Class Serializer

  extended by

public class Serializer
extends Object

Randall Hauch

Nested Class Summary
static interface Serializer.LargeValues
          Interface that represents the location where "large" objects are stored.
static interface Serializer.ReferenceValues
          Interface used to record how Reference values are processed during serialization and deserialization.
Field Summary
static Serializer.LargeValues NO_LARGE_VALUES
static Serializer.ReferenceValues NO_REFERENCES_VALUES
Constructor Summary
Serializer(ExecutionContext context, boolean excludeUuidProperty)
Method Summary
 void adjustReferenceProperties(ObjectInputStream input, ObjectOutputStream output, Map<String,String> oldUuidToNewUuid)
          Deserialize the properties, adjust all Reference values that point to an "old" UUID to point to the corresponding "new" UUID, and reserialize the properties.
 byte[] computeHash(String value)
 void deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream stream, Collection<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
          Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
 Property deserializeProperty(ObjectInputStream stream, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
          Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.
 Object[] deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream stream, Name propertyName, boolean skip, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.
 void deserializeSomeProperties(ObjectInputStream stream, Collection<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues, Name... names)
          Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
 int reserializeProperties(ObjectInputStream input, ObjectOutputStream output, Map<Name,Property> updatedProperties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues removedLargeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the existing properties from the supplied input stream, update the properties, and then serialize the updated properties to the output stream.
 void serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream stream, int number, Iterable<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Serialize the properties' values to the object stream.
 boolean serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream stream, Property property, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Serialize the property's values to the object stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Serializer.LargeValues NO_LARGE_VALUES


public static final Serializer.ReferenceValues NO_REFERENCES_VALUES
Constructor Detail


public Serializer(ExecutionContext context,
                  boolean excludeUuidProperty)
Method Detail


public void serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream stream,
                                int number,
                                Iterable<Property> properties,
                                Serializer.LargeValues largeValues,
                                Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
                         throws IOException
Serialize the properties' values to the object stream.

If any of the property values are considered large, the value's hash and length of the property value will be written to the object stream, but the property value will be sent to the supplied LargeValueEntity object.

This method does not automatically write each property value to the stream using ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(Object), but instead serializes the primitive values that make up the property value object with a code that describes the property's type. This is more efficient, since most of the property values are really non-primitive objects, and writing to the stream using ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(Object) would include larger class metadata.

stream - the stream where the properties' values are to be serialized; may not be null
number - the number of properties exposed by the supplied properties iterator; must be 0 or positive
properties - the iterator over the properties that are to be serialized; may not be null
largeValues - the interface to use for writing large values; may not be null
references - the interface to use for recording which Reference values were found during serialization, or null if the references do not need to be accumulated
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
See Also:
deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream, Collection, LargeValues), deserializeSomeProperties(ObjectInputStream, Collection, LargeValues, LargeValues, Name...), serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream, Property, LargeValues, ReferenceValues)


public boolean serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream stream,
                                 Property property,
                                 Serializer.LargeValues largeValues,
                                 Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
                          throws IOException
Serialize the property's values to the object stream.

If any of the property values are considered large, the value's hash and length of the property value will be written to the object stream, but the property value will be sent to the supplied LargeValueEntity object.

This method does not automatically write each property value to the stream using ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(Object), but instead serializes the primitive values that make up the property value object with a code that describes the property's type. This is more efficient, since most of the property values are really non-primitive objects, and writing to the stream using ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(Object) would include larger class metadata.

stream - the stream where the property's values are to be serialized; may not be null
property - the property to be serialized; may not be null
largeValues - the interface to use for writing large values; may not be null
references - the interface to use for recording which Reference values were found during serialization, or null if the references do not need to be accumulated
true if the property was serialized, or false if it was not
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
See Also:
serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream, int, Iterable, LargeValues, ReferenceValues), deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream, Name, boolean, LargeValues, LargeValues, ReferenceValues)


public int reserializeProperties(ObjectInputStream input,
                                 ObjectOutputStream output,
                                 Map<Name,Property> updatedProperties,
                                 Serializer.LargeValues largeValues,
                                 Serializer.LargeValues removedLargeValues,
                                 Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
                          throws IOException,
Deserialize the existing properties from the supplied input stream, update the properties, and then serialize the updated properties to the output stream.

