4.6. Deploying the Application

4.6. Deploying the Application

Deploying an application in JBoss is simple and easy. You just have to copy the EAR file to the deploy directory in the 'server configuration' directory of your choice. Here, we will deploy it to the 'default' configuration, so we copy the EAR file to the JBOSS_DIST/jboss-as/server/default/deploy directory.

You should see something close to the following output from the server:

15:32:23,997 INFO  [EARDeployer] Init J2EE application: file:/jboss/jboss-as-5.0.0<release>/server/default/deploy/jsfejb3.ear
15:32:24,212 INFO  [JmxKernelAbstraction] creating wrapper delegate for: org.jboss.ejb3.
15:32:24,213 INFO  [JmxKernelAbstraction] installing MBean: persistence.units:ear=
jsfejb3.ear,jar=app.jar,unitName=helloworld with dependencies:
15:32:24,213 INFO  [JmxKernelAbstraction]       jboss.jca:name=DefaultDS,service=
15:32:24,275 INFO  [PersistenceUnitDeployment] Starting persistence unit persistence.
15:32:24,392 INFO  [Ejb3Configuration] found EJB3 Entity bean: Todo
15:32:24,450 WARN  [Ejb3Configuration] Persistence provider caller does not implements 
the EJB3 spec correctly. PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() is null.
15:32:24,512 INFO  [Configuration] Reading mappings from resource : META-INF/orm.xml
15:32:24,512 INFO  [Ejb3Configuration] [PersistenceUnit: helloworld] no META-INF/orm.xml 
15:32:24,585 INFO  [AnnotationBinder] Binding entity from annotated class: Todo
15:32:24,586 INFO  [EntityBinder] Bind entity Todo on table Todo
15:32:26,311 INFO  [SchemaExport] Running hbm2ddl schema export
15:32:26,312 INFO  [SchemaExport] exporting generated schema to database
15:32:26,314 INFO  [SchemaExport] Executing import script: /import.sql
15:32:26,418 INFO  [SchemaExport] schema export complete
15:32:26,454 INFO  [NamingHelper] JNDI InitialContext properties:{java.naming.factory.
initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.
15:32:26,484 INFO  [JmxKernelAbstraction] creating wrapper delegate for: org.jboss.ejb3.
15:32:26,485 INFO  [JmxKernelAbstraction] installing MBean: jboss.j2ee:ear=jsfejb3.ear,
jar=app.jar,name=TodoDao,service=EJB3 with dependencies:
15:32:26,513 INFO  [JmxKernelAbstraction]       persistence.units:ear=jsfejb3.ear,
15:32:26,557 INFO  [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: TodoDao ejbName: TodoDao
15:32:26,596 INFO  [EJB3Deployer] Deployed: file:/jboss/jboss-as-5.0.0<release>
15:32:26,625 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jsfejb3, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/
15:32:26,914 INFO  [EARDeployer] Started J2EE application: file:/jboss/jboss-as-5.0.0<release>/server/default/deploy/jsfejb3.ear

If there are any errors or exceptions, make a note of the error message. Check that the EAR is complete and inspect the WAR file and the EJB jar files to make sure they contain all the necessary components (classes, descriptors etc.).

You can safely redeploy the application if it is already deployed. To undeploy it you just have to remove the archive from the deploy directory. There’s no need to restart the server in either case. If everything seems to have gone OK, then point your browser at the application URL.


You will be forwarded to the application main page. Figure 4.5, “Sample TODO” shows the sample application in action.

Sample TODO

Figure 4.5. Sample TODO