JBoss.org Community Documentation

8.4. The JBoss Security Extension Architecture

The preceding discussion of the general JBoss security layer has stated that the JBossSX security extension framework is an implementation of the security layer interfaces. This is the primary purpose of the JBossSX framework. The details of the implementation are interesting in that it offers a great deal of customization for integration into existing security infrastructures. A security infrastructure can be anything from a database or LDAP server to a sophisticated security software suite. The integration flexibility is achieved using the pluggable authentication model available in the JAAS framework.

The heart of the JBossSX framework is org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager. This is the default implementation of the AuthenticationManager and RealmMapping interfaces. Figure 8.11, “The relationship between the security-domain component deployment descriptor value, the component container and the JaasSecurityManager.” shows how the JaasSecurityManager integrates into the EJB and web container layers based on the security-domain element of the corresponding component deployment descriptor.

The relationship between the security-domain component deployment descriptor value, the component container and the JaasSecurityManager.

Figure 8.11. The relationship between the security-domain component deployment descriptor value, the component container and the JaasSecurityManager.

Figure 8.11, “The relationship between the security-domain component deployment descriptor value, the component container and the JaasSecurityManager.” depicts an enterprise application that contains both EJBs and web content secured under the security domain jwdomain. The EJB and web containers have a request interceptor architecture that includes a security interceptor, which enforces the container security model. At deployment time, the security-domain element value in the jboss.xml and jboss-web.xml descriptors is used to obtain the security manager instance associated with the container. The security interceptor then uses the security manager to perform its role. When a secured component is requested, the security interceptor delegates security checks to the security manager instance associated with the container.

The JBossSX JaasSecurityManager implementation performs security checks based on the information associated with the Subject instance that results from executing the JAAS login modules configured under the name matching the security-domain element value. We will drill into the JaasSecurityManager implementation and its use of JAAS in the following section.