Uses of Class

Packages that use ExecutionContext
org.jboss.dna.connector.filesystem The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository. The classes that make up the connector that stores content in a relational database via JDBC and JPA. The classes that define the "basic" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 
org.jboss.dna.connector.svn The classes that make up the connector that accesses content from an SVN repository. 
org.jboss.dna.graph The JBoss DNA Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.connector JBoss DNA uses connectors to access information from external systems (such as databases, other repositories, services, applications, etc.) and create graph representations of that information. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.connector.federation JBoss DNA provides a federated connector that is able to access repository content from multiple external systems and make that content look like it exists in a single unified repository. The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node   
org.jboss.dna.graph.request.processor This portion of the JBoss DNA Graph API defines the processor for requests
org.jboss.dna.graph.sequencer A sequencer in JBoss DNA is a component that is able to process information (usually the content of a file, or a property value on a node) and recreate that information as a graph of structured content. 
org.jboss.dna.jcr The DNA implementation of the JCR API. 
org.jboss.dna.repository The components and services that make up the JBoss DNA repository engine. 
org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer The classes that make up the sequencing service and its configuration. 

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.connector.filesystem

Methods in org.jboss.dna.connector.filesystem with parameters of type ExecutionContext
 void FileSystemConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Uses of ExecutionContext in

Methods in with parameters of type ExecutionContext
abstract  RequestProcessor Model.createRequestProcessor(String sourceName, ExecutionContext context, Observer observer, javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager, UUID rootNodeUuid, String nameOfDefaultWorkspace, String[] predefinedWorkspaceNames, long largeValueMinimumSizeInBytes, boolean creatingWorkspacesAllowed, boolean comparessData, boolean enforceReferentialIntegrity)
 void JpaConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Uses of ExecutionContext in

Methods in with parameters of type ExecutionContext
static SubgraphQuery SubgraphQuery.create(ExecutionContext context, javax.persistence.EntityManager entities, Long workspaceId, UUID subgraphRootUuid, Path subgraphRootPath, int maxDepth)
          Create a query that returns a subgraph at and below the node with the supplied path and the supplied UUID.
 RequestProcessor BasicModel.createRequestProcessor(String sourceName, ExecutionContext context, Observer observer, javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager, UUID rootNodeUuid, String nameOfDefaultWorkspace, String[] predefinedWorkspaceNames, long largeValueMinimumSizeInBytes, boolean creatingWorkspacesAllowed, boolean compressData, boolean enforceReferentialIntegrity)

Constructors in with parameters of type ExecutionContext
BasicRequestProcessor(String sourceName, ExecutionContext context, Observer observer, javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager, UUID rootNodeUuid, String nameOfDefaultWorkspace, String[] predefinedWorkspaceNames, long largeValueMinimumSizeInBytes, boolean creatingWorkspacesAllowed, boolean compressData, boolean enforceReferentialIntegrity)

Uses of ExecutionContext in

Constructors in with parameters of type ExecutionContext
Serializer(ExecutionContext context, boolean excludeUuidProperty)

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.connector.svn

Methods in org.jboss.dna.connector.svn with parameters of type ExecutionContext
 void SVNRepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.graph

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph that return ExecutionContext
 ExecutionContext ExecutionContext.clone()
 ExecutionContext Graph.getContext()
          Get the context of execution within which operations on this graph are performed.
 ExecutionContext ExecutionContext.with(ClassLoaderFactory classLoaderFactory)
          Create a new execution context that mirrors this context but that uses the supplied class loader factory.
 ExecutionContext ExecutionContext.with(MimeTypeDetector mimeTypeDetector)
          Create a new execution context that is the same as this context, but which uses the supplied MIME type detector.
 ExecutionContext ExecutionContext.with(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry)
          Create a new execution context that mirrors this context but that uses the supplied namespace registry.
 ExecutionContext ExecutionContext.with(SecurityContext securityContext)
          Create an ExecutionContext that is the same as this context, but which uses the supplied security context.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph with parameters of type ExecutionContext
static Graph Graph.create(RepositoryConnection connection, ExecutionContext context)
          Create a graph instance that uses the supplied RepositoryConnection and context.
static Graph Graph.create(RepositorySource source, ExecutionContext context)
          Create a graph instance that uses the supplied RepositoryConnection and context.
static Graph Graph.create(String sourceName, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, ExecutionContext context)
          Create a graph instance that uses the supplied repository and context.

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.graph.connector

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.connector that return ExecutionContext
 ExecutionContext RepositoryContext.getExecutionContext()
          Get the execution context, which can be used to create other contexts with specific JAAS security contexts.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.connector with parameters of type ExecutionContext
 void RepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.graph.connector.federation

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.connector.federation with parameters of type ExecutionContext
static Projection.Rule Projection.fromString(String definition, ExecutionContext context)
          Parse the string form of a rule definition and return the rule
static Projection.PathRule Projection.parsePathRule(String definition, ExecutionContext context)
          Parse the string definition of a Projection.PathRule.
 Projection.Rule ProjectionParser.ruleFromString(String definition, ExecutionContext context)
          Parse the string form of a rule definition and return the rule
 Projection.Rule[] ProjectionParser.rulesFromString(ExecutionContext context, String definitions)
          Parse a single string containing one or more string forms of rule definitions, and return the rules.
 Projection.Rule[] ProjectionParser.rulesFromStrings(ExecutionContext context, String... definitions)
          Parse string forms of an arry of rule definitions and return the rules

