Class ScrollableDataTableTag

  extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase
      extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
          extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentELTag
              extended by org.richfaces.webapp.taglib.UIComponentELTagBase
                  extended by org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.UIComponentTagBase
                      extended by org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase
                          extended by org.richfaces.taglib.ScrollableDataTableTag
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspIdConsumer, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag

public class ScrollableDataTableTag
extends org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
bodyContent, pageContext, UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getComponentType()
 java.lang.String getRendererType()
 void release()
 void setActiveClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __activeClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the component active row Setter for activeClass
 void setActiveRowKey(javax.el.ValueExpression __activeRowKey)
          Request scope attribute under which the activeRowKey will be accessible Setter for activeRowKey
 void setAjaxKeys(javax.el.ValueExpression __ajaxKeys)
          This attribute defines row keys that are updated after an AJAX request Setter for ajaxKeys
 void setBypassUpdates(javax.el.ValueExpression __bypassUpdates)
          If "true", after process validations phase it skips updates of model beans on a force render response.
 void setColumnClasses(javax.el.ValueExpression __columnClasses)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the columns of the table.
 void setComponentState(javax.el.ValueExpression __componentState)
          It defines EL-binding for a component state for saving or redefinition Setter for componentState
 void setData(javax.el.ValueExpression __data)
          Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed on the client by a developer on AJAX request.
 void setEventsQueue(javax.el.ValueExpression __eventsQueue)
          Name of requests queue to avoid send next request before complete other from same event.
 void setFirst(javax.el.ValueExpression __first)
          A zero-relative row number of the first row to display Setter for first
 void setFooterClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __footerClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to any footer generated for this component Setter for footerClass
 void setFrozenColCount(javax.el.ValueExpression __frozenColCount)
          Defines the number of the fixed columns from the left side that will not be scrolled via horizontal scroll.
 void setHeaderClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __headerClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to any header generated for this component Setter for headerClass
 void setHeight(javax.el.ValueExpression __height)
          Defines a height of the component.
 void setHideWhenScrolling(javax.el.ValueExpression __hideWhenScrolling)
          If "true" data will be hidden during scrolling.
 void setIgnoreDupResponses(javax.el.ValueExpression __ignoreDupResponses)
          Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response produced by a request if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue already.
 void setOnRowClick(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowClick)
          The client-side script method to be called when the row is clicked Setter for onRowClick
 void setOnRowDblClick(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowDblClick)
          The client-side script method to be called when the row is double-clicked Setter for onRowDblClick
 void setOnRowMouseDown(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowMouseDown)
          The client-side script method to be called when a mouse button is pressed down over the row Setter for onRowMouseDown
 void setOnRowMouseUp(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowMouseUp)
          The client-side script method to be called when a mouse button is released over the row Setter for onRowMouseUp
 void setOnselectionchange(javax.el.ValueExpression __onselectionchange)
          The client side script method to be called when a selected row is changed Setter for onselectionchange
protected  void setProperties(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
 void setRequestDelay(javax.el.ValueExpression __requestDelay)
          Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the request will be wait in the queue before it is ready to send.
 void setReRender(javax.el.ValueExpression __reRender)
          Id['s] (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest caused by this component.
 void setRowClasses(javax.el.ValueExpression __rowClasses)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the rows of the table.
 void setRowKeyConverter(javax.el.ValueExpression __rowKeyConverter)
          Converter for a row key object Setter for rowKeyConverter
 void setRowKeyVar(java.lang.String __rowKeyVar)
          The attribute provides access to a row key in a Request scope Setter for rowKeyVar
 void setRows(javax.el.ValueExpression __rows)
          A number of rows to display, or zero for all remaining rows in the table Setter for rows
 void setScriptVar(java.lang.String __scriptVar)
          Name of JavaScript variable corresponding to component Setter for scriptVar
 void setSelectedClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectedClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the component rows selected Setter for selectedClass
 void setSelection(javax.el.ValueExpression __selection)
          Value binding representing selected rows Setter for selection
 void setSelectionMode(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectionMode)
          Defines selection behaviour, provides an enumeration of the possible selection modes.
 void setSimilarityGroupingId(javax.el.ValueExpression __similarityGroupingId)
          If there are any component requests with identical IDs then these requests will be grouped.
 void setSortMode(javax.el.ValueExpression __sortMode)
          Defines mode of sorting.
 void setSortOrder(javax.el.ValueExpression __sortOrder)
          ValueBinding pointing at a property of a class to manage rows sorting Setter for sortOrder
 void setStateVar(java.lang.String __stateVar)
          The attribute provides access to a component state on the client side Setter for stateVar
 void setStatus(javax.el.ValueExpression __status)
          ID (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request status component Setter for status
 void setTimeout(javax.el.ValueExpression __timeout)
          Response waiting time on a particular request.
 void setValue(javax.el.ValueExpression __value)
          The current value for this component Setter for value
 void setVar(java.lang.String __var)
          A request-scope attribute via which the data object for the current row will be used when iterating Setter for var
 void setWidth(javax.el.ValueExpression __width)
          Defines a width of the component.
Methods inherited from class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase
setDir, setLang, setOnclick, setOndblclick, setOnkeydown, setOnkeypress, setOnkeyup, setOnmousedown, setOnmousemove, setOnmouseout, setOnmouseover, setOnmouseup, setStyle, setStyleClass, setTitle
Methods inherited from class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.UIComponentTagBase
getExpressionFactory, isValueReference, setActionListenerProperty, setActionProperty, setBooleanProperty, setBooleanProperty, setDoubleProperty, setDoubleProperty, setFloatProperty, setFloatProperty, setIntegerProperty, setIntegerProperty, setLongProperty, setLongProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setStringProperty, setStringProperty, setValueChangedListenerProperty, setValueProperty, setValueProperty
Methods inherited from class org.richfaces.webapp.taglib.UIComponentELTagBase
setActionListenerProperty, setActionProperty, setConverterProperty, setRowKeyConverterProperty, setValidatorProperty, setValueChangeListenerProperty
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentELTag
createComponent, getELContext, hasBinding, setBinding, setRendered
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
addChild, addFacet, addVerbatimAfterComponent, addVerbatimBeforeComponent, createVerbatimComponent, createVerbatimComponentFromBodyContent, doAfterBody, doEndTag, doInitBody, doStartTag, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getBodyContent, getComponentInstance, getCreated, getCreatedComponents, getDoAfterBodyValue, getDoEndValue, getDoStartValue, getFacesContext, getFacesJspId, getFacetName, getId, getIndexOfNextChildTag, getJspId, getParent, getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase, getPreviousOut, setBodyContent, setId, setJspId, setPageContext, setParent, setupResponseWriter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
doEndTag, doStartTag, getParent, setPageContext, setParent

