Uses of Class

Packages that use LockType

Uses of LockType in org.jboss.cache.interceptors

Methods in org.jboss.cache.interceptors with parameters of type LockType
protected  void LegacyCacheLoaderInterceptor.lock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, boolean recursive, InvocationContext ctx)

Uses of LockType in org.jboss.cache.lock

Methods in org.jboss.cache.lock that return LockType
static LockType LockType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static LockType[] LockType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.lock with parameters of type LockType
 boolean NodeLock.acquire(Object caller, long timeout, LockType lock_type)
 boolean IdentityLock.acquire(Object caller, long timeout, LockType lock_type)
 Set<NodeLock> NodeLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, LockType lock_type)
          Deprecated. Recursively acquire locks for this node and all subnodes, including internal Fqns such as buddy backup subtrees.
 Set<NodeLock> IdentityLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, LockType lock_type)
 Set<NodeLock> NodeLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, LockType lock_type, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
          Deprecated. Same as the overloaded NodeLock.acquire(Object, long, LockType) except that you can optionally specify that internal Fqns - such as buddy backup subtrees - can be excluded when acquiring locks.
 Set<NodeLock> IdentityLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, LockType lock_type, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
 boolean LockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI<?,?> n, LockType lockType)
          Returns true if the node is locked (either for reading or writing) by anyone, and false otherwise.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI n, LockType type)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI n, LockType lockType)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean LockManager.lock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner)
          Acquires a lock of type lockType, for a given owner, on a specific Node in the cache, denoted by fqn.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeoutMillis)
 boolean LockManager.lock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
          Acquires a lock of type lockType, for a given owner, on a specific Node in the cache, denoted by fqn.
 boolean LockManager.lock(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
          As LockManager.lock(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, LockType, Object) except that a NodeSPI is passed in instead of an Fqn.
 boolean LockManager.lock(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
          As LockManager.lock(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, LockType, Object, long) except that a NodeSPI is passed in instead of an Fqn.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean FqnLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean FqnLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean LockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean LockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean LockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAllAndRecord(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAllAndRecord(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean LockManager.lockAllAndRecord(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean LockManager.lockAllAndRecord(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAllAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAllAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAndRecord(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAndRecord(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean LockManager.lockAndRecord(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
          Acquires a lock of type lockType, on a specific Node in the cache, denoted by fqn.
 boolean LockManager.lockAndRecord(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
          Acquires a lock of type lockType, on a specific Node in the cache, denoted by fqn.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean FqnLockManager.lockAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean PessimisticNodeBasedLockManager.lockPessimistically(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, boolean createIfNotExists, boolean zeroLockTimeout, boolean acquireWriteLockOnParent, boolean reverseRemoveCheck, List<NodeSPI> createdNodes, boolean skipNotification)
          Deprecated. A specific lock method for the PessimisticLockInterceptor.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.ownsLock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.ownsLock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean LockManager.ownsLock(Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, Object owner)
          Tests whether a given owner owns a lock of lockType on a particular Fqn.

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