Package org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.config.mappers

Class Summary
ActionMapper Performs the mapping of XSD based configuration service actions onto a "ConfigTree" style listener configuration.
FsListenerMapper Performs the mapping of a <fs-listener> XSD based configuration to the "ConfigTree" style configuration, adding the "ConfigTree" listener config to the "root" node.
FtpListenerMapper Performs the mapping of a <fs-listener> XSD based configuration to the "ConfigTree" style configuration, adding the "ConfigTree" listener config to the "root" node.
GroovyListenerMapper Config mapper class for the Groovy Listener.
HibernateListenerMapper Performs the mapping of a <fs-listener> XSD based configuration to the "ConfigTree" style configuration, adding the "ConfigTree" listener config to the "root" node.
JbrListenerMapper JBoss Remoting listener mapper.
JcaGatewayMapper comment
JmsListenerMapper Performs the mapping of a <jms-listener> XSD based configuration to the "ConfigTree" style configuration, adding the "ConfigTree" listener config to the "root" node.
MapperUtil Mapper utility methods.
ScheduledListenerMapper Mapper for the ScheduleListener.
ScheduleMapper Schedule Mapper.
SqlListenerMapper Performs the mapping of a <fs-listener> XSD based configuration to the "ConfigTree" style configuration, adding the "ConfigTree" listener config to the "root" node.
UntypedListenerMapper Perform a mapping for an "untyped" listener configuration.