Package org.jboss.cache.lock

Interface Summary
LockManager An interface to deal with all aspects of acquiring and releasing locks for nodes in the cache.
LockStrategy Interface to specify lock strategy, e.g., for different isolation levels.
NodeLock Deprecated. will be removed when we drop support for Pessimistic Locking and Optimistic Locking

Class Summary
AbstractLockManager Common lock manager functionality
FqnLockManager An abstract lock manager that deals with Fqns rather than nodes.
IdentityLock Deprecated. will be removed when we drop support for Pessimistic Locking and Optimistic Locking
LockMap Provide lock ownership mapping.
LockStrategyFactory Factory to create LockStragtegy instance.
LockStrategyNone Transaction isolation level of None.
LockStrategyReadCommitted Transaction isolation level of READ_COMMITTED.
LockStrategyReadUncommitted Transaction isolation level of READ-UNCOMMITTED.
LockStrategyRepeatableRead Transaction isolation level of Repeatable_Read.
LockStrategySerializable Lock strategy of Serializable that prevents dirty read, non-repeatable read, and phantom read.
MVCCLockManager This lock manager acquires and releases locks based on the Fqn passed in and not on the node itself.
NodeBasedLockManager Deprecated. since this is specific to legacy locking schemes
NonBlockingWriterLock NonBlockingWriterLock is a read/write lock (with upgrade) that has non-blocking write lock acquisition on existing read lock(s).
PessimisticNodeBasedLockManager Deprecated. will be removed with pessimistic locking
ReadWriteLockWithUpgrade This class is similar to PreferredWriterReadWriteLock except that the read lock is upgradable to write lock.
SemaphoreLock Implements most of the methods of Lock using the Semaphore implementation.
StripedLock A simple implementation of lock striping, using Fqns as the keys to lock on, primarily used to help make CacheLoader implemtations thread safe.
ThreadLocalMap<K,V> Map which reduces concurrency and potential memory leaks for non-static ThreadLocals.

Enum Summary
IsolationLevel Various transaction isolation levels as an enumerated class.
LockType An enumeration to define different types of locks.

Exception Summary
DeadlockException Used when a lock acquisition would cause a deadlock.
LockingException Used for all locking-related exceptions, e.g. when a lock could not be acquired within the timeout, or when a deadlock was detected or an upgrade failed.
TimeoutException Thrown when a timeout occurred. used by operations with timeouts, e.g. lock acquisition, or waiting for responses from all members.
UpgradeException Used when a read-lock cannot be upgraded to a write-lock

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