
Class Summary
BasicModel Database model that stores node properties as opaque records and children as transparent records.
ChildEntity An entity representing the parent-child relationship between two nodes.
ChildId A unique identifer for a parent-child relationship.
LargeValueEntity A single property value that is too large to be stored on the individual node, and which will be shared among all properties that have the same value.
LargeValueId A unique identifer for a large value, which is the 160-bit SHA-1 hash of this value, in hex form (40-bytes).
NodeId An identifier for a node, comprised of a single UUID, and embeddable in a persistent entity.
PropertiesEntity Represents the packed properties of a single node.
ReferenceEntity A record of a reference from one node to another.
ReferenceId An identifier for a reference, comprised of a single NodeId of the node containing the reference and a single NodeId of the node being referenced.
SubgraphNodeEntity Represents a single node that appears in a subgraph.
SubgraphQuery Represents a temporary working area for a query that efficiently retrieves the nodes in a subgraph.
SubgraphQueryEntity Represents a temporary working area for a query that retrieves the nodes in a subgraph.

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