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4.6. J2EE and JNDI - The Application Component Environment

JNDI is a fundamental aspect of the J2EE specifications. One key usage is the isolation of J2EE component code from the environment in which the code is deployed. Use of the application component's environment allows the application component to be customized without the need to access or change the application component's source code. The application component environment is referred to as the ENC, the enterprise naming context. It is the responsibility of the application component container to make an ENC available to the container components in the form of JNDI Context. The ENC is utilized by the participants involved in the life cycle of a J2EE component in the following ways.

  • Application component business logic should be coded to access information from its ENC. The component provider uses the standard deployment descriptor for the component to specify the required ENC entries. The entries are declarations of the information and resources the component requires at runtime.

  • The container provides tools that allow a deployer of a component to map the ENC references made by the component developer to the deployment environment entity that satisfies the reference.

  • The component deployer utilizes the container tools to ready a component for final deployment.

  • The component container uses the deployment package information to build the complete component ENC at runtime

The complete specification regarding the use of JNDI in the J2EE platform can be found in section 5 of the J2EE 1.4 specification. The J2EE specification is available at http://java.sun.com/j2ee/download.html.

An application component instance locates the ENC using the JNDI API. An application component instance creates a javax.naming.InitialContext object by using the no argument constructor and then looks up the naming environment under the name java:comp/env. The application component's environment entries are stored directly in the ENC, or in its subcontexts. Example 4.4, “ENC access sample code” illustrates the prototypical lines of code a component uses to access its ENC.

// Obtain the application component's ENC
Context iniCtx = new InitialContext();
Context compEnv = (Context) iniCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");

Example 4.4. ENC access sample code

An application component environment is a local environment that is accessible only by the component when the application server container thread of control is interacting with the application component. This means that an EJB Bean1 cannot access the ENC elements of EJB Bean2, and vice versa. Similarly, Web application Web1 cannot access the ENC elements of Web application Web2 or Bean1 or Bean2 for that matter. Also, arbitrary client code, whether it is executing inside of the application server VM or externally cannot access a component's java:comp JNDI context. The purpose of the ENC is to provide an isolated, read-only namespace that the application component can rely on regardless of the type of environment in which the component is deployed. The ENC must be isolated from other components because each component defines its own ENC content. Components A and B, for example, may define the same name to refer to different objects. For example, EJB Bean1 may define an environment entry java:comp/env/red to refer to the hexadecimal value for the RGB color for red, while Web application Web1 may bind the same name to the deployment environment language locale representation of red.

There are three commonly used levels of naming scope in JBoss: names under java:comp, names under java:, and any other name. As discussed, the java:comp context and its subcontexts are only available to the application component associated with that particular context. Subcontexts and object bindings directly under java: are only visible within the JBoss server virtual machine and not to remote clients. Any other context or object binding is available to remote clients, provided the context or object supports serialization. You'll see how the isolation of these naming scopes is achieved in the Section 4.2, “The JBossNS Architecture”.

An example of where the restricting a binding to the java: context is useful would be a javax.sql.DataSource connection factory that can only be used inside of the JBoss server where the associated database pool resides. On the other hand, an EJB home interface would be bound to a globally visible name that should accessible by remote client.