Uses of Class

Packages that use TokenStream.ParsingException
org.jboss.dna.common.text A set of utilities for working with text. 

Uses of TokenStream.ParsingException in org.jboss.dna.common.text

Methods in org.jboss.dna.common.text that throw TokenStream.ParsingException
 String TokenStream.consume()
          Return the value of this token and move to the next token.
 void TokenStream.consume(char expected)
          Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected character, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(int expectedType)
          Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected character, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(Iterable<String> nextTokens)
          Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(String expected)
          Attempt to consume this current token as long as it matches the expected value, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(String[] nextTokens)
          Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 void TokenStream.consume(String expected, String... expectedForNextTokens)
          Attempt to consume this current token as the next tokens as long as they match the expected values, or throw an exception if the token does not match.
 TokenStream TokenStream.start()
          Begin the token stream, including (if required) the tokenization of the input content.
 void TokenStream.Tokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate Token objects.
 void TokenStream.BasicTokenizer.tokenize(TokenStream.CharacterStream input, TokenStream.Tokens tokens)
          Process the supplied characters and construct the appropriate Token objects.

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