JBoss.org Community Documentation

3.4.4. Deployment Ordering and Dependencies

We have seen how to manage dependencies using the service descriptor depends and depends-list tags. The deployment ordering supported by the deployment scanners provides a coarse-grained dependency management in that there is an order to deployments. If dependencies are consistent with the deployment packages then this is a simpler mechanism than having to enumerate the explicit MBean-MBean dependencies. By writing your own filters you can change the coarse grained ordering performed by the deployment scanner.

When a component archive is deployed, its nested deployment units are processed in a depth first ordering. Structuring of components into an archive hierarchy is yet another way to manage deployment ordering.You will need to explicitly state your MBean dependencies if your packaging structure does not happen to resolve the dependencies. Let's consider an example component deployment that consists of an MBean that uses an EJB. Here is the structure of the example EAR.

+- META-INF/jboss-app.xml
+- jmx-ex3.jar (archive) [EJB jar]
| +- META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
| +- org/jboss/book/jmx/ex3/EchoBean.class
| +- org/jboss/book/jmx/ex3/EchoLocal.class
| +- org/jboss/book/jmx/ex3/EchoLocalHome.class
+- jmx-ex3.sar (archive) [MBean sar]
| +- META-INF/jboss-service.xml
| +- org/jboss/book/jmx/ex3/EjbMBeanAdaptor.class
+- META-INF/application.xml

The EAR contains a jmx-ex3.jar and jmx-ex3.sar. The jmx-ex3.jar is the EJB archive and the jmx-ex3.sar is the MBean service archive. We have implemented the service as a Dynamic MBean to provide an illustration of their use.

package org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.AttributeList;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.DynamicMBean;
import javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException;
import javax.management.JMRuntimeException;
import javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanConstructorInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanNotificationInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport;

 *  An example of a DynamicMBean that exposes select attributes and
 *  operations of an EJB as an MBean.
 *  @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org
 *  @version $Revision: 1.9 $
public class EjbMBeanAdaptor extends ServiceMBeanSupport
    implements DynamicMBean
    private String helloPrefix;
    private String ejbJndiName;
    private EchoLocalHome home;
    /** These are the mbean attributes we expose
    private MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = {
        new MBeanAttributeInfo("HelloPrefix", "java.lang.String",
                               "The prefix message to append to the session echo reply",
                               true, // isReadable
                               true, // isWritable
                               false), // isIs
        new MBeanAttributeInfo("EjbJndiName", "java.lang.String",
                               "The JNDI name of the session bean local home",
                               true, // isReadable
                               true, // isWritable
                               false) // isIs

     * These are the mbean operations we expose
    private MBeanOperationInfo[] operations;
     * We override this method to setup our echo operation info. It
     * could also be done in a ctor.
    public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server,
                                  ObjectName name)
        throws Exception
        log.info("preRegister notification seen");
        operations = new MBeanOperationInfo[5];
        Class thisClass = getClass();
        Class[] parameterTypes = {String.class};
        Method echoMethod =
            thisClass.getMethod("echo", parameterTypes);
        String desc = "The echo op invokes the session bean echo method and"
            + " returns its value prefixed with the helloPrefix attribute value";
        operations[0] = new MBeanOperationInfo(desc, echoMethod);
        // Add the Service interface operations from our super class
        parameterTypes = new Class[0];
        Method createMethod =
            thisClass.getMethod("create", parameterTypes);
        operations[1] = new MBeanOperationInfo("The
                JBoss Service.create", createMethod);
        Method startMethod =
            thisClass.getMethod("start", parameterTypes);
        operations[2] = new MBeanOperationInfo("The
                JBoss Service.start", startMethod);
        Method stopMethod =
            thisClass.getMethod("stop", parameterTypes);
        operations[3] = new MBeanOperationInfo("The
                JBoss Service.stop", startMethod);
        Method destroyMethod =
            thisClass.getMethod("destroy", parameterTypes);
        operations[4] = new MBeanOperationInfo("The
                JBoss Service.destroy", startMethod);
        return name;
    // --- Begin ServiceMBeanSupport overides
    protected void createService() throws Exception
        log.info("Notified of create state");

    protected void startService() throws Exception
        log.info("Notified of start state");
        InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
        home = (EchoLocalHome) ctx.lookup(ejbJndiName);

    protected void stopService()
        log.info("Notified of stop state");

