Release Notes - JBoss Transaction Manager - Version 4.2.3 ** Bug * [JBTM-168] - Recovery extensions mentioned more than once in property file. * [JBTM-172] - jdbc example code incorrect * [JBTM-183] - Fix bug in interposed coordinator after_completion warning message * [JBTM-187] - Problem recovering inbound transaction * [JBTM-188] - ConcurrentModificationException during commit time Synchronization processing * [JBTM-192] - XA_RETRY treated incorrectly during commit * [JBTM-193] - The JTS properties file ships with a setting for com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.recoveryActivator * [JBTM-194] - XTS programmers guide mentions AxisHeaderContextHandler * [JBTM-197] - Multiple recovery timeouts in property file * [JBTM-198] - XidImple didn't recreate hash after unpacking * [JBTM-200] - jbossts-common.jar includes commons-logging Log4JLogger * [JBTM-202] - end of suspended resources not called via JCA * [JBTM-205] - TransactionImple termination leaves reference to transactions in reaper * [JBTM-207] - Contention in TransactionReaper * [JBTM-208] - JCA Inflow fails with one phase commit * [JBTM-210] - ServerTopLevelAction ignores ABORT_ONLY state in rollback ** Feature Request * [JBTM-95] - Create a set of rules for managing branches and tags in svn * [JBTM-145] - Check PropertyManager raises warning if file not found (or format wrong) * [JBTM-159] - Installation script for integrating JBossTransactions/Arjuna TM into JBossAS * [JBTM-160] - Make supported platforms clearer on web site. * [JBTM-162] - Move TS generic text from JTS guides * [JBTM-169] - Support multiple one-phase resources * [JBTM-184] - Change default context propagation behaviour to always propagate when in JBossAS * [JBTM-186] - Allow configuration of ObjectStoreDir location through the jboss integration layer * [JBTM-196] - TransactionManagerService exposed attributes should be RW * [JBTM-201] - Soap Header mustUnderstand not cleared when transaction header is processed ** Task * [JBTM-20] - Ensure ATS logging capabilities are compatible with JBoss * [JBTM-45] - Improve javadocs * [JBTM-161] - Update Web site for EE5/JDK5 support * [JBTM-171] - JTA 1.1 support * [JBTM-173] - Integrate with AS 4.2 * [JBTM-182] - Missing synchronization?