JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 9. Cache Loaders

9.1. The CacheLoader Interface and Lifecycle
9.2. Configuration
9.2.1. Singleton Store Configuration
9.3. Shipped Implementations
9.3.1. File system based cache loaders
9.3.2. Cache loaders that delegate to other caches
9.3.3. JDBCCacheLoader
9.3.4. S3CacheLoader
9.3.5. TcpDelegatingCacheLoader
9.3.6. Transforming Cache Loaders
9.4. Cache Passivation
9.4.1. Cache Loader Behavior with Passivation Disabled vs. Enabled
9.5. Strategies
9.5.1. Local Cache With Store
9.5.2. Replicated Caches With All Caches Sharing The Same Store
9.5.3. Replicated Caches With Only One Cache Having A Store
9.5.4. Replicated Caches With Each Cache Having Its Own Store
9.5.5. Hierarchical Caches
9.5.6. Multiple Cache Loaders

JBoss Cache can use a CacheLoader to back up the in-memory cache to a backend datastore. If JBoss Cache is configured with a cache loader, then the following features are provided:

The interaction between JBoss Cache and a CacheLoader implementation is as follows. When CacheLoaderConfiguration (see below) is non-null, an instance of each configured CacheLoader is created when the cache is created, and started when the cache is started.

CacheLoader.create() and CacheLoader.start() are called when the cache is started. Correspondingly, stop() and destroy() are called when the cache is stopped.

Next, setConfig() and setCache() are called. The latter can be used to store a reference to the cache, the former is used to configure this instance of the CacheLoader . For example, here a database cache loader could establish a connection to the database.

The CacheLoader interface has a set of methods that are called when no transactions are used: get() , put() , remove() and removeData() : they get/set/remove the value immediately. These methods are described as javadoc comments in the interface.

Then there are three methods that are used with transactions: prepare() , commit() and rollback() . The prepare() method is called when a transaction is to be committed. It has a transaction object and a list of modfications as argument. The transaction object can be used as a key into a hashmap of transactions, where the values are the lists of modifications. Each modification list has a number of Modification elements, which represent the changes made to a cache for a given transaction. When prepare() returns successfully, then the cache loader must be able to commit (or rollback) the transaction successfully.

JBoss Cache takes care of calling prepare(), commit() and rollback() on the cache loaders at the right time.

The commit() method tells the cache loader to commit the transaction, and the rollback() method tells the cache loader to discard the changes associated with that transaction.

See the javadocs on this interface for a detailed explanation on each method and the contract implementations would need to fulfill.

Cache loaders are configured as follows in the JBoss Cache XML file. Note that you can define several cache loaders, in a chain. The impact is that the cache will look at all of the cache loaders in the order they've been configured, until it finds a valid, non-null element of data. When performing writes, all cache loaders are written to (except if the ignoreModifications element has been set to true for a specific cache loader. See the configuration section below for details.


<!-- Cache loader config block -->
<!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
<loaders passivation="false" shared="false">
         <!-- Fqns to preload -->
         <node fqn="/some/stuff"/>
      <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
      <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" async="false" fetchPersistentState="true"
              ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">

The class element defines the class of the cache loader implementation. (Note that, because of a bug in the properties editor in JBoss AS, backslashes in variables for Windows filenames might not get expanded correctly, so replace="false" may be necessary). Note that an implementation of cache loader has to have an empty constructor.

The properties element defines a configuration specific to the given implementation. The filesystem-based implementation for example defines the root directory to be used, whereas a database implementation might define the database URL, name and password to establish a database connection. This configuration is passed to the cache loader implementation via CacheLoader.setConfig(Properties) . Note that backspaces may have to be escaped.

preload allows us to define a list of nodes, or even entire subtrees, that are visited by the cache on startup, in order to preload the data associated with those nodes. The default ("/") loads the entire data available in the backend store into the cache, which is probably not a good idea given that the data in the backend store might be large. As an example, /a, /product/catalogue loads the subtrees /a and /product/catalogue into the cache, but nothing else. Anything else is loaded lazily when accessed. Preloading makes sense when one anticipates using elements under a given subtree frequently. .

fetchPersistentState determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache when joining a cluster. Only one configured cache loader may set this property to true; if more than one cache loader does so, a configuration exception will be thrown when starting your cache service.

async determines whether writes to the cache loader block until completed, or are run on a separate thread so writes return immediately. If this is set to true, an instance of org.jboss.cache.loader.AsyncCacheLoader is constructed with an instance of the actual cache loader to be used. The AsyncCacheLoader then delegates all requests to the underlying cache loader, using a separate thread if necessary. See the Javadocs on AsyncCacheLoader for more details. If unspecified, the async element defaults to false .