input - the stream from which the existing properties are to be deserialized; may not be null
output - the stream to which the updated properties are to be serialized; may not be null
updatedProperties - the properties that are being updated (or removed, if there are no values); may not be null
largeValues - the interface to use for writing large values; may not be null
removedLargeValues - the interface to use for recording the large values that were removed; may not be null
references - the interface to use for recording which Reference values were found during serialization, or null if the references do not need to be accumulated
the number of properties
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
ClassNotFoundException - if the class for the value's object could not be found


public void adjustReferenceProperties(ObjectInputStream input,
                                      ObjectOutputStream output,
                                      Map<String,String> oldUuidToNewUuid)
                               throws IOException,
Deserialize the properties, adjust all Reference values that point to an "old" UUID to point to the corresponding "new" UUID, and reserialize the properties. If any reference is to a UUID not in the map, it is left untouched.

This is an efficient method that (for the most part) reads from the input stream and directly writes to the output stream. The exception is when a Reference value is read, that Reference is attempted to be remapped to a new Reference and written in place of the old reference. (Of course, if the Reference is to a UUID that is not in the "old" to "new" map, the old is written directly.)

input - the stream from which the existing properties are to be deserialized; may not be null
output - the stream to which the updated properties are to be serialized; may not be null
oldUuidToNewUuid - the map of old-to-new UUIDs
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
ClassNotFoundException - if the class for the value's object could not be found


public void deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream stream,
                                     Collection<Property> properties,
                                     Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
                              throws IOException,
Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.

stream - the stream that contains the serialized properties; may not be null
properties - the collection into which each deserialized property is to be placed; may not be null
largeValues - the interface to use for writing large values; may not be null
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
ClassNotFoundException - if the class for the value's object could not be found
See Also:
deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream, Name, boolean, LargeValues, LargeValues, ReferenceValues), serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream, int, Iterable, LargeValues, ReferenceValues)


public void deserializeSomeProperties(ObjectInputStream stream,
                                      Collection<Property> properties,
                                      Serializer.LargeValues largeValues,
                                      Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues,
                                      Name... names)
                               throws IOException,
Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.

stream - the stream that contains the serialized properties; may not be null
properties - the collection into which each deserialized property is to be placed; may not be null
names - the names of the properties that should be deserialized; should not be null or empty
largeValues - the interface to use for writing large values; may not be null
skippedLargeValues - the interface to use for recording the large values that were skipped; may not be null
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
ClassNotFoundException - if the class for the value's object could not be found
See Also:
deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream, Name, boolean, LargeValues, LargeValues, ReferenceValues), serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream, int, Iterable, LargeValues, ReferenceValues)


public Property deserializeProperty(ObjectInputStream stream,
                                    Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
                             throws IOException,
Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.

stream - the stream that contains the serialized properties; may not be null
largeValues - the interface to use for writing large values; may not be null
the deserialized property; never null
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
ClassNotFoundException - if the class for the value's object could not be found
See Also:
deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream, Collection, LargeValues), serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream, Property, LargeValues, ReferenceValues)


public Object[] deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream stream,
                                          Name propertyName,
                                          boolean skip,
                                          Serializer.LargeValues largeValues,
                                          Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues,
                                          Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
                                   throws IOException,
Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.

stream - the stream that contains the serialized properties; may not be null
propertyName - the name of the property being deserialized
skip - true if the values don't need to be read, or false if they are to be read
largeValues - the interface to use for writing large values; may not be null
skippedLargeValues - the interface to use for recording the large values that were skipped; may not be null
references - the interface to use for recording which Reference values were found (and/or removed) during deserialization; may not be null
the deserialized property values, or an empty list if there are no values
IOException - if there is an error writing to the stream or largeValues
ClassNotFoundException - if the class for the value's object could not be found
See Also:
deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream, Collection, LargeValues), serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream, Property, LargeValues, ReferenceValues)


public byte[] computeHash(String value)

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