Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataCommand

Uses of DataCommand in org.jboss.cache.commands

Subinterfaces of DataCommand in org.jboss.cache.commands
 interface VersionedDataCommand
          Just like a DataCommand, except that these are versioned and reversible too.
 interface WriteCommand
          A write command that has a reference to a GlobalTransaction.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.commands with parameters of type DataCommand
 ClusteredGetCommand CommandsFactoryImpl.buildClusteredGetCommand(Boolean searchBackupSubtrees, DataCommand dataCommand)
 ClusteredGetCommand CommandsFactory.buildClusteredGetCommand(Boolean searchBackupSubtrees, DataCommand dataCommand)

Uses of DataCommand in org.jboss.cache.commands.legacy

Subinterfaces of DataCommand in org.jboss.cache.commands.legacy
 interface ReversibleCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.

Uses of DataCommand in

Classes in that implement DataCommand
 class LegacyGravitateDataCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessGetChildrenNamesCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.

Uses of DataCommand in org.jboss.cache.commands.legacy.write

Classes in org.jboss.cache.commands.legacy.write that implement DataCommand
 class CreateNodeCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed when pessimistic locking is removed.
 class LegacyEvictCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessClearDataCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessMoveCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessPutDataMapCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessPutForExternalReadCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessPutKeyValueCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessRemoveKeyCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class PessRemoveNodeCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.
 class VersionedInvalidateCommand
          Deprecated. will be removed along with optimistic and pessimistic locking.

Uses of DataCommand in

Classes in that implement DataCommand
 class AbstractDataCommand
          An abstract class providing basic functionality of all DataCommands.
 class ExistsCommand
          Checks whether a given node exists in current in-memory state of the cache.
 class GetDataMapCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.getData(org.jboss.cache.Fqn)

This is the equivalent of the old MethodCallDefinitions.getDataMapMethodLocal method call from 2.1.x.

 class GetChildrenNamesCommand
          This command retrieves the names of children for a specific Fqn, as defined by Node.getChildrenNames()

This is the equivalent of the old MethodCallDefinitions.getChildrenNamesMethodLocal method call from 2.1.x.

 class GetKeysCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.getKeys(org.jboss.cache.Fqn)

This is the equivalent of the old MethodCallDefinitions.getKeysMethodLocal method call from 2.1.x.

 class GetKeyValueCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.get(String, Object)

This is the equivalent of the old MethodCallDefinitions.getKeyValueMethodLocal method call from 2.1.x.

 class GetNodeCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.getNode(org.jboss.cache.Fqn)

This is the equivalent of the old MethodCallDefinitions.getNodeMethodLocal method call from 2.1.x.

 class GravitateDataCommand
          Used with buddy replication's DataGravitatorInterceptor.

Uses of DataCommand in org.jboss.cache.commands.remote

Methods in org.jboss.cache.commands.remote that return DataCommand
 DataCommand ClusteredGetCommand.getDataCommand()

Constructors in org.jboss.cache.commands.remote with parameters of type DataCommand
ClusteredGetCommand(boolean searchBackupSubtrees, DataCommand dataCommand)

Uses of DataCommand in org.jboss.cache.commands.write

Classes in org.jboss.cache.commands.write that implement DataCommand
 class AbstractVersionedDataCommand
          Base version of DataCommand which handles common behaviour
 class ClearDataCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.clearData(String)}
 class EvictCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.evict(org.jboss.cache.Fqn)
 class InvalidateCommand
          Removes a node's content from memory - never removes the node.
 class MoveCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.move(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, org.jboss.cache.Fqn)
 class PutDataMapCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.put(String, java.util.Map).
 class PutForExternalReadCommand
          Represents the Cache.putForExternalRead(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, Object, Object) method call.
 class PutKeyValueCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.put(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, Object, Object).
 class RemoveKeyCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.remove(org.jboss.cache.Fqn, Object)
 class RemoveNodeCommand
          Implements functionality defined by Cache.removeNode(org.jboss.cache.Fqn)

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