Class RichMessageTag

  extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase
      extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
          extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentELTag
              extended by org.richfaces.webapp.taglib.UIComponentELTagBase
                  extended by org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.UIComponentTagBase
                      extended by org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase
                          extended by org.richfaces.taglib.RichMessageTag
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspIdConsumer, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag, javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag

public class RichMessageTag
extends org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
bodyContent, pageContext, UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag
Fields inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getComponentType()
 java.lang.String getRendererType()
 void release()
 void setAjaxRendered(javax.el.ValueExpression __ajaxRendered)
          Define, must be (or not) content of this component will be included in AJAX response created by parent AJAX Container, even if not forced by reRender list of ajax action.
 void setErrorClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __errorClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "ERROR" Setter for errorClass
 void setErrorLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __errorLabelClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "ERROR" Setter for errorLabelClass
 void setErrorMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __errorMarkerClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class of "ERROR" Setter for errorMarkerClass
 void setFatalClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __fatalClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "FATAL" Setter for fatalClass
 void setFatalLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __fatalLabelClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "FATAL" Setter for fatalLabelClass
 void setFatalMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __fatalMarkerClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class of "FATAL" Setter for fatalMarkerClass
 void setFor(javax.el.ValueExpression __for)
          Client identifier of the component for which to display messages Setter for for
 void setInfoClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __infoClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "INFO" Setter for infoClass
 void setInfoLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __infoLabelClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "INFO" Setter for infoLabelClass
 void setInfoMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __infoMarkerClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class of "INFO" Setter for infoMarkerClass
 void setLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __labelClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label Setter for labelClass
 void setLevel(javax.el.ValueExpression __level)
          Defines a comma-separated list of messages categories to display.
 void setMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __markerClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker Setter for markerClass
 void setMarkerStyle(javax.el.ValueExpression __markerStyle)
          CSS style rules to be applied to the message marker Setter for markerStyle
 void setMinLevel(javax.el.ValueExpression __minLevel)
          Defines a minimum level of messages categories to display.
protected  void setProperties(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
 void setShowDetail(javax.el.ValueExpression __showDetail)
          Flag indicating whether detailed information of a displayed messages should be included.
 void setShowSummary(javax.el.ValueExpression __showSummary)
          Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages should be included.
 void setTooltip(javax.el.ValueExpression __tooltip)
          Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the message should be displayed as a tooltip.
 void setWarnClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __warnClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "WARN" Setter for warnClass
 void setWarnLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __warnLabelClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "WARN" Setter for warnLabelClass
 void setWarnMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __warnMarkerClass)
          Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class ofS "WARN" Setter for warnMarkerClass
Methods inherited from class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase
setDir, setLang, setOnclick, setOndblclick, setOnkeydown, setOnkeypress, setOnkeyup, setOnmousedown, setOnmousemove, setOnmouseout, setOnmouseover, setOnmouseup, setStyle, setStyleClass, setTitle
Methods inherited from class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.UIComponentTagBase
getExpressionFactory, isValueReference, setActionListenerProperty, setActionProperty, setBooleanProperty, setBooleanProperty, setDoubleProperty, setDoubleProperty, setFloatProperty, setFloatProperty, setIntegerProperty, setIntegerProperty, setLongProperty, setLongProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setStringProperty, setStringProperty, setValueChangedListenerProperty, setValueProperty, setValueProperty
Methods inherited from class org.richfaces.webapp.taglib.UIComponentELTagBase
setActionListenerProperty, setActionProperty, setConverterProperty, setRowKeyConverterProperty, setValidatorProperty, setValueChangeListenerProperty
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentELTag
createComponent, getELContext, hasBinding, setBinding, setRendered
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentClassicTagBase
addChild, addFacet, addVerbatimAfterComponent, addVerbatimBeforeComponent, createVerbatimComponent, createVerbatimComponentFromBodyContent, doAfterBody, doEndTag, doInitBody, doStartTag, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getBodyContent, getComponentInstance, getCreated, getCreatedComponents, getDoAfterBodyValue, getDoEndValue, getDoStartValue, getFacesContext, getFacesJspId, getFacetName, getId, getIndexOfNextChildTag, getJspId, getParent, getParentUIComponentClassicTagBase, getPreviousOut, setBodyContent, setId, setJspId, setPageContext, setParent, setupResponseWriter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
doEndTag, doStartTag, getParent, setPageContext, setParent