Note on using the async element: there is always the possibility of dirty reads since all writes are performed asynchronously, and it is thus impossible to guarantee when (and even if) a write succeeds. This needs to be kept in mind when setting the async element to true.

ignoreModifications determines whether write methods are pushed down to the specific cache loader. Situations may arise where transient application data should only reside in a file based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache, for example, with a further shared JDBCCacheLoader used by all servers in the network. This feature allows you to write to the 'local' file cache loader but not the shared JDBCCacheLoader . This property defaults to false , so writes are propagated to all cache loaders configured.

purgeOnStatup empties the specified cache loader (if ignoreModifications is false ) when the cache loader starts up.

shared indicates that the cache loader is shared among different cache instances, for example where all instances in a cluster use the same JDBC settings t talk to the same remote, shared database. Setting this to true prevents repeated and unnecessary writes of the same data to the cache loader by different cache instances. Default value is false .

 <loaders passivation="false" shared="true">
       <node fqn="/a/b/c"/>
       <node fqn="/f/r/s"/>

    <!-- we can now have multiple cache loaders, which get chained -->
    <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" async="false" fetchPersistentState="false"
         ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">
       <singletonStore enabled="true" class="org.jboss.cache.loader.SingletonStoreCacheLoader">

singletonStore element enables modifications to be stored by only one node in the cluster, the coordinator. Essentially, whenever any data comes in to some node it is always replicated so as to keep the caches' in-memory states in sync; the coordinator, though, has the sole responsibility of pushing that state to disk. This functionality can be activated setting the enabled subelement to true in all nodes, but again only the coordinator of the cluster will store the modifications in the underlying cache loader as defined in loader element. You cannot define a cache loader as shared and with singletonStore enabled at the same time. Default value for enabled is false .

Optionally, within the singletonStore element, you can define a class element that specifies the implementation class that provides the singleton store functionality. This class must extend org.jboss.cache.loader.AbstractDelegatingCacheLoader , and if absent, it defaults to org.jboss.cache.loader.SingletonStoreCacheLoader .

The properties subelement defines properties that allow changing the behavior of the class providing the singleton store functionality. By default, pushStateWhenCoordinator and pushStateWhenCoordinatorTimeout properties have been defined, but more could be added as required by the user-defined class providing singleton store functionality.

pushStateWhenCoordinator allows the in-memory state to be pushed to the cache store when a node becomes the coordinator, as a result of the new election of coordinator due to a cluster topology change. This can be very useful in situations where the coordinator crashes and there's a gap in time until the new coordinator is elected. During this time, if this property was set to false and the cache was updated, these changes would never be persisted. Setting this property to true would ensure that any changes during this process also get stored in the cache loader. You would also want to set this property to true if each node's cache loader is configured with a different location. Default value is true .

pushStateWhenCoordinatorTimeout is only relevant if pushStateWhenCoordinator is true in which case, sets the maximum number of milliseconds that the process of pushing the in-memory state to the underlying cache loader should take, reporting a PushStateException if exceeded. Default value is 20000.

Note on using the singletonStore element: setting up a cache loader as a singleton and using cache passivation (via evictions) can lead to undesired effects. If a node is to be passivated as a result of an eviction, while the cluster is in the process of electing a new coordinator, the data will be lost. This is because no coordinator is active at that time and therefore, none of the nodes in the cluster will store the passivated node. A new coordinator is elected in the cluster when either, the coordinator leaves the cluster, the coordinator crashes or stops responding.

The currently available implementations shipped with JBoss Cache are as follows.

JBoss Cache ships with several cache loaders that utilize the file system as a data store. They all require that the <loader><properties> configuration element contains a location property, which maps to a directory to be used as a persistent store. (e.g., location=/tmp/myDataStore ). Used mainly for testing and not recommended for production use.

