Package org.jboss.cache.interceptors

Interface Summary
ActivationInterceptorMBean Interface capturing activation statistics
CacheLoaderInterceptorMBean Interface capturing cache loader load statistics
CacheMgmtInterceptorMBean Interface capturing basic cache management statistics
CacheStoreInterceptorMBean Interface capturing cache loader statistics
InterceptorMBean Interface containing common cache management operations
InvalidationInterceptorMBean Interface capturing invalidation statistics
InvocationContextInterceptorMBean MBean to the InvocationContextInterceptor
PassivationInterceptorMBean Interface capturing passivation statistics
TxInterceptorMBean Interface capturing transaction statistics

Class Summary
ActivationInterceptor Loads nodes that don't exist at the time of the call into memory from the CacheLoader.
BaseRpcInterceptor Acts as a base for all RPC calls - subclassed by ReplicationInterceptor and OptimisticReplicationInterceptor.
BaseTransactionalContextInterceptor Class providing some base functionality around manipulating transactions and global transactions withing invocation contexts.
BuddyRegionAwareEvictionInterceptor A subclass of EvictionInterceptor that is aware of and able to deal with buddy regions.
CacheLoaderInterceptor Loads nodes that don't exist at the time of the call into memory from the CacheLoader
CacheMgmtInterceptor Captures cache management statistics
CacheStoreInterceptor Writes modifications back to the store on the way out: stores modifications back through the CacheLoader, either after each method call (no TXs), or at TX commit.
CallInterceptor Always at the end of the chain, directly in front of the cache.
DataGravitatorInterceptor The Data Gravitator interceptor intercepts cache misses and attempts to gravitate data from other parts of the cluster.
EvictionInterceptor Eviction Interceptor.
Interceptor Deprecated. this will be removed in a 3.x release.
InterceptorChain Knows how to build and manage an chain of interceptors.
InvalidationInterceptor This interceptor acts as a replacement to the replication interceptor when the CacheImpl is configured with ClusteredSyncMode as INVALIDATE.
InvocationContextInterceptor Always place this interceptor at the start of the interceptor chain to ensure invocation contexts and set up and cleaned up correctly.
MarshalledValueInterceptor Interceptor that handles the wrapping and unwrapping of cached data using MarshalledValues.
NotificationInterceptor The interceptor in charge of firing off notifications to cache listeners
OptimisticCreateIfNotExistsInterceptor Used to create new NodeSPI instances in the main data structure and then copy it into the TransactionWorkspace as WorkspaceNodes as needed.
OptimisticInterceptor Abstract interceptor for optimistic locking
OptimisticLockingInterceptor Locks nodes during transaction boundaries.
OptimisticNodeInterceptor Operations on nodes are done on the copies that exist in the workspace rather than passed down to the CallInterceptor.
OptimisticReplicationInterceptor Replication interceptor for the optimistically locked interceptor chain.
OptimisticValidatorInterceptor Validates the data in the TransactionWorkspace against data in the underlying data structure (versions only) and then applies changes to the underlying data structure.
OrderedSynchronizationHandler Maintains a list of Synchronization handlers.
PassivationInterceptor Writes evicted nodes back to the store on the way in through the CacheLoader, either before each method call (no TXs), or at TX commit.
PessimisticLockInterceptor An interceptor that handles locking.
ReplicationInterceptor Takes care of replicating modifications to other nodes in a cluster.
TxInterceptor This interceptor is the new default at the head of all interceptor chains, and makes transactional attributes available to all interceptors in the chain.

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