Class TransactionTable

  extended by org.jboss.cache.transaction.TransactionTable

public class TransactionTable
extends Object

Maintains the mapping between a local Transaction and a GlobalTransaction. Also stores TransactionEntry instances under a given transaction.

$Revision: 5772 $
Bela Ban Apr 14, 2003

Field Summary
protected  Map<GlobalTransaction,TransactionEntry> gtx2EntryMap
          Mappings between GlobalTransactions and modifications.
protected  Map<Transaction,GlobalTransaction> tx2gtxMap
          Mapping between local (javax.transaction.Transaction) and GlobalTransactions.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addCacheLoaderModification(GlobalTransaction gtx, ReversibleCommand m)
 void addLock(GlobalTransaction gtx, NodeLock l)
          Adds a lock to the global transaction.
 void addLocks(GlobalTransaction gtx, Collection<NodeLock> locks)
          Adds a collection of locks to the global transaction.
 void addModification(GlobalTransaction gtx, ReversibleCommand m)
          Adds a motification to the global transaction.
static void assertTransactionValid(InvocationContext ctx)
          Tests whether the caller is in a valid transaction.
 void cleanup(GlobalTransaction gtx)
 TransactionEntry get(GlobalTransaction gtx)
          Returns the local transaction entry for the global transaction.
 GlobalTransaction get(Transaction tx)
          Returns the global transaction associated with the local transaction.
 GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction()
          Returns the transaction associated with the current thread.
 GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction(boolean createIfNotExists)
          Returns the transaction associated with the thread; optionally creating it if is does not exist.
 GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction(Transaction tx)
          Returns the global transaction for this local transaction.
 GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction(Transaction tx, boolean createIfNotExists)
          Returns the global transaction for this local transaction.
protected  Transaction getLocalTransaction()
          Returns the transaction associated with the current thread.
 Transaction getLocalTransaction(GlobalTransaction gtx)
          Returns the local transaction associated with a GlobalTransaction.
 Transaction getLocalTransaction(GlobalTransaction gtx, boolean assertExists)
          If assers exists is true and the coresponding local transaction is null an IllegalStateExcetpion is being thrown.
 int getNumGlobalTransactions()
          Returns the number of global transactions.
 int getNumLocalTransactions()
          Returns the number of local transactions.
 void initialize(TransactionManager transactionManager, RPCManager rpcManager, Configuration configuration)
static boolean isActive(Transaction tx)
          Returns true if transaction is ACTIVE, false otherwise
static boolean isPreparing(Transaction tx)
          Returns true if transaction is PREPARING, false otherwise
static boolean isValid(Transaction tx)
          Return s true of tx's status is ACTIVE or PREPARING
 void put(GlobalTransaction tx, TransactionEntry entry)
          Associates the global transaction with a transaction entry.
 void put(Transaction tx, GlobalTransaction gtx)
          Associates the global transaction with the local transaction.
 void recordNodeLock(GlobalTransaction gtx, NodeLock lock)
          Add the lock to the list of locks maintained for this transaction (needed for release of locks on commit or rollback)
 TransactionEntry remove(GlobalTransaction tx)
          Removes a global transation, returns the old transaction entry.
 void remove(GlobalTransaction gtx, Transaction tx)
 GlobalTransaction remove(Transaction tx)
          Removes a local transation, returns the global transaction entry.
 String toString()
          Returns summary debug information.
 String toString(boolean printDetails)
          Returns detailed debug information.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Map<Transaction,GlobalTransaction> tx2gtxMap
Mapping between local (javax.transaction.Transaction) and GlobalTransactions. New: a local TX can have a number of GTXs


protected final Map<GlobalTransaction,TransactionEntry> gtx2EntryMap
Mappings between GlobalTransactions and modifications.

Constructor Detail


public TransactionTable()
Method Detail


public void initialize(TransactionManager transactionManager,
                       RPCManager rpcManager,
                       Configuration configuration)


public int getNumLocalTransactions()
Returns the number of local transactions.


public int getNumGlobalTransactions()
Returns the number of global transactions.


public GlobalTransaction get(Transaction tx)
Returns the global transaction associated with the local transaction. Returns null if tx is null or it was not found.


public Transaction getLocalTransaction(GlobalTransaction gtx)
Returns the local transaction associated with a GlobalTransaction. Not very efficient as the values have to be iterated over, don't use frequently

gtx - The GlobalTransaction
Transaction. The local transaction associated with a given GlobalTransaction). This will be null if no local transaction is associated with a given GTX


public Transaction getLocalTransaction(GlobalTransaction gtx,
                                       boolean assertExists)
If assers exists is true and the coresponding local transaction is null an IllegalStateExcetpion is being thrown.


public void put(Transaction tx,
                GlobalTransaction gtx)
Associates the global transaction with the local transaction.


public TransactionEntry get(GlobalTransaction gtx)
Returns the local transaction entry for the global transaction. Returns null if tx is null or it was not found.


public void put(GlobalTransaction tx,
                TransactionEntry entry)
Associates the global transaction with a transaction entry.


public TransactionEntry remove(GlobalTransaction tx)
Removes a global transation, returns the old transaction entry.


public GlobalTransaction remove(Transaction tx)
Removes a local transation, returns the global transaction entry.


public void remove(GlobalTransaction gtx,
                   Transaction tx)


public void addModification(GlobalTransaction gtx,
                            ReversibleCommand m)
Adds a motification to the global transaction.


public void addCacheLoaderModification(GlobalTransaction gtx,
                                       ReversibleCommand m)


public void addLock(GlobalTransaction gtx,
                    NodeLock l)
Adds a lock to the global transaction.


public void addLocks(GlobalTransaction gtx,
                     Collection<NodeLock> locks)
Adds a collection of locks to the global transaction.


public void cleanup(GlobalTransaction gtx)


public String toString()
Returns summary debug information.

toString in class Object


public String toString(boolean printDetails)
Returns detailed debug information.


public void recordNodeLock(GlobalTransaction gtx,
                           NodeLock lock)
Add the lock to the list of locks maintained for this transaction (needed for release of locks on commit or rollback)


public GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction()
Returns the transaction associated with the current thread. If a local transaction exists, but doesn't yet have a mapping to a GlobalTransaction, a new GlobalTransaction will be created and mapped to the local transaction. Note that if a local transaction exists, but is not ACTIVE or PREPARING, null is returned.

A GlobalTransaction, or null if no (local) transaction was associated with the current thread


public GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction(boolean createIfNotExists)
Returns the transaction associated with the thread; optionally creating it if is does not exist.


protected Transaction getLocalTransaction()
Returns the transaction associated with the current thread. We get the initial context and a reference to the TransactionManager to get the transaction. This method is used by getCurrentTransaction()


public static boolean isActive(Transaction tx)
Returns true if transaction is ACTIVE, false otherwise


public static boolean isPreparing(Transaction tx)
Returns true if transaction is PREPARING, false otherwise


public static boolean isValid(Transaction tx)
Return s true of tx's status is ACTIVE or PREPARING

tx -
true if the tx is active or preparing


public static void assertTransactionValid(InvocationContext ctx)
Tests whether the caller is in a valid transaction. If not, will throw a CacheException.


public GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction(Transaction tx)
Returns the global transaction for this local transaction.


public GlobalTransaction getCurrentTransaction(Transaction tx,
                                               boolean createIfNotExists)
Returns the global transaction for this local transaction.

createIfNotExists - if true, if a global transaction is not found; one is created

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