Constructor Detail


public ScrollableDataTableTag()
Method Detail


public void setActiveClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __activeClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the component active row Setter for activeClass

activeClass - - new value


public void setActiveRowKey(javax.el.ValueExpression __activeRowKey)
Request scope attribute under which the activeRowKey will be accessible Setter for activeRowKey

activeRowKey - - new value


public void setAjaxKeys(javax.el.ValueExpression __ajaxKeys)
This attribute defines row keys that are updated after an AJAX request Setter for ajaxKeys

ajaxKeys - - new value


public void setBypassUpdates(javax.el.ValueExpression __bypassUpdates)
If "true", after process validations phase it skips updates of model beans on a force render response. It can be used for validating components input Setter for bypassUpdates

bypassUpdates - - new value


public void setColumnClasses(javax.el.ValueExpression __columnClasses)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the columns of the table. If the CSS class names are comma-separated, each class will be assigned to a particular column in the order they follow in the attribute. If you have less class names than columns, the class will be applied to every n-fold column where n is the order in which the class is listed in the attribute. If there are more class names than columns, the overflow ones are ignored. Setter for columnClasses

columnClasses - - new value


public void setComponentState(javax.el.ValueExpression __componentState)
It defines EL-binding for a component state for saving or redefinition Setter for componentState

componentState - - new value


public void setData(javax.el.ValueExpression __data)
Serialized (on default with JSON) data passed on the client by a developer on AJAX request. It's accessible via "" syntax Setter for data

data - - new value


public void setEventsQueue(javax.el.ValueExpression __eventsQueue)
Name of requests queue to avoid send next request before complete other from same event. Can be used to reduce number of requests of frequently events (key press, mouse move etc.) Setter for eventsQueue

eventsQueue - - new value


public void setFirst(javax.el.ValueExpression __first)
A zero-relative row number of the first row to display Setter for first

first - - new value


public void setFooterClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __footerClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to any footer generated for this component Setter for footerClass

footerClass - - new value


public void setFrozenColCount(javax.el.ValueExpression __frozenColCount)
Defines the number of the fixed columns from the left side that will not be scrolled via horizontal scroll. Default value is "0". Setter for frozenColCount

frozenColCount - - new value


public void setHeaderClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __headerClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to any header generated for this component Setter for headerClass

headerClass - - new value


public void setHeight(javax.el.ValueExpression __height)
Defines a height of the component. Default value is "500px". Setter for height

height - - new value


public void setHideWhenScrolling(javax.el.ValueExpression __hideWhenScrolling)
If "true" data will be hidden during scrolling. Can be used for increase performance. Default value is "false". Setter for hideWhenScrolling

