Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseEvictionAlgorithm

Uses of BaseEvictionAlgorithm in org.jboss.cache.eviction

Subclasses of BaseEvictionAlgorithm in org.jboss.cache.eviction
 class BaseSortedEvictionAlgorithm
          An abstract SortedEvictionAlgorithm.
 class ElementSizeAlgorithm
 class ExpirationAlgorithm
          Eviction algorithm that uses a key in the Node data that indicates the time the node should be evicted.
 class FIFOAlgorithm
          First-in-first-out algorithm used to evict nodes.
 class LFUAlgorithm
          Least Frequently Used algorithm for cache eviction.
 class LRUAlgorithm
          Least recently Used algorithm to purge old data.
 class MRUAlgorithm
          Most Recently Used Algorithm.

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