Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeSPI

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache

Fields in org.jboss.cache declared as NodeSPI
protected  NodeSPI<K,V> UnversionedNode.delegate

Methods in org.jboss.cache that return NodeSPI
 NodeSPI<K,V> PessimisticUnversionedNode.addChildDirect(Fqn f)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeSPI.addChildDirect(Fqn childName)
          Adds a child directly to a Node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> InternalNode.addChildDirect(Fqn f)
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNode.addChildDirect(Fqn f)
 NodeSPI<K,V> PessimisticUnversionedNode.addChildDirect(Fqn f, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeSPI.addChildDirect(Fqn f, boolean notify)
          Same as addChildDirect(Fqn) except that it optionally allows you to suppress notification events for the creation of this node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> InternalNode.addChildDirect(Fqn f, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNode.addChildDirect(Fqn f, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> PessimisticUnversionedNode.addChildDirect(Object o, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeSPI.addChildDirect(Object childName, boolean notify)
          Same as addChildDirect(Fqn, boolean) except that it just takes a child name
 NodeSPI<K,V> InternalNode.addChildDirect(Object o, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNode.addChildDirect(Object o, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
          Creates a new, empty node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
          Creates a new node and populates its attributes.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
          Creates a new, empty node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
          Creates a new node and populates its attributes.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createRootNode()
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createRootNode()
 NodeSPI<K,V> PessimisticUnversionedNode.getChildDirect(Fqn fqn)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeSPI.getChildDirect(Fqn childName)
          Retrives a child directly by fully qualified name.
 NodeSPI<K,V> InternalNode.getChildDirect(Fqn fqn)
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNode.getChildDirect(Fqn fqn)
 NodeSPI<K,V> PessimisticUnversionedNode.getChildDirect(Object childName)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeSPI.getChildDirect(Object childName)
          Retrives a child directly by name.
 NodeSPI<K,V> InternalNode.getChildDirect(Object childName)
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNode.getChildDirect(Object childName)
 NodeSPI<K,V> UnversionedNode.getDelegate()
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheSPI.getNode(Fqn f)
          Overrides Cache.getNode(Fqn) to return a NodeSPI instead of a Node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheSPI.getNode(String s)
          Overrides Cache.getNode(String) to return a NodeSPI instead of a Node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> PessimisticUnversionedNode.getOrCreateChild(Object childName, GlobalTransaction gtx)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeSPI.getOrCreateChild(Object name, GlobalTransaction tx)
          Deprecated. should use the NodeFactory instead.
 NodeSPI<K,V> InternalNode.getOrCreateChild(Object childName, GlobalTransaction gtx)
          Deprecated. should use the NodeFactory instead.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNode.getOrCreateChild(Object childName, GlobalTransaction gtx)
 NodeSPI<K,V> VersionedNode.getParent()
          Deprecated. Returns the parent.
 NodeSPI<K,V> UnversionedNode.getParent()
          Returns a parent by checking the TreeMap by name.
 NodeSPI<K,V> InternalNode.getParent()
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeSPI.getParentDirect()
          Returns the parent node as a NodeSPI, instead of Node from Node.getParent(), and is otherwise identical.
 NodeSPI DataContainerImpl.getRoot()
 NodeSPI DataContainer.getRoot()
          Deprecated. use Cache.getRoot();
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheSPI.getRoot()
          Overrides Cache.getRoot() to return a NodeSPI instead of a Node.
abstract  NodeSPI InvocationContext.lookUpNode(Fqn fqn)
          Retrieves a node from the registry of looked up nodes in the current scope.
 NodeSPI DataContainerImpl.peek(Fqn fqn)
 NodeSPI DataContainer.peek(Fqn fqn)
          Deprecated. Note that this only supports legacy locking schemes (OL and PL) and will be removed when those schemes are removed.
 NodeSPI DataContainerImpl.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes)
 NodeSPI DataContainer.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes)
          Deprecated. Note that this only supports legacy locking schemes (OL and PL) and will be removed when those schemes are removed.
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheSPI.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes)
          Returns a node without accessing the interceptor chain.
 NodeSPI DataContainerImpl.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes, boolean includeInvalidNodes)
 NodeSPI DataContainer.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes, boolean includeInvalidNodes)
          Deprecated. Note that this only supports legacy locking schemes (OL and PL) and will be removed when those schemes are removed.
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheSPI.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes, boolean includeInvalidNodes)
          Returns a node without accessing the interceptor chain, optionally returning nodes that are marked as invalid (Node.isValid() == false).