Uses of ExecutionContext in

Methods in with parameters of type ExecutionContext
 MapNode MapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.cloneNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, Path.Segment desiredSegment, boolean removeExisting, Set<Location> removedExistingNodes)
          This should clone the subgraph given by the original node and place the cloned copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode MapWorkspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.copyNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode original, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, Name desiredName, boolean recursive)
          This should copy the subgraph given by the original node and place the new copy under the supplied new parent.
 MapNode MapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name, UUID uuid)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode parentNode, Name name, UUID uuid)
          Create a new node with the supplied name, as a child of the supplied parent.
 MapNode MapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode)
          Create a node at the supplied path.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.createNode(ExecutionContext context, String pathToNewNode)
          Create a node at the supplied path.
 MapWorkspace MapRepository.createWorkspace(ExecutionContext context, String name, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior behavior)
          Attempts to create a workspace with the given name with name-collision behavior determined by the behavior parameter.
 MapWorkspace MapRepository.createWorkspace(ExecutionContext context, String name, CreateWorkspaceRequest.CreateConflictBehavior existingWorkspaceBehavior, String nameOfWorkspaceToClone)
          Attempts to create a workspace with the requested name as in the #createWorkspace(ExecutionContext, String, CreateConflictBehavior) method and then clones the content from the given source workspace into the new workspace if the creation was successful.
 void MapRepositoryConnection.execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.getNode(ExecutionContext context, String path)
          Find a node with the given path.
 Property MapNode.getProperty(ExecutionContext context, String name)
          Returns the named property
 void MapWorkspace.moveNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode node, Name desiredNewName, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, MapNode beforeNode)
          Move the supplied node to the new parent.
 void AbstractMapWorkspace.moveNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode node, Name desiredNewName, MapWorkspace newWorkspace, MapNode newParent, MapNode beforeNode)
          Move the supplied node to the new parent.
 void MapWorkspace.removeNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode node)
          Removes the given node.
 void AbstractMapWorkspace.removeNode(ExecutionContext context, MapNode node)
          Removes the given node and its children, correcting the SNS and child indices for its parent.
 MapNode MapNode.setProperty(ExecutionContext context, String name, Object... values)
          Sets the property with the given name, overwriting any previous property for the given name

Constructors in with parameters of type ExecutionContext
MapRequestProcessor(ExecutionContext context, MapRepository repository, RepositoryContext repositoryContext)

Uses of ExecutionContext in

Methods in that return ExecutionContext
 ExecutionContext GraphImporter.getContext()
          Get the context in which the importer will be executed.
 ExecutionContext GraphBatchDestination.getExecutionContext()
          Obtain the execution context of the destination.
 ExecutionContext Destination.getExecutionContext()
          Obtain the execution context of the destination.

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.graph.request.processor

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.request.processor that return ExecutionContext
 ExecutionContext RequestProcessor.getExecutionContext()
          The execution context that this process is operating within.

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.graph.sequencer

Subclasses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.graph.sequencer
 class StreamSequencerContext
          A special ExecutionContext that is used for sequencing streams.

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.graph.sequencer with parameters of type ExecutionContext
StreamSequencerContext(ExecutionContext context, Path inputPath, Set<Property> inputProperties, String mimeType, Problems problems)

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.jcr

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.jcr with parameters of type ExecutionContext
JcrConfiguration(ExecutionContext context)
          Create a new configuration using the supplied ExecutionContext.
JcrRepository(ExecutionContext executionContext, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String repositorySourceName)
          Creates a JCR repository that uses the supplied repository connection factory to establish sessions to the underlying repository source upon login.
JcrRepository(ExecutionContext executionContext, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String repositorySourceName, Map<String,String> descriptors, Map<JcrRepository.Option,String> options)
          Creates a JCR repository that uses the supplied repository connection factory to establish sessions to the underlying repository source upon login.

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.repository

Methods in org.jboss.dna.repository that return ExecutionContext
 ExecutionContext DnaConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition.getContext()
 ExecutionContext SimpleRepositoryContext.getExecutionContext()
          Get the execution context, which can be used to create other contexts with specific JAAS security contexts.
 ExecutionContext RepositoryLibrary.getExecutionContext()
 ExecutionContext DnaEngine.getExecutionContext()
          Get the context in which this engine is executing.
 ExecutionContext RepositoryService.getExecutionEnvironment()

Methods in org.jboss.dna.repository with parameters of type ExecutionContext
 Graph DnaEngine.getGraph(ExecutionContext context, String sourceName)
          Get a graph to the underlying source, using the supplied context.

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.repository with parameters of type ExecutionContext
DnaConfiguration(ExecutionContext context)
          Create a new configuration using the supplied ExecutionContext.
RepositoryLibrary(RepositorySource configurationSource, String configurationWorkspaceName, Path pathToSourcesConfigurationRoot, ExecutionContext context)
          Create a new manager instance.
RepositoryService(RepositorySource configurationSource, String configurationWorkspaceName, Path pathToConfigurationRoot, ExecutionContext context, Problems problems)
          Create a service instance, reading the configuration describing new RepositorySource instances from the supplied configuration repository.
SimpleRepositoryContext(ExecutionContext context, Observer observer, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory)

Uses of ExecutionContext in org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer

Methods in org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer that return ExecutionContext
 ExecutionContext SequencingService.getExecutionContext()
 ExecutionContext SequencerContext.getExecutionContext()
          Returns the execution context under which this sequencer context operates

Methods in org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer with parameters of type ExecutionContext
 void SequencingService.setExecutionContext(ExecutionContext executionContext)

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.repository.sequencer with parameters of type ExecutionContext
SequencerContext(ExecutionContext executionContext, Graph graph)

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