JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 3. Using JBoss DNA

3.1. JBoss DNA's JcrEngine
3.2. JcrConfiguration
3.2.1. Loading from a configuration file
3.2.2. Loading from a configuration repository
3.2.3. Programmatic configuration
3.3. What's next

Using JBoss DNA within your application is actually quite straightforward. As you'll see in this chapter, the first step is setting up JBoss DNA and starting the JcrEngine. After that, you obtain the javax.jcr.Repository instance for a named repository and just use the standard JCR API throughout your application.

JBoss DNA encapsulates everything necessary to run one or more JCR repositories into a single JcrEngine instance. This includes all underlying repository sources, the pools of connections to the sources, the sequencers, the MIME type detector(s), and the Repository implementations.

Obtaining a JcrEngine instance is very easy - assuming that you have a valid JcrConfiguration instance. We'll see how to get one of those in a little bit, but if you have one then all you have to do is build and start the engine:

JcrConfiguration config = ...
JcrEngine engine = config.build();

Obtaining a JCR Repository instance is a matter of simply asking the engine for it by the name defined in the configuration:

javax.jcr.Repository repository = engine.getRepository("Name of repository");

At this point, your application can proceed by working with the JCR API.

And, once you're finished with the JcrEngine, you should shut it down:

engine.awaitTermination(3,TimeUnit.SECONDS);    // optional

When the shutdown() method is called, the Repository instances managed by the engine are marked as being shut down, and they will not be able to create new Sessions. However, any existing Sessions or ongoing operations (e.g., event notifications) present at the time of the shutdown() call will be allowed to finish. In essence, shutdown() is a graceful request, and since it may take some time to complete, you can wait until the shutdown has completed by simply calling awaitTermination(...) as shown above. This method will block until the engine has indeed shutdown or until the supplied time duration has passed (whichever comes first). And, yes, you can call the awaitTermination(...) method repeatedly if needed.

The previous section assumed the existence of a JcrConfiguration. It's not really that creating an instance is all that difficult. In fact, there's only one no-argument constructor, so actually creating the instance is a piece of cake. What can be a little more challenging, though, is setting up the JcrConfiguration instance, which must define the following components:

  • Repository sources are the POJO objects that each describe a particular location where content is stored. Each repository source object is an instance of a JBoss DNA connector, and is configured with the properties that particular source. JBoss DNA's RepositorySource classes are analogous to JDBC's DataSource classes - they are implemented by specific connectors (aka, "drivers") for specific kinds of repository sources (aka, "databases"). Similarly, a RepositorySource instance is analogous to a DataSource instance, with bean properties for each configurable parameter. Therefore, each repository source definition must supply the name of the RepositorySource class, any bean properties, and, optionally, the classpath that should be used to load the class.

  • Repositories define the JCR repositories that are available. Each repository has a unique name that is used to obtain the Repository instance from the JcrEngine's getRepository(String) method, but each repository definition also can include the predefined namespaces (other than those automatically defined by JBoss DNA), various options, and the node types that are to be available in the repository without explicit registration through the JCR API.

  • Sequencers define the particular sequencers that are available for use. Each sequencer definition provides the path expressions governing which nodes in the repository should be sequenced when those nodes change, and where the resulting output generated by the sequencer should be placed. The definition also must state the name of the sequencer class, any bean properties and, optionally, the classpath that should be used to load the class.

  • MIME type detectors define the particular MIME type detector(s) that should be made available. A MIME type detector does exactly what the name implies: it attempts to determine the MIME type given a "filename" and contents. JBoss DNA automatically uses a detector that uses the file extension to identify the MIME type, but also provides an implementation that uses an external library to identify the MIME type based upon the contents. The definition must state the name of the detector class, any bean properties and, optionally, the classpath that should be used to load the class.

There really are three options:

  • Load from a file is conceptually the easiest and requires the least amount of Java code, but it now requires a configuration file.

  • Load from a configuration repository is not much more complicated than loading from a file, but it does allow multiple JcrEngine instances (usually in different processes perhaps on different machines) to easily access their (shared) configuration. And technically, loading the configuration from a file really just creates an InMemoryRepositorySource, imports the configuration file into that source, and then proceeds with this approach.

  • Programmatic configuration is always possible, even if the configuration is loaded from a file or repository. Using the JcrConfiguration's API, you can define (or update or remove) all of the definitions that make up a configuration.

Each of these approaches has their obvious advantages, so the choice of which one to use is entirely up to you.

Loading the JBoss DNA configuration from a file is actually very simple:

JcrConfiguration config = new JcrConfiguration();

where the file parameter can actually be a File instance, a URL to the file, an InputStream containing the contents of the file, or even a String containing the contents of the file.


The loadFrom(...) method can be called any number of times, but each time it is called it completely wipes out any current notion of the configuration and replaces it with the configuration found in the file.

There is an optional second parameter that defines the Path within the configuration file identifying the parent node of the various configuration nodes. If not specified, it assumes "/". This makes it possible for the configuration content to be located at a different location in the hierarchical structure. (This is not often required, but when it is required this second parameter is very useful.)