Methods in org.jboss.cache that return types with arguments of type NodeSPI
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> PessimisticUnversionedNode.getChildrenDirect()
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> NodeSPI.getChildrenDirect()
          Functionally the same as Node.getChildren() except that it operates directly on the node and bypasses the interceptor chain.
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> InternalNode.getChildrenDirect()
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> AbstractNode.getChildrenDirect()
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> PessimisticUnversionedNode.getChildrenDirect(boolean includeMarkedForRemoval)
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> NodeSPI.getChildrenDirect(boolean includeMarkedAsDeleted)
          Retrieves children (directly), optionally including any marked as deleted nodes.
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> InternalNode.getChildrenDirect(boolean includeMarkedForRemoval)
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> AbstractNode.getChildrenDirect(boolean includeMarkedForRemoval)
abstract  Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> InvocationContext.getLookedUpNodes()
          Retrieves a map of nodes looked up within the current invocation's scope.

Methods in org.jboss.cache with parameters of type NodeSPI
 void PessimisticUnversionedNode.addChildDirect(NodeSPI<K,V> child)
 void NodeSPI.addChildDirect(NodeSPI<K,V> child)
          Directly adds the node passed in to the children map of the current node.
 void InternalNode.addChildDirect(NodeSPI<K,V> child)
 void AbstractNode.addChildDirect(NodeSPI<K,V> child)
 List<NodeData> DataContainerImpl.buildNodeData(List<NodeData> list, NodeSPI node, boolean mapSafe)
 List<NodeData> DataContainer.buildNodeData(List<NodeData> list, NodeSPI node, boolean mapSafe)
          Prepares a list of NodeData objects for a specified node and all its children.
protected  UnversionedNode<K,V> PessimisticNodeFactory.createInternalNode(Object childName, Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
protected  UnversionedNode<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createInternalNode(Object childName, Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
          Creates a new, empty node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
          Creates a new node and populates its attributes.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
          Creates a new, empty node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
          Creates a new node and populates its attributes.
 NodeSPI<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 WorkspaceNode<K,V> NodeFactory.createWrappedNode(NodeSPI<K,V> dataNode, TransactionWorkspace workspace)
 WorkspaceNode<K,V> AbstractNodeFactory.createWrappedNode(NodeSPI<K,V> dataNode, TransactionWorkspace workspace)
abstract  void InvocationContext.putLookedUpNode(Fqn f, NodeSPI n)
          Puts an entry in the registry of looked up nodes in the current scope.
 void UnversionedNode.setDelegate(NodeSPI<K,V> delegate)

Method parameters in org.jboss.cache with type arguments of type NodeSPI
abstract  void InvocationContext.putLookedUpNodes(Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> lookedUpNodes)
          Adds a map of looked up nodes to the current map of looked up nodes

Constructors in org.jboss.cache with parameters of type NodeSPI
VersionedNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data, CacheSPI<K,V> cache)

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.commands.legacy.write

Methods in org.jboss.cache.commands.legacy.write that return NodeSPI
protected  NodeSPI LegacyEvictCommand.lookupForEviction(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn)

Methods in org.jboss.cache.commands.legacy.write with parameters of type NodeSPI
protected  boolean LegacyEvictCommand.evictNode(Fqn fqn, InvocationContext ctx, NodeSPI node)
protected  void PessRemoveNodeCommand.recursivelyMarkAsRemoved(NodeSPI node, InvocationContext ctx)
protected  void VersionedInvalidateCommand.removeData(NodeSPI n, InvocationContext ctx)

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.commands.write

Fields in org.jboss.cache.commands.write declared as NodeSPI
protected  NodeSPI RemoveNodeCommand.targetNode

Methods in org.jboss.cache.commands.write that return NodeSPI
protected  NodeSPI InvalidateCommand.enforceNodeLoading()
          //TODO: 2.2.0: rather than using CacheSPI this should use peek().
protected  NodeSPI EvictCommand.lookupForEviction(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn)
protected  NodeSPI AbstractVersionedDataCommand.peekVersioned(InvocationContext ctx)
          Utility method to peek a node and throw an exception if the version isn't what is expected.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.commands.write with parameters of type NodeSPI
protected  boolean EvictCommand.evictNode(Fqn fqn, InvocationContext ctx, NodeSPI node)
protected  void InvalidateCommand.invalidateNode(NodeSPI node)
          mark the node to be removed (and all children) as invalid so anyone holding a direct reference to it will be aware that it is no longer valid.
protected  void RemoveNodeCommand.recursivelyMarkAsRemoved(NodeSPI node, InvocationContext ctx)
          Recursively marks a node as removed.

