for similarityGroupingId

similarityGroupingId - - new value


public void setStatus(javax.el.ValueExpression __status)
ID (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request status component Setter for status

status - - new value


public void setSuggestionAction(javax.el.MethodExpression __suggestionAction)
Method calls an expression to get a collection of suggestion data on request. It must have one parameter with a type of Object with content of input component and must return any type allowed for <h:datatable> Setter for suggestionAction

suggestionAction - - new value


public void setSummary(javax.el.ValueExpression __summary)
This attribute provides a summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media such as speech and Braille Setter for summary

summary - - new value


public void setTimeout(javax.el.ValueExpression __timeout)
Response waiting time on a particular request. If a response is not received during this time, the request is aborted Setter for timeout

timeout - - new value


public void setTokens(javax.el.ValueExpression __tokens)
The list (or single value) of symbols which can be used for division chosen of suggestion pop-up values in a target element. After input of a symbol from the list suggestion pop-up it is caused again Setter for tokens

tokens - - new value


public void setUsingSuggestObjects(javax.el.ValueExpression __usingSuggestObjects)
if true, a suggested object list will be created and will be updated every time when an input value is changed. Default value is "false". Setter for usingSuggestObjects

usingSuggestObjects - - new value


public void setVar(java.lang.String __var)
A request-scope attribute via which the data object for the current row will be used when iterating Setter for var

var - - new value


public void setWidth(javax.el.ValueExpression __width)
Width of the pop-up window in pixels. Default value is "200". Setter for width

width - - new value


public void setZindex(javax.el.ValueExpression __zindex)
Attribute is similar to the standard HTML attribute and can specify window placement relative to the content. Default value is "200". Setter for zindex

zindex - - new value


public void release()
Specified by:
release in interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
release in class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase


protected void setProperties(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
setProperties in class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase


public java.lang.String getComponentType()
Specified by:
getComponentType in class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase


public java.lang.String getRendererType()
Specified by:
getRendererType in class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase

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