Interface ChangeRequest

All Known Implementing Classes:
CopyBranchRequest, CreateNodeRequest, DeleteBranchRequest, MoveBranchRequest, RemovePropertyRequest, RenameNodeRequest, SetPropertyRequest, UpdatePropertiesRequest

public interface ChangeRequest

Method Summary
 Location changedLocation()
          Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.
 boolean changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.

Method Detail


boolean changes(String workspace,
                Path path)
Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.

workspace - the name of the workspace; may not be null
path - the path; may not be null
true if this request changes a node under the given path


Location changedLocation()
Get the location of the top-most node that is to be changed by this request.

the location changed by this request

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