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.interceptors

Methods in org.jboss.cache.interceptors with parameters of type NodeSPI
protected  void OptimisticInterceptor.greedyGetFqns(List<Fqn> list, NodeSPI<?,?> n, Fqn newBase)
          Deprecated. Adds the Fqn of the node as well as all children and childrens children to the list.
 void PessimisticLockInterceptor.lockAllForRemoval(NodeSPI node, InvocationContext ctx, TransactionContext transactionContext)
          Deprecated. Acquires write locks on the node and all child nodes, adding children to the list of removed nodes in the context.
protected  WorkspaceNode OptimisticInterceptor.lockAndCreateWorkspaceNode(NodeFactory<?,?> nodeFactory, NodeSPI node, TransactionWorkspace<?,?> workspace, GlobalTransaction gtx, long timeout)

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.invocation

Classes in org.jboss.cache.invocation that implement NodeSPI
 class NodeInvocationDelegate<K,V>
          The delegate that users (and interceptor authors) interact with when they obtain a node from the cache or another node.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.invocation that return NodeSPI
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.addChildDirect(Fqn childName)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.addChildDirect(Fqn f, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.addChildDirect(Object childName, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChildDirect(Fqn childName)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChildDirect(Object childName)
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheInvocationDelegate.getNode(Fqn fqn)
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheInvocationDelegate.getNode(String fqn)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.getOrCreateChild(Object name, GlobalTransaction tx)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.getParent()
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.getParentDirect()
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheInvocationDelegate.getRoot()
 NodeSPI MVCCInvocationContext.lookUpNode(Fqn fqn)
          Retrieves a node from the registry of looked up nodes in the current scope.
 NodeSPI LegacyInvocationContext.lookUpNode(Fqn fqn)
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheInvocationDelegate.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes)
 NodeSPI<K,V> CacheInvocationDelegate.peek(Fqn fqn, boolean includeDeletedNodes, boolean includeInvalidNodes)

Methods in org.jboss.cache.invocation that return types with arguments of type NodeSPI
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChildrenDirect()
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChildrenDirect(boolean includeMarkedAsDeleted)
 Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> MVCCInvocationContext.getLookedUpNodes()
          Retrieves a map of nodes looked up within the current invocation's scope.
 Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> LegacyInvocationContext.getLookedUpNodes()

Methods in org.jboss.cache.invocation with parameters of type NodeSPI
 void NodeInvocationDelegate.addChildDirect(NodeSPI<K,V> child)
 void MVCCInvocationContext.putLookedUpNode(Fqn f, NodeSPI n)
          Puts an entry in the registry of looked up nodes in the current scope.
 void LegacyInvocationContext.putLookedUpNode(Fqn f, NodeSPI n)

Method parameters in org.jboss.cache.invocation with type arguments of type NodeSPI
 void MVCCInvocationContext.putLookedUpNodes(Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> lookedUpNodes)
 void LegacyInvocationContext.putLookedUpNodes(Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> lookedUpNodes)

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.loader

Methods in org.jboss.cache.loader with parameters of type NodeSPI
protected  void SingletonStoreCacheLoader.pushState(NodeSPI node)
          Pushes the state of a specific node by reading the node's data from the cache and putting in the cache store via the cache loader.

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.lock

Fields in org.jboss.cache.lock declared as NodeSPI
protected  NodeSPI NodeBasedLockManager.rootNode