Note that the BerkeleyDB implementation is much more efficient than the filesystem-based implementation, and provides transactional guarantees, but requires a commercial license if distributed with an application (see http://www.oracle.com/database/berkeley-db/index.html for details).

JBossCache is distributed with a JDBC-based cache loader implementation that stores/loads nodes' state into a relational database. The implementing class is org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader .

The current implementation uses just one table. Each row in the table represents one node and contains three columns:

Fqns are stored as strings. Node content is stored as a BLOB. WARNING: JBoss Cache does not impose any limitations on the types of objects used in Fqn but this implementation of cache loader requires Fqn to contain only objects of type java.lang.String . Another limitation for Fqn is its length. Since Fqn is a primary key, its default column type is VARCHAR which can store text values up to some maximum length determined by the database in use.

See this wiki page for configuration tips with specific database systems.

Below is an example of a JDBCCacheLoader using Oracle as database. The CacheLoaderConfiguration XML element contains an arbitrary set of properties which define the database-related configuration.

<loaders passivation="false" shared="false">
         <node fqn="/some/stuff"/>
      <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
      <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" async="false" fetchPersistentState="true"
              ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">

As an alternative to configuring the entire JDBC connection, the name of an existing data source can be given:

 <loaders passivation="false" shared="false">
         <node fqn="/some/stuff"/>
      <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
      <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" async="false" fetchPersistentState="true"
              ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">

Cconfiguration example for a cache loader using c3p0 JDBC connection pooling:

 <loaders passivation="false" shared="false">
         <node fqn="/some/stuff"/>
      <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
      <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader" async="false" fetchPersistentState="true"
              ignoreModifications="false" purgeOnStartup="false">

The S3CacheLoader uses the Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Solution) for storing cache data. Since Amazon S3 is remote network storage and has fairly high latency, it is really best for caches that store large pieces of data, such as media or files. But consider this cache loader over the JDBC or file system based cache loaders if you want remotely managed, highly reliable storage. Or, use it for applications running on Amazon's EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud).

If you're planning to use Amazon S3 for storage, consider using it with JBoss Cache. JBoss Cache itself provides in-memory caching for your data to minimize the amount of remote access calls, thus reducing the latency and cost of fetching your Amazon S3 data. With cache replication, you are also able to load data from your local cluster without having to remotely access it every time.

Note that Amazon S3 does not support transactions. If transactions are used in your application then there is some possibility of state inconsistency when using this cache loader. However, writes are atomic, in that if a write fails nothing is considered written and data is never corrupted.

Data is stored in keys based on the Fqn of the Node and Node data is serialized as a java.util.Map using the CacheSPI.getMarshaller() instance. Read the javadoc on how data is structured and stored. Data is stored using Java serialization. Be aware this means data is not readily accessible over HTTP to non-JBoss Cache clients. Your feedback and help would be appreciated to extend this cache loader for that purpose.

With this cache loader, single-key operations such as Node.remove(Object) and Node.put(Object, Object) are the slowest as data is stored in a single Map instance. Use bulk operations such as Node.replaceAll(Map) and Node.clearData() for more efficiency. Try the cache.s3.optimize option as well.

At a minimum, you must configure your Amazon S3 access key and secret access key. The following configuration keys are listed in general order of utility.

This cache loader allows to delegate loads and stores to another instance of JBoss Cache, which could reside (a) in the same address space, (b) in a different process on the same host, or (c) in a different process on a different host.

A TcpDelegatingCacheLoader talks to a remote org.jboss.cache.loader.tcp.TcpCacheServer , which can be a standalone process started on the command line, or embedded as an MBean inside JBoss AS. The TcpCacheServer has a reference to another JBoss Cache instance, which it can create itself, or which is given to it (e.g. by JBoss, using dependency injection).

As of JBoss Cache 2.1.0, the TcpDelegatingCacheLoader transparently handles reconnects if the connection to the TcpCacheServer is lost.