Constructor Detail


public RichMessageTag()
Method Detail


public void setAjaxRendered(javax.el.ValueExpression __ajaxRendered)
Define, must be (or not) content of this component will be included in AJAX response created by parent AJAX Container, even if not forced by reRender list of ajax action. Ignored if component marked to output by some Ajax action component. The default value is "true". Setter for ajaxRendered

ajaxRendered - - new value


public void setErrorClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __errorClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "ERROR" Setter for errorClass

errorClass - - new value


public void setErrorLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __errorLabelClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "ERROR" Setter for errorLabelClass

errorLabelClass - - new value


public void setErrorMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __errorMarkerClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class of "ERROR" Setter for errorMarkerClass

errorMarkerClass - - new value


public void setFatalClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __fatalClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "FATAL" Setter for fatalClass

fatalClass - - new value


public void setFatalLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __fatalLabelClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "FATAL" Setter for fatalLabelClass

fatalLabelClass - - new value


public void setFatalMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __fatalMarkerClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class of "FATAL" Setter for fatalMarkerClass

fatalMarkerClass - - new value


public void setFor(javax.el.ValueExpression __for)
Client identifier of the component for which to display messages Setter for for

for - - new value


public void setInfoClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __infoClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "INFO" Setter for infoClass

infoClass - - new value


public void setInfoLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __infoLabelClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "INFO" Setter for infoLabelClass

infoLabelClass - - new value


public void setInfoMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __infoMarkerClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class of "INFO" Setter for infoMarkerClass

infoMarkerClass - - new value


public void setLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __labelClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label Setter for labelClass

labelClass - - new value


public void setLevel(javax.el.ValueExpression __level)
Defines a comma-separated list of messages categories to display. Default value is "ALL". Setter for level

level - - new value


public void setMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __markerClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker Setter for markerClass

markerClass - - new value


public void setMarkerStyle(javax.el.ValueExpression __markerStyle)
CSS style rules to be applied to the message marker Setter for markerStyle

markerStyle - - new value


public void setMinLevel(javax.el.ValueExpression __minLevel)
Defines a minimum level of messages categories to display. Setter for minLevel

minLevel - - new value


public void setShowDetail(javax.el.ValueExpression __showDetail)
Flag indicating whether detailed information of a displayed messages should be included. Default value is "true". Setter for showDetail

showDetail - - new value


public void setShowSummary(javax.el.ValueExpression __showSummary)
Flag indicating whether the summary portion of displayed messages should be included. Default value is "false". Setter for showSummary

showSummary - - new value


public void setTooltip(javax.el.ValueExpression __tooltip)
Flag indicating whether the detail portion of the message should be displayed as a tooltip. Default value is "false". Setter for tooltip

tooltip - - new value


public void setWarnClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __warnClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message with a severity class of "WARN" Setter for warnClass

warnClass - - new value


public void setWarnLabelClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __warnLabelClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message label with a severity class of "WARN" Setter for warnLabelClass

warnLabelClass - - new value


public void setWarnMarkerClass(javax.el.ValueExpression __warnMarkerClass)
Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the message marker with a severity class ofS "WARN" Setter for warnMarkerClass

warnMarkerClass - - new value


public void release()
Specified by:
release in interface javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
release in class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase


protected void setProperties(javax.faces.component.UIComponent component)
setProperties in class org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase


public java.lang.String getComponentType()
Specified by:
getComponentType in class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase


public java.lang.String getRendererType()
Specified by:
getRendererType in class javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase

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