    // --- End ServiceMBeanSupport overides
    public String getHelloPrefix()
        return helloPrefix;
    public void setHelloPrefix(String helloPrefix)
        this.helloPrefix = helloPrefix;
    public String getEjbJndiName()
        return ejbJndiName;
    public void setEjbJndiName(String ejbJndiName)
        this.ejbJndiName = ejbJndiName;
    public String echo(String arg)
        throws CreateException, NamingException
        log.debug("Lookup EchoLocalHome@"+ejbJndiName);
        EchoLocal bean = home.create();
        String echo = helloPrefix + bean.echo(arg);
        return echo;
    // --- Begin DynamicMBean interface methods
     *  Returns the management interface that describes this dynamic
     *  resource.  It is the responsibility of the implementation to
     *  make sure the description is accurate.
     * @return the management interface descriptor.
    public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo()
        String classname = getClass().getName();
        String description = "This is an MBean that uses a session bean in the"
            + " implementation of its echo operation.";
        MBeanInfo[] constructors = null;
        MBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications = null;
        MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = new MBeanInfo(classname,
                                            description, attributes,
                                            constructors, operations,
        // Log when this is called so we know when in the
        lifecycle this is used
            Throwable trace = new Throwable("getMBeanInfo trace");
        log.info("Don't panic, just a stack
                trace", trace);
        return mbeanInfo;
     *  Returns the value of the attribute with the name matching the
     *  passed string.
     * @param attribute the name of the attribute.
     * @return the value of the attribute.
     * @exception AttributeNotFoundException when there is no such
     * attribute.
     * @exception MBeanException wraps any error thrown by the
     * resource when
     * getting the attribute.
     * @exception ReflectionException wraps any error invoking the
     * resource.
    public Object getAttribute(String attribute)
        throws AttributeNotFoundException, 
        Object value = null;
        if (attribute.equals("HelloPrefix")) {
            value = getHelloPrefix();
        } else if(attribute.equals("EjbJndiName")) {
            value = getEjbJndiName();
        } else {
            throw new AttributeNotFoundException("Unknown
                attribute("+attribute+") requested");
        return value;
     * Returns the values of the attributes with names matching the
     * passed string array.
     * @param attributes the names of the attribute.
     * @return an {@link AttributeList AttributeList} of name
     * and value pairs.
    public AttributeList getAttributes(String[] attributes)
        AttributeList values = new AttributeList();
        for (int a = 0; a < attributes.length; a++) {
            String name = attributes[a];
            try {
                Object value = getAttribute(name);
                Attribute attr = new Attribute(name, value);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                log.error("Failed to find attribute: "+name, e);
        return values;
     *  Sets the value of an attribute. The attribute and new value
     *  are passed in the name value pair {@link Attribute
     *  Attribute}.
     * @see javax.management.Attribute
     * @param attribute the name and new value of the attribute.
     * @exception AttributeNotFoundException when there is no such
     * attribute.
     * @exception InvalidAttributeValueException when the new value
     * cannot be converted to the type of the attribute.
     * @exception MBeanException wraps any error thrown by the
     * resource when setting the new value.
     * @exception ReflectionException wraps any error invoking the
     * resource.
    public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute)
        throws AttributeNotFoundException, 
        String name = attribute.getName();
        if (name.equals("HelloPrefix")) { 
            String value = attribute.getValue().toString();
        } else if(name.equals("EjbJndiName")) {
            String value = attribute.getValue().toString();
        } else {
            throw new AttributeNotFoundException("Unknown attribute("+name+") requested");
     * Sets the values of the attributes passed as an
     * {@link AttributeList AttributeList} of name and new
     * value pairs.
     * @param attributes the name an new value pairs.
     * @return an {@link AttributeList AttributeList} of name and
     * value pairs that were actually set.
    public AttributeList setAttributes(AttributeList attributes)
        AttributeList setAttributes = new AttributeList();
        for(int a = 0; a < attributes.size(); a++) {
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) attributes.get(a);
            try {
            } catch(Exception ignore) {
        return setAttributes;
     *  Invokes a resource operation.
     *  @param actionName the name of the operation to perform.
     *  @param params the parameters to pass to the operation.
     *  @param signature the signartures of the parameters.
     *  @return the result of the operation.
     *  @exception MBeanException wraps any error thrown by the
     *  resource when performing the operation.
     *  @exception ReflectionException wraps any error invoking the
     *  resource.
    public Object invoke(String actionName, Object[] params,
                         String[] signature)
        throws MBeanException,
        Object rtnValue = null;
        log.debug("Begin invoke, actionName="+actionName);
        try {
            if (actionName.equals("echo")) {
                String arg = (String) params[0];
                rtnValue = echo(arg);
                log.debug("Result: "+rtnValue);
            } else if (actionName.equals("create")) {
            } else if (actionName.equals("start")) {
            } else if (actionName.equals("stop")) {
            } else if (actionName.equals("destroy")) {
            } else {
                throw new JMRuntimeException("Invalid state,
                don't know about op="+actionName);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            throw new ReflectionException(e, "echo failed");