The TcpDelegatingCacheLoader is configured with the host and port of the remote TcpCacheServer, and uses this to communicate to it. In addition, 2 new optional parameters are used to control transparent reconnecting to the TcpCacheServer. The timeout property (defaults to 5000) specifies the length of time the cache loader must continue retrying to connect to the TcpCacheServer before giving up and throwing an exception. The reconnectWaitTime (defaults to 500) is how long the cache loader should wait before attempting a reconnect if it detects a communication failure. The last two parameters can be used to add a level of fault tolerance to the cache loader, do deal with TcpCacheServer restarts.

The configuration looks as follows:

 <loaders passivation="false" shared="false">
         <node fqn="/"/>
      <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
      <loader class="org.jboss.cache.loader.TcpDelegatingCacheLoader">

This means this instance of JBoss Cache will delegate all load and store requests to the remote TcpCacheServer running on myRemoteServer:7500 .

A typical use case could be multiple replicated instances of JBoss Cache in the same cluster, all delegating to the same TcpCacheServer instance. The TcpCacheServer might itself delegate to a database via JDBCCacheLoader, but the point here is that - if we have 5 nodes all accessing the same dataset - they will load the data from the TcpCacheServer, which has do execute one SQL statement per unloaded data set. If the nodes went directly to the database, then we'd have the same SQL executed multiple times. So TcpCacheServer serves as a natural cache in front of the DB (assuming that a network round trip is faster than a DB access (which usually also include a network round trip)).

To alleviate single point of failure, we could configure several cache loaders. The first cache loader is a ClusteredCacheLoader, the second a TcpDelegatingCacheLoader, and the last a JDBCacheLoader, effectively defining our cost of access to a cache in increasing order.

The way cached data is written to FileCacheLoader and JDBCCacheLoader based cache stores has changed in JBoss Cache 2.0 in such way that these cache loaders now write and read data using the same marhalling framework used to replicate data across the network. Such change is trivial for replication purposes as it just requires the rest of the nodes to understand this format. However, changing the format of the data in cache stores brings up a new problem: how do users, which have their data stored in JBoss Cache 1.x.x format, migrate their stores to JBoss Cache 2.0 format?

With this in mind, JBoss Cache 2.0 comes with two cache loader implementations called org.jboss.cache.loader.TransformingFileCacheLoader and org.jboss.cache.loader.TransformingJDBCCacheLoader located within the optional jbosscache-cacheloader-migration.jar file. These are one-off cache loaders that read data from the cache store in JBoss Cache 1.x.x format and write data to cache stores in JBoss Cache 2.0 format.

The idea is for users to modify their existing cache configuration file(s) momentarily to use these cache loaders and for them to create a small Java application that creates an instance of this cache, recursively reads the entire cache and writes the data read back into the cache. Once the data is transformed, users can revert back to their original cache configuration file(s). In order to help the users with this task, a cache loader migration example has been constructed which can be located under the examples/cacheloader-migration directory within the JBoss Cache distribution. This example, called examples.TransformStore , is independent of the actual data stored in the cache as it writes back whatever it was read recursively. It is highly recommended that anyone interested in porting their data run this example first, which contains a readme.txt file with detailed information about the example itself, and also use it as base for their own application.

A cache loader can be used to enforce node passivation and activation on eviction in a cache.

Cache Passivation is the process of removing an object from in-memory cache and writing it to a secondary data store (e.g., file system, database) on eviction. Cache Activation is the process of restoring an object from the data store into the in-memory cache when it's needed to be used. In both cases, the configured cache loader will be used to read from the data store and write to the data store.

When an eviction policy in effect evicts a node from the cache, if passivation is enabled, a notification that the node is being passivated will be emitted to the cache listeners and the node and its children will be stored in the cache loader store. When a user attempts to retrieve a node that was evicted earlier, the node is loaded (lazy loaded) from the cache loader store into memory. When the node and its children have been loaded, they're removed from the cache loader and a notification is emitted to the cache listeners that the node has been activated.

To enable cache passivation/activation, you can set passivation to true. The default is false . When passivation is used, only the first cache loader configured is used and all others are ignored.

When passivation is disabled, whenever an element is modified, added or removed, then that modification is persisted in the backend store via the cache loader. There is no direct relationship between eviction and cache loading. If you don't use eviction, what's in the persistent store is basically a copy of what's in memory. If you do use eviction, what's in the persistent store is basically a superset of what's in memory (i.e. it includes nodes that have been evicted from memory).