Methods in org.jboss.cache.lock with parameters of type NodeSPI
 Collection<Object> NodeBasedLockManager.getReadOwners(NodeSPI node)
 Collection<Object> FqnLockManager.getReadOwners(NodeSPI node)
 Collection<Object> LockManager.getReadOwners(NodeSPI<?,?> node)
          Retrieves the read lock owners, if any, for the current Fqn.
 Object NodeBasedLockManager.getWriteOwner(NodeSPI node)
 Object FqnLockManager.getWriteOwner(NodeSPI node)
 Object LockManager.getWriteOwner(NodeSPI<?,?> node)
          Retrieves the write lock owner, if any, for the current Fqn.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI n)
 boolean FqnLockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI node)
 boolean LockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI<?,?> n)
          Returns true if the node is locked (either for reading or writing) by anyone, and false otherwise.
 boolean LockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI<?,?> n, LockType lockType)
          Returns true if the node is locked (either for reading or writing) by anyone, and false otherwise.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI n, LockType type)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.isLocked(NodeSPI n, LockType lockType)
 boolean LockManager.lock(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
          As LockManager.lock(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, LockType, Object) except that a NodeSPI is passed in instead of an Fqn.
 boolean LockManager.lock(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
          As LockManager.lock(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, LockType, Object, long) except that a NodeSPI is passed in instead of an Fqn.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean FqnLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean FqnLockManager.lock(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean LockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean LockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean LockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout)
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAll(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, Object owner, long timeout, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
 boolean LockManager.lockAllAndRecord(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
          Locks the node and all child nodes, acquiring lock of type specified for the owner specified.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAllAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean MVCCLockManager.lockAllAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean LockManager.lockAndRecord(NodeSPI<?,?> node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
          Acquires a lock of type lockType, on a specific Node in the cache, denoted by fqn.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.lockAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
 boolean FqnLockManager.lockAndRecord(NodeSPI node, LockType lockType, InvocationContext ctx)
static void LockUtil.manageReverseRemove(InvocationContext ctx, NodeSPI childNode, boolean reverseRemoveCheck, List createdNodes, CommandsFactory commandsFactory)
          Test if this node needs to be 'undeleted' reverse the "remove" if the node has been previously removed in the same tx, if this operation is a put()
 boolean LockManager.ownsLock(NodeSPI<?,?> node, Object owner)
          Tests whether a given owner owns any sort of lock on a particular Fqn.
 boolean NodeBasedLockManager.ownsLock(NodeSPI node, Object owner)
 boolean FqnLockManager.ownsLock(NodeSPI node, Object owner)
 String NodeBasedLockManager.printLockInfo(NodeSPI node)
 String MVCCLockManager.printLockInfo(NodeSPI node)
 String LockManager.printLockInfo(NodeSPI<?,?> node)
          Prints lock information about a node (and its children) to a String.
 void LockManager.unlock(NodeSPI<?,?> node, Object owner)
          Releases the lock passed in, held by the specified owner
 void NodeBasedLockManager.unlock(NodeSPI node, Object owner)
 void FqnLockManager.unlock(NodeSPI node, Object owner)
 void NodeBasedLockManager.unlockAll(NodeSPI node)
 void MVCCLockManager.unlockAll(NodeSPI node)
 void LockManager.unlockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node)
          Releases locks on a given node and all children for all owners.
 void MVCCLockManager.unlockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, Object owner)
 void LockManager.unlockAll(NodeSPI<?,?> node, Object owner)
          Releases locks on a given node and all children for a given owner.
 void NodeBasedLockManager.unlockAll(NodeSPI node, Object owner)

Method parameters in org.jboss.cache.lock with type arguments of type NodeSPI
 boolean PessimisticNodeBasedLockManager.lockPessimistically(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, LockType lockType, boolean createIfNotExists, boolean zeroLockTimeout, boolean acquireWriteLockOnParent, boolean reverseRemoveCheck, List<NodeSPI> createdNodes, boolean skipNotification)
          Deprecated. A specific lock method for the PessimisticLockInterceptor.

Constructors in org.jboss.cache.lock with parameters of type NodeSPI
IdentityLock(LockStrategyFactory factory, NodeSPI node)
          Deprecated. Creates a new IdentityLock using the LockFactory passed in.

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.mvcc

Classes in org.jboss.cache.mvcc that implement NodeSPI
 class NullMarkerNode
          A marker node to represent a null node for repeatable read, so that a read that returns a null can continue to return null.
 class NullMarkerNodeForRemoval
          A specific type of null marker node, used for removal of nodes that don't exist
 class ReadCommittedNode
          A node delegate that encapsulates read committed semantics when writes are initiated, committed or rolled back.
 class RepeatableReadNode
          A node delegate that encapsulates repeatable read semantics when writes are initiated, committed or rolled back.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.mvcc that return NodeSPI
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeReference.addChildDirect(Fqn f)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeReference.addChildDirect(Fqn f, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeReference.addChildDirect(Object o, boolean notify)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createRootNode()
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeReference.getChildDirect(Fqn fqn)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeReference.getChildDirect(Object childName)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeReference.getOrCreateChild(Object child_name, GlobalTransaction gtx)
 NodeSPI<K,V> NodeReference.getParent()
 NodeSPI MVCCNodeHelper.wrapNodeForReading(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, boolean putInContext)
          Similar to MVCCNodeHelper.wrapNodesForReading(org.jboss.cache.InvocationContext, java.util.Collection) except that this version takes a single Fqn parameter to wrap a single node.
 NodeSPI MVCCNodeHelper.wrapNodeForWriting(InvocationContext context, InternalNode node, InternalNode parent)
          The same as MVCCNodeHelper.wrapNodeForWriting(org.jboss.cache.InvocationContext, org.jboss.cache.Fqn, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) except that it takes in an InternalNode instead of a Fqn.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.mvcc that return types with arguments of type NodeSPI
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> NodeReference.getChildrenDirect()
 Set<NodeSPI<K,V>> NodeReference.getChildrenDirect(boolean includeMarkedForRemoval)

