JBoss.org Community Documentation

5.4. Configuring Generic JCA Adaptors

The XSLSubDeployer also supports the deployment of arbitrary non-JDBC JCA resource adaptors. The schema for the top-level connection factory elements of the *-ds.xml configuration deployment file is shown in Figure 5.11, “The simplified JCA adaptor connection factory configuration descriptor top-level schema elements”.

The simplified JCA adaptor connection factory configuration descriptor top-level schema elements

Figure 5.11. The simplified JCA adaptor connection factory configuration descriptor top-level schema elements

Multiple connection factory configurations may be specified in a configuration deployment file. The child elements of the connection-factories root are:

The no-tx-connection-factory element schema

Figure 5.12. The no-tx-connection-factory element schema

The tx-connection-factory element schema

Figure 5.13. The tx-connection-factory element schema

The majority of the elements are the same as those of the datasources configuration. The element unique to the connection factory configuration include:

  • adaptor-display-name : A human readable display name to assign to the connection manager MBean.

  • local-transaction : This element specifies that the tx-connection-factory supports local transactions.

  • xa-transaction : This element specifies that the tx-connection-factory supports XA transactions.

  • track-connection-by-tx : This element specifies that a connection should be used only on a single transaction and that a transaction should only be associated with one connection.

  • rar-name : This is the name of the RAR file that contains the definition for the resource we want to provide. For nested RAR files, the name would look like myapplication.ear#my.rar.

  • connection-definition : This is the connection factory interface class. It should match the connectionfactory-interface in the ra.xml file.

  • config-property : Any number of properties to supply to the ManagedConnectionFactory (MCF) MBean service configuration. Each config-property element specifies the value of a MCF property. The config-property element has two required attributes:

    • name : The name of the property

    • type : The fully qualified type of the property

    The content of the config-property element provides the string representation of the property value. This will be converted to the true property type using the associated type PropertyEditor.