When passivation is enabled, there is a direct relationship between eviction and the cache loader. Writes to the persistent store via the cache loader only occur as part of the eviction process. Data is deleted from the persistent store when the application reads it back into memory. In this case, what's in memory and what's in the persistent store are two subsets of the total information set, with no intersection between the subsets.

Following is a simple example, showing what state is in RAM and in the persistent store after each step of a 6 step process:

When passivation is disabled:

            1) Memory: /A Disk: /A
            2) Memory: /A, /B Disk: /A, /B
            3) Memory: /B Disk: /A, /B
            4) Memory: /A, /B Disk: /A, /B
            5) Memory: /A Disk: /A, /B
            6) Memory: /A Disk: /A

When passivation is enabled:

            1) Memory: /A Disk:
            2) Memory: /A, /B Disk:
            3) Memory: /B Disk: /A
            4) Memory: /A, /B Disk:
            5) Memory: /A Disk: /B
            6) Memory: /A Disk:

This section discusses different patterns of combining different cache loader types and configuration options to achieve specific outcomes.

The following figure shows 2 JBoss Cache instances sharing the same backend store:

Both nodes have a cache loader that accesses a common shared backend store. This could for example be a shared filesystem (using the FileCacheLoader), or a shared database. Because both nodes access the same store, they don't necessarily need state transfer on startup. [3] Rather, the FetchInMemoryState attribute could be set to false, resulting in a 'cold' cache, that gradually warms up as elements are accessed and loaded for the first time. This would mean that individual caches in a cluster might have different in-memory state at any given time (largely depending on their preloading and eviction strategies).

When storing a value, the writer takes care of storing the change in the backend store. For example, if node1 made change C1 and node2 C2, then node1 would tell its cache loader to store C1, and node2 would tell its cache loader to store C2.

This is a similar case to the previous one, but here only one node in the cluster interacts with a backend store via its cache loader. All other nodes perform in-memory replication. The idea here is all application state is kept in memory in each node, with the existence of multiple caches making the data highly available. (This assumes that a client that needs the data is able to somehow fail over from one cache to another.) The single persistent backend store then provides a backup copy of the data in case all caches in the cluster fail or need to be restarted.

Note that here it may make sense for the cache loader to store changes asynchronously, that is not on the caller's thread, in order not to slow down the cluster by accessing (for example) a database. This is a non-issue when using asynchronous replication.

A weakness with this architecture is that the cache with access to the cache loader becomes a single point of failure. Furthermore, if the cluster is restarted, the cache with the cache loader must be started first (easy to forget). A solution to the first problem is to configure a cache loader on each node, but set the singletonStore configuration to true. With this kind of setup, one but only one node will always be writing to a persistent store. However, this complicates the restart problem, as before restarting you need to determine which cache was writing before the shutdown/failure and then start that cache first.

Here, each node has its own datastore. Modifications to the cache are (a) replicated across the cluster and (b) persisted using the cache loader. This means that all datastores have exactly the same state. When replicating changes synchronously and in a transaction, the two phase commit protocol takes care that all modifications are replicated and persisted in each datastore, or none is replicated and persisted (atomic updates).

Note that JBoss Cache is not an XA Resource, that means it doesn't implement recovery. When used with a transaction manager that supports recovery, this functionality is not available.

The challenge here is state transfer: when a new node starts it needs to do the following:

  1. Tell the coordinator (oldest node in a cluster) to send it the state. This is always a full state transfer, overwriting any state that may already be present.

  2. The coordinator then needs to wait until all in-flight transactions have completed. During this time, it will not allow for new transactions to be started.

  3. Then the coordinator asks its cache loader for the entire state using loadEntireState() . It then sends back that state to the new node.

  4. The new node then tells its cache loader to store that state in its store, overwriting the old state. This is the CacheLoader.storeEntireState() method

  5. As an option, the transient (in-memory) state can be transferred as well during the state transfer.

  6. The new node now has the same state in its backend store as everyone else in the cluster, and modifications received from other nodes will now be persisted using the local cache loader.

[3] Of course they can enable state transfer, if they want to have a warm or hot cache after startup.