Uses of Interface

Packages that use Cache

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache

Subinterfaces of Cache in org.jboss.cache
 interface CacheSPI<K,V>
          A more detailed interface to Cache, which is used when writing plugins for or extending JBoss Cache.

Methods in org.jboss.cache that return Cache
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache()
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache()
          Creates and starts a Cache instance using default configuration settings.
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache(boolean start)
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache(boolean start)
          Creates and optionally starts a Cache instance using default configuration settings.
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache(Configuration configuration)
          This implementation clones the configuration passed in before using it.
protected  Cache<Object,Object> CacheManagerImpl.createCache(Configuration config)
          Extension point for subclasses, where we actually use a CacheFactory to create a cache.
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache(Configuration configuration)
          Creates a Cache instance based on a Configuration passed in.
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache(Configuration configuration, boolean start)
          This implementation clones the configuration passed in before using it.
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache(Configuration configuration, boolean start)
          Creates Cache instance, and optionally starts it, based on a Configuration passed in.
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache(InputStream is)
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache(InputStream is)
          Creates a Cache instance based on an InputStream passed in, which should be a stream to a valid XML configuration file.
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache(InputStream is, boolean start)
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache(InputStream is, boolean start)
          Creates a Cache instance based on an InputStream passed in, which should be a stream to a valid XML configuration file.
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache(String configFileName)
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache(String configFileName)
          Creates and starts a Cache instance.
 Cache<K,V> DefaultCacheFactory.createCache(String configFileName, boolean start)
 Cache<K,V> CacheFactory.createCache(String configFileName, boolean start)
          Creates Cache instance, and optionally starts it.
 Cache TreeCacheViewMBean.getCache()
 Cache<Object,Object> CacheManagerImpl.getCache(String configName, boolean create)
 Cache<Object,Object> CacheManager.getCache(String configName, boolean create)
          Get a cache configured according to the given configuration name, optionally instantiating the cache if it hasn't already been instantiated.

Methods in org.jboss.cache with parameters of type Cache
 void CacheManagerImpl.registerCache(Cache<Object,Object> cache, String configName)
 void TreeCacheViewMBean.setCache(Cache cache)

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache.invocation

Classes in org.jboss.cache.invocation that implement Cache
 class CacheInvocationDelegate<K,V>
          The delegate that users (and ChainedInterceptor authors) interact with when they create a cache by using a cache factory.

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache.jmx

Methods in org.jboss.cache.jmx that return Cache
 Cache<K,V> CacheJmxWrapperMBean.getCache()
          Retrieves a reference to the underlying Cache
 Cache<K,V> CacheJmxWrapper.getCache()

Methods in org.jboss.cache.jmx with parameters of type Cache
static String JmxUtil.getDefaultCacheObjectName(Cache cache)
 void CacheJmxWrapper.setCache(Cache<K,V> cache)
          Allows direct injection of the underlying cache.

Constructors in org.jboss.cache.jmx with parameters of type Cache
CacheJmxWrapper(Cache<K,V> cache)

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache.loader

Methods in org.jboss.cache.loader that return Cache
 Cache LocalDelegatingCacheLoaderConfig.getDelegate()

Methods in org.jboss.cache.loader with parameters of type Cache
 void LocalDelegatingCacheLoaderConfig.setDelegate(Cache delegate)

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache.loader.tcp

Methods in org.jboss.cache.loader.tcp that return Cache
 Cache TcpCacheServerMBean.getCache()
 Cache TcpCacheServer.getCache()

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache.notifications

Constructors in org.jboss.cache.notifications with parameters of type Cache
Notifier(Cache cache)

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache.notifications.event

Methods in org.jboss.cache.notifications.event that return Cache
 Cache EventImpl.getCache()
 Cache Event.getCache()

Methods in org.jboss.cache.notifications.event with parameters of type Cache
 void EventImpl.setCache(Cache cache)

Constructors in org.jboss.cache.notifications.event with parameters of type Cache
EventImpl(boolean pre, Cache cache, NodeModifiedEvent.ModificationType modificationType, Map data, Fqn fqn, Transaction transaction, boolean originLocal, Fqn targetFqn, boolean successful, org.jgroups.View newView, Event.Type type)

Uses of Cache in org.jboss.cache.util

Methods in org.jboss.cache.util with parameters of type Cache
static String CachePrinter.printCacheDetails(Cache c)
          Prints the contents of the cache (nodes + data) to a string
static String CachePrinter.printCacheLockingInfo(Cache c)
          Prints the status of locks in the cache (nodes + locks) to a string

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