        log.debug("End invoke, actionName="+actionName);
        return rtnValue;
    // --- End DynamicMBean interface methods

Believe it or not, this is a very trivial MBean. The vast majority of the code is there to provide the MBean metadata and handle the callbacks from the MBean Server. This is required because a Dynamic MBean is free to expose whatever management interface it wants. A Dynamic MBean can in fact change its management interface at runtime simply by returning different metadata from the getMBeanInfo method. Of course, some clients may not be happy with such a dynamic object, but the MBean Server will do nothing to prevent a Dynamic MBean from changing its interface.

There are two points to this example. First, demonstrate how an MBean can depend on an EJB for some of its functionality and second, how to create MBeans with dynamic management interfaces. If we were to write a standard MBean with a static interface for this example it would look like the following.

public interface EjbMBeanAdaptorMBean
    public String getHelloPrefix();
    public void setHelloPrefix(String prefix);
    public String getEjbJndiName();
    public void setEjbJndiName(String jndiName);
    public String echo(String arg) throws CreateException, NamingException;
    public void create() throws Exception;
    public void start() throws Exception;
    public void stop();
    public void destroy();

Moving to lines 67-83, this is where the MBean operation metadata is constructed. The echo(String), create(), start(), stop() and destroy() operations are defined by obtaining the corresponding java.lang.reflect.Method object and adding a description. Let's go through the code and discuss where this interface implementation exists and how the MBean uses the EJB. Beginning with lines 40-51, the two MBeanAttributeInfo instances created define the attributes of the MBean. These attributes correspond to the getHelloPrefix/setHelloPrefix and getEjbJndiName/setEjbJndiName of the static interface. One thing to note in terms of why one might want to use a Dynamic MBean is that you have the ability to associate descriptive text with the attribute metadata. This is not something you can do with a static interface.

Lines 88-103 correspond to the JBoss service life cycle callbacks. Since we are subclassing the ServiceMBeanSupport utility class, we override the createService, startService, and stopService template callbacks rather than the create, start, and stop methods of the service interface. Note that we cannot attempt to lookup the EchoLocalHome interface of the EJB we make use of until the startService method. Any attempt to access the home interface in an earlier life cycle method would result in the name not being found in JNDI because the EJB container had not gotten to the point of binding the home interfaces. Because of this dependency we will need to specify that the MBean service depends on the EchoLocal EJB container to ensure that the service is not started before the EJB container is started. We will see this dependency specification when we look at the service descriptor.

Lines 105-121 are the HelloPrefix and EjbJndiName attribute accessors implementations. These are invoked in response to getAttribute/setAttribute invocations made through the MBean Server.

Lines 123-130 correspond to the echo(String) operation implementation. This method invokes the EchoLocal.echo(String) EJB method. The local bean interface is created using the EchoLocalHome that was obtained in the startService method.

The remainder of the class makes up the Dynamic MBean interface implementation. Lines 133-152 correspond to the MBean metadata accessor callback. This method returns a description of the MBean management interface in the form of the javax.management.MBeanInfo object. This is made up of a description, the MBeanAttributeInfo and MBeanOperationInfo metadata created earlier, as well as constructor and notification information. This MBean does not need any special constructors or notifications so this information is null.

