Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in org.jboss.cache

Subinterfaces of Node in org.jboss.cache
 interface NodeSPI<K,V>
          A more detailed interface to Node, which is used when writing plugins for or extending JBoss Cache.

Fields in org.jboss.cache with type parameters of type Node
protected  Map<Object,Node<K,V>> AbstractNode.children

Methods in org.jboss.cache that return Node
 Node<K,V> Node.addChild(Fqn<?> f)
          Adds a child node with the given Fqn under the current node.
 Node<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, Node<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 Node<K,V> NodeFactory.createNodeOfType(Node<K,V> template, Object childName, Node<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 Node<K,V> Node.getChild(Fqn<?> f)
          Returns the child node
 Node<K,V> Node.getChild(Object name)
 Node<K,V> Cache.getNode(Fqn<?> fqn)
          A convenience method to retrieve a node directly from the cache.
 Node<K,V> Cache.getNode(String fqn)
          Convenience method that takes a string representation of an Fqn.
 Node<K,V> Node.getParent()
          Returns the parent node.
 Node<K,V> Cache.getRoot()
          Returns the root node of this cache.

Methods in org.jboss.cache that return types with arguments of type Node
 Set<Node<K,V>> Node.getChildren()
          Returns an immutable set of children nodes.
 Map<Object,Node<K,V>> UnversionedNode.getChildrenMapDirect()
 Map<Object,Node<K,V>> NodeSPI.getChildrenMapDirect()
          Returns a map to access the raw children.

Methods in org.jboss.cache with parameters of type Node
 void UnversionedNode.addChild(Object child_name, Node n)
 void NodeSPI.addChild(Object nodeName, Node<K,V> nodeToAdd)
          Adds or replaces a child by name.
 Node<K,V> NodeFactory.createNode(Object childName, Node<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 Node<K,V> NodeFactory.createNodeOfType(Node<K,V> template, Object childName, Node<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)
 Node<K,V> NodeFactory.createNodeOfType(Node<K,V> template, Object childName, Node<K,V> parent, Map<K,V> data)

Method parameters in org.jboss.cache with type arguments of type Node
 void UnversionedNode.setChildrenMapDirect(Map<Object,Node<K,V>> children)
 void NodeSPI.setChildrenMapDirect(Map<Object,Node<K,V>> children)
          Sets the node's children explictly.

Uses of Node in org.jboss.cache.invocation

Classes in org.jboss.cache.invocation that implement Node
 class NodeInvocationDelegate<K,V>
          The delegate that users (and interceptor authors) interact with when they obtain a node from the cache or another node.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.invocation that return Node
 Node<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.addChild(Fqn<?> f)
 Node<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChild(Fqn<?> f)
 Node<K,V> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChild(Object name)

Methods in org.jboss.cache.invocation that return types with arguments of type Node
 Set<Node<K,V>> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChildren()
 Map<Object,Node<K,V>> NodeInvocationDelegate.getChildrenMapDirect()

Methods in org.jboss.cache.invocation with parameters of type Node
 void NodeInvocationDelegate.addChild(Object nodeName, Node<K,V> nodeToAdd)

Method parameters in org.jboss.cache.invocation with type arguments of type Node
 void NodeInvocationDelegate.setChildrenMapDirect(Map<Object,Node<K,V>> children)

Uses of Node in org.jboss.cache.lock

Methods in org.jboss.cache.lock that return Node
 Node IdentityLock.getNode()
          Returns the node for this lock, may be null.

Uses of Node in org.jboss.cache.optimistic

Subinterfaces of Node in org.jboss.cache.optimistic
 interface WorkspaceNode<K,V>
          Represents a type of Node that is to be copied into a TransactionWorkspace for optimistically locked nodes.

Classes in org.jboss.cache.optimistic that implement Node
 class WorkspaceNodeImpl<K,V>
          Wraps an ordinary Node and adds versioning and other meta data to it.

Methods in org.jboss.cache.optimistic that return Node
 Node<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.addChild(Fqn f)
 Node<K,V> WorkspaceNodeImpl.getParent()

Methods in org.jboss.cache.optimistic that return types with arguments of type Node
 Set<Node<K,V>> WorkspaceNodeImpl.getChildren()

Uses of Node in org.jboss.cache.statetransfer

Methods in org.jboss.cache.statetransfer with parameters of type Node
 void StateTransferGenerator.generateState(ObjectOutputStream stream, Node rootNode, boolean generateTransient, boolean generatePersistent, boolean suppressErrors)
 void DefaultStateTransferGenerator.generateState(ObjectOutputStream out, Node rootNode, boolean generateTransient, boolean generatePersistent, boolean suppressErrors)
 void StateTransferIntegrator.integrateState(ObjectInputStream ois, Node target)
 void DefaultStateTransferIntegrator.integrateState(ObjectInputStream ois, Node target)

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