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JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 10. Template tags overview

The <ajax:update> tag allows to update a collection of nodes. By default, Ajax response updates only one node with its children that is marked by id = clientId. If you need to update a number of nodes you should add a comma separated list of ids to <ajax:update> tag.

The <c:if /> tag is a simple conditional tag, which evaluates its body if the supplied condition is true.

The <c:object /> tag declares a variable that is used in Java code with a value returned by an evaluated expression. A type of the result must match to the type defined by the "type" attribute.

The <c:set /> tag declares a request scope variable with a value returned by an evaluated expression.

The <f:attribute /> tag assigns a value to a component attribute.

The <f:clientid /> tag declares a variable with a ClientId of the component as the value.

The <c:forEach /> iterates over a collection, iterator or an array of objects. It uses the same syntax as the standard JSTL <c:forEach /> tag.

The <f:call /> tag calls a method. For example it calls an additional method from the base class.

The <f:parameter /> tag specifies a parameter value for a method invoking. It is used within <f:call /> tag.

The <f:insert /> tag calls some subTemplate.

The <f:resource /> tag is responsible for receiving a resource object such as image.

The <f:root /> tag defines a root element for the renderer template.

The <h:scripts> tag defines a static resource or class for JavaScript that is added to a page at rendering time.

The <h:styles> tag defines a CSS or XCSS resource that is added to a page at rendering time.

The <jsp:declaration /> tag declares a Java code that is inserted in a renderer class.

The < /> tag allows you to import classes or packages in a renderer class.

The <jsp:scriptlet> tag inserts its content into the main rendering method.

The <u:insertFacet /> tag inserts specified facet.

The <vcp:body /> tag allows to split a template content into parts that are passed to encode() methods and defines when children elements rendering should be invoked:

The <vcp:mock /> tag is used to mark a non-processing area.