Lines 154-258 handle the attribute access requests. This is rather tedious and error prone code so a toolkit or infrastructure that helps generate these methods should be used. A Model MBean framework based on XML called XBeans is currently being investigated in JBoss. Other than this, no other Dynamic MBean frameworks currently exist.

Lines 260-310 correspond to the operation invocation dispatch entry point. Here the request operation action name is checked against those the MBean handles and the appropriate method is invoked.

The jboss-service.xml descriptor for the MBean is given below. The dependency on the EJB container MBean is highlighted in bold. The format of the EJB container MBean ObjectName is: "jboss.j2ee:service=EJB,jndiName=" + <home-jndi-name> where the <home-jndi-name> is the EJB home interface JNDI name.

    <mbean code="org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor"
        <attribute name="HelloPrefix">AdaptorPrefix</attribute>
        <attribute name="EjbJndiName">local/j2ee_chap2.EchoBean</attribute>

Deploy the example ear by running:

[examples]$ ant -Dchap=jmx -Dex=3 run-example

On the server console there will be messages similar to the following:

14:57:12,906 INFO  [EARDeployer] Init J2EE application: file:/private/tmp/jboss-5.0.0/server/
14:57:13,044 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,088 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] preRegister notification seen
14:57:13,093 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,117 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,140 WARN  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Unexcepted error accessing MBeanInfo for null
  at org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport.postRegister(ServiceMBeanSupport.java:418)
14:57:13,203 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,232 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,420 INFO  [EjbModule] Deploying Chap2EchoInfoBean
14:57:13,443 INFO  [EjbModule] Deploying chap2.EchoBean
14:57:13,488 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,542 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,558 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Begin invoke, actionName=create
14:57:13,560 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Notified of create state
14:57:13,562 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] End invoke, actionName=create
14:57:13,604 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,621 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Don't panic, just a stack trace
java.lang.Throwable: getMBeanInfo trace
  at org.jboss.book.jmx.ex3.EjbMBeanAdaptor.getMBeanInfo(EjbMBeanAdaptor.java:153)
14:57:13,641 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Begin invoke, actionName=getState
14:57:13,942 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Begin invoke, actionName=start
14:57:13,944 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Notified of start state
14:57:13,951 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Testing Echo
14:57:13,983 INFO  [EchoBean] echo, info=echo info, arg=, arg=startService
14:57:13,986 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] echo(startService) = startService
14:57:13,988 INFO  [EjbMBeanAdaptor] End invoke, actionName=start
14:57:13,991 INFO  [EJBDeployer] Deployed: file:/tmp/jboss-5.0.0.GA/server/default/tmp/deploy
14:57:14,075 INFO  [EARDeployer] Started J2EE application: ...

The stack traces are not exceptions. They are traces coming from the EjbMBeanAdaptor code to demonstrate that clients ask for the MBean interface when they want to discover the MBean's capabilities. Notice that the EJB container (lines with [EjbModule]) is started before the example MBean (lines with [EjbMBeanAdaptor]).

Now, let's invoke the echo method using the JMX console web application. Go to the JMX Console (http://localhost:8080/jmx-console) and find the service=EjbMBeanAdaptor in the jboss.book domain. Click on the link and scroll down to the echo operation section. The view should be like that shown in Figure 3.19, “The EjbMBeanAdaptor MBean operations JMX console view”.

The EjbMBeanAdaptor MBean operations JMX console view

Figure 3.19. The EjbMBeanAdaptor MBean operations JMX console view

As shown, we have already entered an argument string of -echo-arg into the ParamValue text field. Press the Invoke button and a result string of AdaptorPrefix-echo-arg is displayed on the results page. The server console will show several stack traces from the various metadata queries issues by the JMX console and the MBean invoke method debugging lines:

10:51:48,671 INFO [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Begin invoke, actionName=echo
10:51:48,671 INFO [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Lookup EchoLocalHome@local/j2ee_chap2.EchoBean
10:51:48,687 INFO [EchoBean] echo, info=echo info, arg=, arg=-echo-arg
10:51:48,687 INFO [EjbMBeanAdaptor] Result: AdaptorPrefix-echo-arg
10:51:48,687 INFO [EjbMBeanAdaptor] End invoke, actionName=echo