Interface JdbcSequencer

public interface JdbcSequencer

The interface for a DNA sequencer that processes a JDBC connection (for instance, JDBC Metadata) and stores in the repository.

Implementations must provide a no-argument constructor.

Sergiy Litsenko

Method Summary
 void sequence(Connection connection, SequencerOutput output, SequencerContext context)
          Sequence the data found in the a JDBC connection (for instance, JDBC Metadata).

Method Detail


void sequence(Connection connection,
              SequencerOutput output,
              SequencerContext context)
Sequence the data found in the a JDBC connection (for instance, JDBC Metadata).

connection - the JDBC connection to be sequenced; never null
output - the output from the sequencing operation; never null
context - the context for the sequencing operation; never null

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