hideWhenScrolling - - new value


public void setIgnoreDupResponses(javax.el.ValueExpression __ignoreDupResponses)
Attribute allows to ignore an Ajax Response produced by a request if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue already. ignoreDupResponses="true" does not cancel the request while it is processed on the server, but just allows to avoid unnecessary updates on the client side if the response isn't actual now Setter for ignoreDupResponses

ignoreDupResponses - - new value


public void setOnRowClick(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowClick)
The client-side script method to be called when the row is clicked Setter for onRowClick

onRowClick - - new value


public void setOnRowDblClick(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowDblClick)
The client-side script method to be called when the row is double-clicked Setter for onRowDblClick

onRowDblClick - - new value


public void setOnRowMouseDown(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowMouseDown)
The client-side script method to be called when a mouse button is pressed down over the row Setter for onRowMouseDown

onRowMouseDown - - new value


public void setOnRowMouseUp(javax.el.ValueExpression __onRowMouseUp)
The client-side script method to be called when a mouse button is released over the row Setter for onRowMouseUp

onRowMouseUp - - new value


public void setOnselectionchange(javax.el.ValueExpression __onselectionchange)
The client side script method to be called when a selected row is changed Setter for onselectionchange

onselectionchange - - new value


public void setReRender(javax.el.ValueExpression __reRender)
Id['s] (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of components, rendered in case of AjaxRequest caused by this component. Can be single id, comma-separated list of Id's, or EL Expression with array or Collection Setter for reRender

reRender - - new value


public void setRequestDelay(javax.el.ValueExpression __requestDelay)
Attribute defines the time (in ms.) that the request will be wait in the queue before it is ready to send. When the delay time is over, the request will be sent to the server or removed if the newest 'similar' request is in a queue already Setter for requestDelay

requestDelay - - new value


public void setRowClasses(javax.el.ValueExpression __rowClasses)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the rows of the table. If the CSS class names are comma-separated, each class will be assigned to a particular row in the order they follow in the attribute. If you have less class names than rows, the class will be applied to every n-fold row where n is the order in which the class is listed in the attribute. If there are more class names than rows, the overflow ones are ignored. Setter for rowClasses

rowClasses - - new value


public void setRowKeyConverter(javax.el.ValueExpression __rowKeyConverter)
Converter for a row key object Setter for rowKeyConverter

rowKeyConverter - - new value


public void setRowKeyVar(java.lang.String __rowKeyVar)
The attribute provides access to a row key in a Request scope Setter for rowKeyVar

rowKeyVar - - new value


public void setRows(javax.el.ValueExpression __rows)
A number of rows to display, or zero for all remaining rows in the table Setter for rows

rows - - new value


public void setScriptVar(java.lang.String __scriptVar)
Name of JavaScript variable corresponding to component Setter for scriptVar

scriptVar - - new value


public void setSelectedClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectedClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the component rows selected Setter for selectedClass

selectedClass - - new value


public void setSelection(javax.el.ValueExpression __selection)
Value binding representing selected rows Setter for selection

selection - - new value


public void setSelectionMode(javax.el.ValueExpression __selectionMode)
Defines selection behaviour, provides an enumeration of the possible selection modes. Default value is "multi" Setter for selectionMode

selectionMode - - new value


public void setSimilarityGroupingId(javax.el.ValueExpression __similarityGroupingId)
If there are any component requests with identical IDs then these requests will be grouped. Setter for similarityGroupingId

similarityGroupingId - - new value


public void setSortMode(javax.el.ValueExpression __sortMode)
Defines mode of sorting. Possible values are 'single' for sorting of one column and 'multi' for some. Setter for sortMode

sortMode - - new value


public void setSortOrder(javax.el.ValueExpression __sortOrder)
ValueBinding pointing at a property of a class to manage rows sorting Setter for sortOrder

sortOrder - - new value


public void setStateVar(java.lang.String __stateVar)
The attribute provides access to a component state on the client side Setter for stateVar

stateVar - - new value


public void setStatus(javax.el.ValueExpression __status)
ID (in format of call UIComponent.findComponent()) of Request status component Setter for status

status - - new value


public void setTimeout(javax.el.ValueExpression __timeout)
Response waiting time on a particular request. If a response is not received during this time, the request is aborted Setter for timeout

timeout - - new value


public void setValue(javax.el.ValueExpression __value)
The current value for this component Setter for value

value - - new value


public void setVar(java.lang.String __var)
A request-scope attribute via which the data object for the current row will be used when iterating Setter for var

var - - new value


public void setWidth(javax.el.ValueExpression __width)
Defines a width of the component. Default value is "700px". Setter for width

width - - new value


public void release()
Specified by:
release in interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
release in class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase


protected void setProperties(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
setProperties in class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase


public java.lang.String getComponentType()
Specified by:
getComponentType in class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase


public java.lang.String getRendererType()
Specified by:
getRendererType in class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase

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