Package org.jboss.soa.esb.actions

Interface Summary
ActionLifecycle Interface representing lifecycle methods of an action.
ActionPipelineProcessor Interface representing processor actions used in a pipeline.
ActionProcessor Deprecated. This interface has been replaced by ActionPipelineProcessor
BeanConfiguredAction Marker interface for actions configured automatically by invoking setters based on ConfigTree attributes.

Class Summary
AbstractActionLifecycle Abstract class for lifecycle methods
AbstractActionPipelineProcessor Abstract class for processor actions used in a pipeline.
ActionUtils Contains utility methods for actions
AggregationDetails Aggregation Details.
Aggregator Simple Aggregator.
DisplayMemoryUsageAction Simple action that shows JVM memory usage.
DisplayTimeAction Simple action that displays the current time.
LogAction Action that can be subclassed to add support for logging.
Notifier Stand alone action class that replaces the NotificationHandler EJB (beta 1)

This action adds all of its attributes to the message as properties.

StoreMessageToFile Simple action that checks to see if the message should be stored into a file.
SystemPrintln Simple action that prints out the message contents using System.println.
TestMessageStore Simple action that passes the message to a logging mechanism.
TestMessageStoreSink Simple action that passes the message to a logging mechanism.

Exception Summary
ActionLifecycleException Exception representing errors in an action lifecycle.
ActionProcessingException Exception while processing message payload processing action.
ActionProcessingFaultException Exception while processing message payload processing action.