JBoss.org Community Documentation

Chapter 4. Naming on JBoss

The JNDI Naming Service

4.1. An Overview of JNDI
4.1.1. Names
4.1.2. Contexts
4.2. The JBossNS Architecture
4.3. The Naming InitialContext Factories
4.3.1. The standard naming context factory
4.3.2. The org.jboss.naming.NamingContextFactory
4.3.3. Naming Discovery in Clustered Environments
4.3.4. The HTTP InitialContext Factory Implementation
4.3.5. The Login InitialContext Factory Implementation
4.3.6. The ORBInitialContextFactory
4.4. JNDI over HTTP
4.4.1. Accessing JNDI over HTTP
4.4.2. Accessing JNDI over HTTPS
4.4.3. Securing Access to JNDI over HTTP
4.4.4. Securing Access to JNDI with a Read-Only Unsecured Context
4.5. Additional Naming MBeans
4.5.1. JNDI Binding Manager
4.5.2. The org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias MBean
4.5.3. org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext MBean
4.5.4. The org.jboss.naming.JNDIView MBean
4.6. J2EE and JNDI - The Application Component Environment
4.6.1. ENC Usage Conventions

The naming service plays a key role in enterprise Java applications, providing the core infrastructure that is used to locate objects or services in an application server. It is also the mechanism that clients external to the application server use to locate services inside the application server. Application code, whether it is internal or external to the JBoss instance, need only know that it needs to talk to the a message queue named queue/IncomingOrders and would not need to worry about any of the details of how the queue is configured. In a clustered environment, naming services are even more valuable. A client of a service would desire to look up the ProductCatalog session bean from the cluster without worrying which machine the service is residing. Whether it is a big clustered service, a local resource or just a simple application component that is needed, the JNDI naming service provides the glue that lets code find the objects in the system by name.