Installing JBossJTS into JBoss 4.0.3SP1 --------------------------------------- The installation of JBossJTS into JBoss 4.0.3SP1 is currently a manual process. We hope to release an installer in the near future that will automate this process. The following steps are required - download the tar or zip version of JBoss 4.0.3SP1 - extract the distribution into an installation directory - copy the following jars from the JBossJTS installation into the server/XXX/lib directory of the JBoss 4.0.3 SP1 installation - lib/jbossjts.jar - lib/jbossjts-jacorb.jar - lib/jbossjts-integration.jar - lib/ext/jbossts-common.jar - jboss/jboss.jar - jboss/jboss-iiop.jar - jboss/jboss-hibernate.jar - copy the following jar from the JBossJTS installation into the server/XXX/deploy/jboss-aop.deployer directory of the JBoss 4.0.3 SP1 installation - jboss/jboss-aspect-library.jar - copy the following configuration file from the JBossJTS installation into the server/XXX/conf directory of the JBoss 4.0.3 SP1 installation - etc/jbossjts-properties.xml - edit the properties file to remove either the arjunacore XARecoveryModule or the jts XARecoveryModule, depending upon whether you are using JTS or local JTA, respectively. - Edit the server/all/conf/jboss-service.xml file and replace the jboss:service=TransactionManager mbean declaration with the following jboss:service=CorbaORB 300 - Edit the server/default/conf/jboss-service.xml file and replace the jboss:service=TransactionManager mbean declaration with the following 300 - Edit the server/all/conf/jacorb.properies as follows. - change the jacorb.poa.thread_pool_max property to 32 - Edit the server/all/deploy/iiop-service.xml and modify the PortableInterceptorInitializers attribute as follows. - remove the following lines - add the following lines com.arjuna.ats.jts.orbspecific.jacorb.interceptors.context.ContextORBInitializerImpl Replace jacorb.jar in client/lib and server/all/lib with the jacorb.jar located For each deployment of JacORB, you will need to ensure that the jacorb.implname in the file is unique. The application server will now be configured to use the JBossJTS transaction manager instead of the JBoss Transaction Manager. For the Web Services Transactions component (also known as the XML Transaction Service, or XTS), in order to create a stand-alone coordinator: (1) create a separate installation of your application server to the one you will use for your clients/services. (2) edit the build.xml to point to this installation. You need to set hostname, port and deploy.dir parameters to those for the application server used for the stand-alone coordinator. (3) run ant with the deploy target that matches your application server (deploy-webmethods, deploy-weblogic or deploy-jboss). (4) when running clients and services, edit the wstx.xml file in their deployment to add where hostname and port are replaced with the appropriate values. (5) make sure you start your coordinator deployment before any clients or services that may want to use it. We recommend that you run through the XTS trailmap in order to understand how to build and use transaction-aware Web Services, before deciding whether or not to use a stand-alone coordinator service. Note, the following issues exist with the trailmap shipped with JBossTS ( (i) it talks about ArjunaTS and the arjunats-properties.xml file. This was the old name for JBossTS. The new properties file is the jbossjts-properties.xml. (ii) when running the local JTS transactions part of the trailmap, you will need to start the recovery manager: java com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.RecoveryManager -test (iii) you will need a file to run the distributed JTS tests. (iv) the XTS trailmap talks about webMethods deployments. Obviously it is intended to be deployed with JBossAS 4.0.3SP1 as well!