Uses of Class

Packages that use TimeoutException

Uses of TimeoutException in org.jboss.cache.lock

Methods in org.jboss.cache.lock that throw TimeoutException
 boolean NodeLock.acquire(Object caller, long timeout, NodeLock.LockType lock_type)
 boolean IdentityLock.acquire(Object caller, long timeout, NodeLock.LockType lock_type)
 Set<NodeLock> NodeLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, NodeLock.LockType lock_type)
          Recursively acquire locks for this node and all subnodes, including internal Fqns such as buddy backup subtrees.
 Set<NodeLock> IdentityLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, NodeLock.LockType lock_type)
 Set<NodeLock> NodeLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, NodeLock.LockType lock_type, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
          Same as the overloaded NodeLock.acquire(Object, long, org.jboss.cache.lock.NodeLock.LockType) except that you can optionally specify that internal Fqns - such as buddy backup subtrees - can be excluded when acquiring locks.
 Set<NodeLock> IdentityLock.acquireAll(Object caller, long timeout, NodeLock.LockType lock_type, boolean excludeInternalFqns)
 boolean NodeLock.acquireReadLock(Object caller, long timeout)
          Acquires a read lock with a timeout period of timeout milliseconds.
 boolean IdentityLock.acquireReadLock(Object caller, long timeout)
          Acquire a read lock with a timeout period of timeout milliseconds.
 boolean NodeLock.acquireWriteLock(Object caller, long timeout)
          Acquires a write lock with a timeout of timeout milliseconds.
 boolean IdentityLock.acquireWriteLock(Object caller, long timeout)
          Acquire a write lock with a timeout of timeout milliseconds.
 boolean LockManager.lock(InvocationContext ctx, Fqn fqn, NodeLock.LockType lockType, boolean createIfNotExists, long timeout, boolean acquireWriteLockOnParent, boolean reverseRemoveCheck, List<NodeSPI> createdNodes, boolean skipNotification)
          Acquires locks on the node and on its parrents.

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