
Full name:



Maven goal for generating a thirdparty directory structure using artifact downloaded from a maven repository.


Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
aliasesEnt File 2.0 An additional file to append at the end of the libraries.ent file.
copyResources boolean 2.0 Determines whether to copy resource files from the thirdpartyResources directory. Default value is: false.
copySources boolean 2.0 Determines whether to look for source jars in the local repository and copy them to the thirdparty directory if they are found. Default value is: false.
includedScopes List 2.0 A list of the dependency scopes to include in the download. By default, only dependencies the compile scope is included.
librariesEnt File 2.0 The file to write the libraries.ent information. Default value is: ${}/libraries.ent.
mappedDependencies Set 2.0 A map of the maven dependencies to the appropriate thirdparty name.
outputDirectory File 2.0 The directory to which the dependency jars should be written. Default value is: ${}.
resourceExcludes Set 2.0 File patterns to exclude from the resources directory.
resourceIncludes Set 2.0 File patterns to include in the thirdparty resources directory.
skip boolean 2.0 This parameter provides an option to skip execution of the goal. Default value is: false.
thirdpartyResources File 2.0 Deprecated. This folder contains thirdparty resources. The contents of the folder are just copied to the outputDirectory. Default value is: src/main/resources.

Parameter Details

aliasesEnt :

An additional file to append at the end of the libraries.ent file.

copyResources :

Determines whether to copy resource files from the thirdpartyResources directory.

copySources :

Determines whether to look for source jars in the local repository and copy them to the thirdparty directory if they are found.

includedScopes :

A list of the dependency scopes to include in the download. By default, only dependencies the compile scope is included.

librariesEnt :

The file to write the libraries.ent information.

mappedDependencies :

A map of the maven dependencies to the appropriate thirdparty name.

outputDirectory :

The directory to which the dependency jars should be written.

resourceExcludes :

File patterns to exclude from the resources directory.

resourceIncludes :

File patterns to include in the thirdparty resources directory.

skip :

This parameter provides an option to skip execution of the goal.

thirdpartyResources :

This folder contains thirdparty resources. The contents of the folder are just copied to the outputDirectory.