Methods in org.jboss.cache.mvcc with parameters of type NodeSPI
 void NodeReference.addChildDirect(NodeSPI<K,V> child)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent)
 NodeSPI<K,V> MVCCNodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.optimistic

Methods in org.jboss.cache.optimistic that return NodeSPI
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.addChildDirect(Fqn f)
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.createChild(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, CacheSPI<K,V> cache, DataVersion version)
 NodeSPI WorkspaceNode.createChild(Object child_name, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, CacheSPI<K,V> cache, DataVersion version)
          Deprecated. Creates a child node.
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.getChildDirect(Fqn f)
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNode.getChildDirect(Fqn f)
          Deprecated. Overrides Node.getChild(Fqn) to return a NodeSPI rather than a Node
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNode.getChildDirect(Object o)
          Deprecated. Overrides Node.getChild(Object) to return a NodeSPI rather than a Node
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.getNode()
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNode.getNode()
          Deprecated. Retrieves a reference to the underlying NodeSPI instance.
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.getNodeSPI()

Methods in org.jboss.cache.optimistic with parameters of type NodeSPI
 NodeSPI<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.createChild(Object childName, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, CacheSPI<K,V> cache, DataVersion version)
 NodeSPI WorkspaceNode.createChild(Object child_name, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, CacheSPI<K,V> cache, DataVersion version)
          Deprecated. Creates a child node.
protected  UnversionedNode<K,V> OptimisticNodeFactory.createInternalNode(Object childName, Fqn fqn, NodeSPI<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 WorkspaceNode<K,V> OptimisticNodeFactory.createWrappedNode(NodeSPI<K,V> dataNode, TransactionWorkspace workspace)

Constructors in org.jboss.cache.optimistic with parameters of type NodeSPI
WorkspaceNodeImpl(NodeSPI<K,V> node, TransactionWorkspace workspace, NodeFactory<K,V> nodeFactory)
          Deprecated. Constructs with a node and workspace.

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.statetransfer

Methods in org.jboss.cache.statetransfer with parameters of type NodeSPI
protected  void LegacyStateTransferManager.acquireLocksForStateTransfer(NodeSPI root, long timeout, boolean force)
protected  void LegacyStateTransferGenerator.generateNodeDataList(NodeSPI<?,?> node, List<NodeData> list)
protected  void LegacyStateTransferIntegrator.integrateTransientState(ObjectInputStream in, NodeSPI target)
protected  void LegacyStateTransferGenerator.marshallTransientState(NodeSPI node, ObjectOutputStream out)
          Deprecated. Do a preorder traversal: visit the node first, then the node's children
protected  void LegacyStateTransferManager.releaseStateTransferLocks(NodeSPI root)
protected  void LegacyStateTransferManager.setState(ObjectInputStream state, NodeSPI targetRoot)
          Deprecated. Set the portion of the cache rooted in targetRoot to match the given state.
protected  void DefaultStateTransferManager.setState(ObjectInputStream state, NodeSPI targetRoot)
          Set the portion of the cache rooted in targetRoot to match the given state.

Uses of NodeSPI in org.jboss.cache.transaction

Methods in org.jboss.cache.transaction that return NodeSPI
 NodeSPI MVCCTransactionContext.lookUpNode(Fqn fqn)
          Retrieves a node from the registry of looked up nodes in the current scope.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.transaction that return types with arguments of type NodeSPI
 Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> MVCCTransactionContext.getLookedUpNodes()
          Retrieves a map of nodes looked up within the current invocation's scope.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.transaction with parameters of type NodeSPI
 void MVCCTransactionContext.putLookedUpNode(Fqn f, NodeSPI n)
          Puts an entry in the registry of looked up nodes in the current scope.

Method parameters in org.jboss.cache.transaction with type arguments of type NodeSPI
 void MVCCTransactionContext.putLookedUpNodes(Map<Fqn,NodeSPI> lookedUpNodes)

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