JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 22. Asynchronous HTTP Request Processing

22.1. Tomcat 6 and JBoss 4.2.3 Support
22.2. Servlet 3.0 Support
22.3. JBossWeb, JBoss AS 5.0.x Support

Asynchronous HTTP Request Processing is a relatively new technique that allows you to process a single HTTP request using non-blocking I/O and, if desired in separate threads. Some refer to it as COMET capabilities. The primary usecase for Asynchronous HTTP is in the case where the client is polling the server for a delayed response. The usual example is an AJAX chat client where you want to push/pull from both the client and the server. These scenarios have the client blocking a long time on the server’s socket waiting for a new message. What happens in synchronous HTTP where the server is blocking on incoming and outgoing I/O is that you end up having a thread consumed per client connection. This eats up memory and valuable thread resources. Not such a big deal in 90% of applications (in fact using asynchronous processing make actually hurt your performance in most common scenaiors), but when you start getting a lot of concurrent clients that are blocking like this, there’s a lot of wasted resources and your server does not scale that well.

Tomcat, Jetty, and JBoss Web all have similar, but proprietary support for asynchronout HTTP request processing. This functionality is currently being standardized in the Servlet 3.0 specification. Resteasy provides a very simple callback API to provide asynchronous capabilities. Resteasy currently supports integration with Servlet 3.0 (through Jetty 7), Tomcat 6, and JBoss Web 2.1.1.

The Resteasy asychronous HTTP support is implemented via two classes. The @Suspend annotation and the AsynchronousResponse interface.

public @interface Suspend
   long value() default -1;

import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;

public interface AsynchronousResponse
   void setResponse(Response response);

The @Suspend annotation tells Resteasy that the HTTP request/response should be detached from the currently executing thread and that the current thread should not try to automaticaly process the response. The argument to @Suspend is a timeout in milliseconds until the request will be cancelled.

The AsynchronousResponse is the callback object. It is injected into the method by Resteasy. Application code hands off the AsynchronousResponse to a different thread for processing. The act of calling setResponse() will cause a response to be sent back to the client and will also terminate the HTTP request. Here is an example of asynchronous processing:

import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.Suspend;
import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.AsynchronousResponse;

public class SimpleResource

   public void getBasic(final @Suspend(10000) AsynchronousResponse response) throws Exception
      Thread t = new Thread()
         public void run()
               Response jaxrs = Response.ok("basic").type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).build();
            catch (Exception e)

To use Resteasy's Asynchronous HTTP apis with Tomcat 6 or JBoss 4.2.3, you must use a special Restasy Servlet and configure Tomcat (or JBoss Web in JBoss 4.2.3) to use the NIO transport. First edit Tomcat's (or JBoss Web's) server.xml file. Comment out the vanilla HTTP adapter and add this:

<Connector port="8080" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
   emptySessionPath="true" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
   enableLookups="false" redirectPort="6443" acceptorThreadCount="2" pollerThreadCount="10"

Your deployed Resteasy applications must also use a different Resteasy servlet, org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.Tomcat6CometDispatcherServlet. This class is available within the async-http-tomcat-xxx.jar or within the Maven repository under the async-http-tomcat6 artifact id. web.xml


As of October 20th, 2008, only Jetty 7.0.pre3 (mortbay.org) supports the current draft of the unfinished Servlet 3.0 specification so you will have to download and use Jetty to get this going.

Your deployed Resteasy applications must also use a different Resteasy servlet, org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.HttpServlet30Dispatcher. This class is available within the async-http-servlet-3.0-xxx.jar or within the Maven repository under the async-http-servlet-3.0 artifact id. web.xml:


The JBossWeb container shipped with JBoss AS 5.0.x and higher requires you to install the JBoss Native plugin to enable asynchronous HTTP processing. Please see the JBoss Web documentation on how to do this.

Your deployed Resteasy applications must also use a different Resteasy servlet, org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.server.servlet.JBossWebDispatcherServlet. This class is available within the async-http-jbossweb-xxx.jar or within the Maven repository under the async-http-jbossweb artifact id. web.xml:
