
Full name:



Maven plugin for JBoss Retro Weaver. This mojo is set up to weave the test classes and optionally generate a jar of the weaved classes.


Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
classesDirectory File - The directory containing the classes to be weaved.
classpathElements List - Project classpath.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
attachJar boolean - Attach a jar of the weaved classes to the build lifecycle. This will allow the weaved jar to be deployed with the other build artifacts.
classifier String - Classifier to append to the weaved output file (artifact). Defaults to null. If the classifier is null, then the jar of the weaved classes will replace the main artifact.
fork boolean - Fork the process to a separate jvm
jvm String - Path to Java virtual machine to use when forking
outputDirectory File - The jar file or directory where the weaved classes should be written. Defaults to "target/test-classes-weaved"
suppress boolean - Suppress output information.
Default value is: false.
useSystemClasspath boolean - Use the system classpath.
Default value is: false.
verbose boolean - Include verbose output.
Default value is: false.
weaverClass String - The Weaver class to use for weaving the classes. Defaults to org.jboss.weaver.Weaver Any subclass of org.jboss.weaver.Weaver can be used. To compile from jdk1.5 to jdk1.4, set this to "org.jboss.weaver.retro.WeaverRetroJdk14".
Default value is: org.jboss.weaver.Weaver.

Parameter Details

attachJar :

Attach a jar of the weaved classes to the build lifecycle. This will allow the weaved jar to be deployed with the other build artifacts.

classesDirectory :

The directory containing the classes to be weaved.

classifier :

Classifier to append to the weaved output file (artifact). Defaults to null. If the classifier is null, then the jar of the weaved classes will replace the main artifact.

classpathElements :

Project classpath.

fork :

Fork the process to a separate jvm

jvm :

Path to Java virtual machine to use when forking

outputDirectory :

The jar file or directory where the weaved classes should be written. Defaults to "target/test-classes-weaved"

suppress :

Suppress output information.

useSystemClasspath :

Use the system classpath.

verbose :

Include verbose output.

weaverClass :

The Weaver class to use for weaving the classes. Defaults to org.jboss.weaver.Weaver Any subclass of org.jboss.weaver.Weaver can be used. To compile from jdk1.5 to jdk1.4, set this to "org.jboss.weaver.retro.WeaverRetroJdk14".