Class ClasspathLocalizationRepository

  extended by org.jboss.dna.common.i18n.ClasspathLocalizationRepository
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClasspathLocalizationRepository
extends Object
implements LocalizationRepository

Implementation of a LocalizationRepository that loads a properties file from the classpath of the supplied class loader.

This repository for a property file by building locations of the form "path/to/", where "path/to/class" is created from the fully-qualified classname and all "." replaced with "/" characters, "locale" is the a variant of the locale (first the full locale, then subsequently with the last segment removed). As soon as a property file is found, its URL is returned immediately.

named with a name that matches

Constructor Summary
          Create a repository using the current thread's context class loader or, if that is null, the same class loader that loaded this class.
ClasspathLocalizationRepository(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Create a repository using the supplied class loader.
Method Summary
 URL getLocalizationBundle(String bundleName, Locale locale)
          Obtain the URL to the properties file containing the localized messages given the supplied bundle name.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClasspathLocalizationRepository()
Create a repository using the current thread's context class loader or, if that is null, the same class loader that loaded this class.


public ClasspathLocalizationRepository(ClassLoader classLoader)
Create a repository using the supplied class loader. Null may be passed if the class loader should be obtained from the current thread's context class loader or, if that is null, the same class loader that loaded this class.

classLoader - the class loader to use; may be null
Method Detail


public URL getLocalizationBundle(String bundleName,
                                 Locale locale)
Obtain the URL to the properties file containing the localized messages given the supplied bundle name. This method is responsible for searching to find the most appropriate localized messages given the locale, but does not need to search using the default locale (as that is done by the calling method.

Specified by:
getLocalizationBundle in interface LocalizationRepository
bundleName - the name of the bundle of properties; never null
locale - the locale for which the properties file URL is desired
the URL to the properties file containing the localized messages for the named bundle, or null if no such bundle could be found

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