Chapter 3. JBoss Messaging Clustering

This section of the userguide gives a brief overview of the features available in JBoss Messaging. It gives a high level explanation of how clustering works.

3.1. JBoss Messaging Clustering Overview

Here's a brief overview of how clustering works in JBoss Messaging

Clustered destinations (queues and topics) can be deployed at all or none of the nodes of the cluster. A JMS client uses HA JNDI to lookup the connection factory. When creating connections using that connection factory a client side load balancing policy will automatically chose a node to connect to.

The JMS client has now made a connection to a node where it can create sessions, message producers and message consumers and browsers and send or consume messages, using the standard JMS api. When a distributed queue is deployed across the cluster, individual partial queues are deployed on each node.

When a message is sent from a message producer attached to a particular node to a distributed queue, a routing policy determines which partial queue will receive the message. By default the router will always pass the message to a local queue, if there is one, this is so we avoid unnecessary network traffic. If there is no local queue then a partial queue on a different node will be chosen by the router, by default this will be round robin between remote partial queues.

When a message is sent to a distributed topic while attached to a node, there may be multiple subscriptions on different nodes that need to receive the message. Depending on the number and location of subscriptions, the message may be multicast or unicast across the cluster so the other nodes can pick it up. (All group communication, unicast, multicast and group management is handled by JGroups.)

In the case of shared durable subscriptions, if a durable subscription with the same name exists on more than node, then only one of the instances needs to receive the message. Which one is determined by the same routing policy used to route messages to partial queues. All of this is accomplished without losing the reliability guarantees required by JMS.

Subscriptions (both durable and non durable) can be created on all nodes and will receive messages sent via any node. What happens if the consumers on one queue/subscription are faster/slower than consumers on another? Normally this would result in messages building up on that queue and fast consumers being starved of work on another, thus wasting CPU cycles on the node that could be put to good use. The most degenerate example is of a queue containing many messages then the consumers being closed on that queue. The messages might potentially remain stranded on the queue until another consumer attaches. A routing policy is no use here, since the messages have already been routed to the queuee and the consumers closed / slowed down after they were routed there. JBoss Messaging can deal with this problem by intelligently pulling messages from other less busy nodes, if it detects idle consumers on the fast node and slow consumers on another node.

3.2. Clustering Architectural Overview

One of the fundamental Messaging Core building blocks is the "Post Office". A JBoss Messaging Post Office is message routing component, which accepts messages for delivery and synchronously forwards them to their destination queues or topic subscriptions.

There is a single Post Office instance per JBoss Messaging server (cluster node). Both queues and topics deployed on a JBoss Messaging node are "plugged" into that Post Office instance. Internally JBoss Messaging only deals with the concepts of queues, and considers a topic to just be a set of queues (one for each subscription). Depending on the type of subscription - durable or non-durable - the corresponding queue saves messages to persistent storage or it just holds messages in memory and discards them when the non-durable subscription is closed.

Therefore, for a JMS queue, the Post Office routes messages to one and only one core queue, depending on the queue name, whereas for a JMS topic, the Post Office routes a message to a set of core queues, one for each topic subscription, depending on the topic name.

Clustering across multiple nodes is achieved by clustering Post Office instances. Each JBoss Messaging cluster node runs a Clustered Post Office instance, which is aware of the presence of all other clustered Post Offices in the cluster. There is an one-to-one relationship between cluster nodes and clustered Post Office instances. So, naturally, the most important piece of clustering configuration is the clustered Post Office service configuration, covered in detail below.

Clustered Post Office instances connect to each other via JGroups and they heavily rely on JGroups group management and notification mechanisms. JGroups stack configuration is an essential part of JBoss Messaging clustering configuration. JGroups configuration is only briefly addressed in this guide. Detailed information on JGroups can be found in JGroups release documentation or on-line at or

When routing messages, a clustered Post Office has a choice of forwarding the message to local queues or remote queues, plugged into remote Post Office instances that are part of the same cluster. Local queues are usually preferred, but if a local queue is part of a distributed queue, has no consumers, and other local queues part of the same distributed queue have consumers, messages can be automatically redistributed, subject of the message redistribution policy in effect. This allows us to create distributed queues and distributed topics. Message redistribution configuration is another subject that we will insist on.