Chapter 4. Download Software

The official JBoss Messaging project page is

The download location is the JBoss Labs Messaging Project download zone:

4.1. The JBoss Messaging Release Bundle

The JBoss Messaging release bundle ( will expand in a jboss-messaging-1.3.x directory that contains:

  • jboss-messaging.sar - the service archive that contains JBoss Messaging


    Do not simply attempt to copy the archive under a JBoss instance deploy directory, since additional steps (such as un-installing JBossMQ and various other configurations tasks) are required for a successful installation. See Chapter 5, JBoss Messaging Installation for more details.
  • jboss-messaging-client.jar - the client-side library that need to be in the classpath of the client that opens a remote connection to the Messaging server.
  • util - a collection of ant configuration files used to automate installation. See Chapter 5, JBoss Messaging Installation for more details.
  • examples - a collection of examples that should run out of the box and help you validate the installation. Detailed instructions are provided with each example, which range from very simple JMS queue and topic examples to EJB 2.1, EJB3 and clustering examples. The examples/config sub-directory contains various configuration file examples.
  • docs - this user's guide.
  • test-results - the output of the functional testsuite, stress and smoke test runs for this release. All these files have been generated during the release procedure and are bundled here for reference.
  • api - the Messaging API javadoc.
  • README.html - The release intro document that contains pointers to various other resources, including this Guide.

4.2. SVN Access

If you want to experiment with the latest developments you may checkout the latest code from the Messaging SVN trunk. Be aware that the information provided in this manual might then not be accurate. For the latest instructions on how to check out and build source code, please go to Messaging Development wiki page, specifically "Building and Running JBoss Messaging" section.