Package org.jboss.dna.jcr

Interface Summary
JcrConfiguration.RepositoryDefinition<ReturnType> Interface used to define a JCR Repository that's accessible from the JcrEngine.
JcrNodeTypeSource Interface for any potential provider of JcrNodeType definitions, the DNA implementation of NodeType.

Class Summary
CndNodeTypeSource Class to parse one or more Compact Node Definition (CND) files containing custom node type definitions into a format that can be registered with the RepositoryNodeTypeManager.
DnaIntLexicon A lexicon of internal and implementation-specific information
JcrConfiguration A configuration builder for a JcrEngine.
JcrEngine The basic component that encapsulates the JBoss DNA services, including the Repository instances.
JcrLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
JcrMixLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
JcrNodeTypeTemplate DNA implementation of the JCR NodeTypeTemplate interface
JcrNtLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
JcrRepository Creates JCR sessions to an underlying repository (which may be a federated repository).
JcrRepository.DefaultOption The default values for each of the JcrRepository.Option.
JcrSvLexicon Lexicon of names from the standard JCR "" namespace.
NodeDefinitionId An immutable identifier for a node definition.
PropertyDefinitionId An immutable identifier for a property definition.
PropertyId An immutable identifier for a property, often used to reference information a property held within the SessionCache.
SecurityContextCredentials Credentials implementation that wraps a DNA security context.

Enum Summary
JcrRepository.Option The available options for the JcrRepository.

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