Interface XmlHandler.Destination

Enclosing class:

public static interface XmlHandler.Destination

Interface used internally as the destination for the requests. This is used to abstract whether the requests should be submitted immediately or in a single batch.

Randall Hauch

Method Summary
 void create(Path path, List<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 ExecutionContext getExecutionContext()
          Obtain the execution context of the destination.
 void submit()
          Signal to this destination that any enqueued create requests should be submitted.

Method Detail


ExecutionContext getExecutionContext()
Obtain the execution context of the destination.

the destination's execution context


void create(Path path,
            List<Property> properties)
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes. The path will be absolute.

path - the absolute path of the node
properties - the properties for the node; never null, but may be empty if there are no properties


void create(Path path,
            Property firstProperty,
            Property... additionalProperties)
Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes. The path will be absolute.

path - the absolute path of the node
firstProperty - the first property
additionalProperties - the remaining properties for the node


void submit()
Signal to this destination that any enqueued create requests should be submitted. Usually this happens at the end of the document parsing, but an implementer must allow for it to be called multiple times and anytime during parsing.

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