Here is the configuration file that is used in the repository example, though it has been simplified a bit and most comments have been removed for clarity):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration xmlns="http://www.jboss.org/dna/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0">
      Define the JCR repositories 
          Define a JCR repository that accesses the 'Cars' source directly.
          This of course is optional, since we could access the same content through 'vehicles'.
          <dna:repository jcr:name="car repository" dna:source="Cars">
              <dna:options jcr:primaryType="dna:options">
                  <jaasLoginConfigName jcr:primaryType="dna:option" dna:value="dna-jcr"/>
    Define the sources for the content.  These sources are directly accessible using the DNA-specific Graph API.
    <dna:sources jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
        <dna:source jcr:name="Cars" dna:classname="org.jboss.dna.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource" dna:retryLimit="3" dna:defaultWorkspaceName="workspace1"/>
        <dna:source jcr:name="Aircraft" dna:classname="org.jboss.dna.graph.connector.inmemory.InMemoryRepositorySource">
            <!-- Define the name of the workspace used by default.  Optional, but convenient. -->
    Define the sequencers. This is an optional section. For this example, we're not using any sequencers. 
        <!--dna:sequencer jcr:name="Image Sequencer" dna:classname="org.jboss.dna.sequencer.image.ImageMetadataSequencer">
            <dna:description>Image metadata sequencer</dna:description>        
            <dna:pathExpression>/foo/source => /foo/target</dna:pathExpression>
            <dna:pathExpression>/bar/source => /bar/target</dna:pathExpression>
        <dna:mimeTypeDetector jcr:name="Detector" dna:description="Standard extension-based MIME type detector"/>

Loading the JBoss DNA configuration from an existing repository is also pretty straightforward. Simply create and configure the RepositorySource instance to point to the desired repository, and then call the loadFrom(RepositorySource source) method:

RepositorySource configSource = ...
JcrConfiguration config = new JcrConfiguration();

This really is a more advanced way to define your configuration, so we won't go into how you configure a RepositorySource. For more information, consult the Reference Guide.


The loadFrom(...) method can be called any number of times, but each time it is called it completely wipes out any current notion of the configuration and replaces it with the configuration found in the file.

There is an optional second parameter that defines the name of the workspace in the supplied source where the configuration content can be found. It is not needed if the workspace is the source's default workspace. There is an optional third parameter that defines the Path within the configuration repository identifying the parent node of the various configuration nodes. If not specified, it assumes "/". This makes it possible for the configuration content to be located at a different location in the hierarchical structure. (This is not often required, but when it is required this second parameter is very useful.)

Defining the configuration programmatically is not terribly complicated, and it for obvious reasons results in more verbose Java code. But this approach is very useful and often the easiest approach when the configuration must change or is a reflection of other dynamic information.

The JcrConfiguration class was designed to have an easy-to-use API that makes it easy to configure each of the different kinds of components, especially when using an IDE with code completion. Here are several examples:

Each repository source definition must include the name of the RepositorySource class as well as each bean property that should be set on the object:

JcrConfiguration config = ...
config.repositorySource("source A")
      .setDescription("The repository for our content")
      .setProperty("defaultWorkspaceName", workspaceName);

This example defines an in-memory source with the name "source A", a description, and a single "defaultWorkspaceName" bean property. Different RepositorySource implementations will the bean properties that are required and optional. Of course, the class can be specified as Class reference or a string (followed by whether the class should be loaded from the classpath or from a specific classpath).


Each time repositorySource(String) is called, it will either load the existing definition with the supplied name or will create a new definition if one does not already exist. To remove a definition, simply call remove() on the result of repositorySource(String). The set of existing definitions can be accessed with the repositorySources() method.

Each defined sequencer must specify the name of the StreamSequencer implementation class as well as the path expressions defining which nodes should be sequenced and the output paths defining where the sequencer output should be placed (often as a function of the input path expression).

JcrConfiguration config = ...
config.sequencer("Image Sequencer")
      .setDescription("Sequences image files to extract the characteristics of the image")

This shows an example of a sequencer definition named "Image Sequencer" that uses the ImageMetadataSequencer class (loaded from the classpath), that is to sequence the "jcr:data" property on any new or changed nodes that are named "jcr:content" below a parent node with a name ending in ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".pcx", ".iff", ".ras", ".pbm", ".pgm", ".ppm" or ".psd". The output of the sequencing operation should be placed at the "/images/$1" node, where the "$1" value is captured as the name of the parent node. (The capture groups work the same was as regular expressions; see the Reference Guide for more details.) Of course, the class can be specified as Class reference or a string (followed by whether the class should be loaded from the classpath or from a specific classpath).


Each time sequencer(String) is called, it will either load the existing definition with the supplied name or will create a new definition if one does not already exist. To remove a definition, simply call remove() on the result of sequencer(String). The set of existing definitions can be accessed with the sequencers() method.

Each defined MIME type detector must specify the name of the MimeTypeDetector implementation class as well as any other bean properties required by the implementation.

JcrConfiguration config = ...
config.mimeTypeDetector("Extension Detector")

Of course, the class can be specified as Class reference or a string (followed by whether the class should be loaded from the classpath or from a specific classpath).


Each time mimeTypeDetector(String) is called, it will either load the existing definition with the supplied name or will create a new definition if one does not already exist. To remove a definition, simply call remove() on the result of mimeTypeDetector(String). The set of existing definitions can be accessed with the mimeTypeDetectors() method.

This chapter outline how you configure JBoss DNA, how you then access a javax.jcr.Repository instance, and use the standard JCR API to interact with the repository. The next chapter walks you through downloading and running the JBoss DNA examples.