JBoss Portlet Bridge Overview

To get an idea of the JBoss Portlet Bridge community, the developers, and for wiki information, checkout the project page.

What is the JBoss Portlet Bridge?

The JBoss Portlet Bridge (or JBPB for short) is a non-final draft implementation of the JSR-301 specification which supports JSF within a portlet and with added enhancements to support other web frameworks (such as Seam and RichFaces). It basically allows any Java developer to get started quickly with their JSF web application running in a portal environment. The developer no longer needs to worry about the underlying portlet development, portlet concepts, or the API.

Understanding how JSF works with Portal

The portlet bridge isn't a portlet. It's the mediator between the two environments and allows JSF and Portal to be completely unaware of each other. The bridge is used to execute Faces requests on behalf of the portlet. During each request, the Faces environment is setup and handled by the bridge. Part of this implementation acts as a Faces controller much as the FacesServlet does in the direct client request world. The other part of this implementation is provided by implementating a variety of (standard) Faces extensions.


This draft specification for the JSR 301 specification is not final. Any final specification that may be published will likely contain differences, some of which may be substantial. Publication of this draft specification is not intended to provide the basis for implementations of the specification. This draft specification is provided AS IS, with all faults. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF CONDITION OF TITLE OR NONINFRINGEMENT. You may copy and display this draft specification provided that you include this notice and any existing copyright notice. Except for the limited copyright license granted above, there are no other licenses granted to any intellectual property owned or controlled by any of the authors or developers of this material. No other rights are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise.