Chapter 3. JBoss Remoting Components

This section covers a few of the main components exposed within the Remoting API with a brief overview.

org.jboss.remoting.Client – is the class the user will create and call on from the client side. This is the main entry point for making all invocations and adding a callback listener. The Client class requires only the InvokerLocator for the server you wish to call upon and that you call connect before use and disconnect after use (which is technically only required for stateful transports and when client leasing is turned on, but good to call in either case).

org.jboss.remoting.InvokerLocator – is a class, which can be described as a string URI, for identifying a particular JBossRemoting server JVM and transport protocol. For example, the InvokerLocator string socket:// describes a TCP/IP Socket-based transport, which is listening on port 8080 of the IP address, Using the string URI, or the InvokerLocator object, JBossRemoting can make a client connection to the remote server. The format of the locator string is the same as the URI type: [transport]://[host]:<port>/path/?<parameter=value>&<parameter=value>

A few important points to note about the InvokerLocator. The string representation used to construct the InvokerLocator may be modified after creation. This can occur if the host supplied is, in which case the InvokerLocator will attempt to replace it with the value of the local host name. This can also occur if the port specified is less than zero or not specified at all (in which case remoting will select a random port to use).

The InvokerLocator will accept host name as is and will not automatically convert to IP address (since 2.0.0 release). There are two comparison operators for InvocatorLocators, equals() and isSameEndpoint(), and neither resolve a hostname to IP address or vice versa. equals() compares all components of the InvokerLocator, character by character, while isSameEndpoint() uses only protocol, host, and port. The following examples are just some of the comparisons that can be seen in org.jboss.test.remoting.locator.InvokerLocatorTestCase:

new InvokerLocator("http://localhost:1234/services/uri:Test").equals(
        new InvokerLocator("http://localhost:1234"))
 returns false

new InvokerLocator("http://localhost:1234/services/uri:Test").equals(
        new InvokerLocator(""))
 returns false

new InvokerLocator("http://localhost:1234/services/uri:Test").isSameEndpoint(
        new InvokerLocator("http://localhost:1234"))
 returns true

new InvokerLocator("http://localhost:1234/services/uri:Test").isSameEndpoint(
        new InvokerLocator(""))
 returns false

N.B. As of version 2.4, InvokerLocator uses the class, rather than its original ad hoc parsing code, to parse the String passed to its constructor. If, for some reason, the new algorithm causes problems for legacy code, it is possible to configure InvokerLocator to use the original parsing code by calling the static method org.jboss.remoting.InvokerLocator.setUseLegacyParsing().

org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector - is an MBean that loads a particular ServerInvoker implementation for a given transport subsystem and one or more ServerInvocationHandler implementations that handle Subsystem invocations on the remote server JVM. The Connector is the main user touch point for configuring and managing a remoting server.

org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvocationHandler – is the interface that the remote server will call on with an invocation received from the client. This interface must be implemented by the user. This implementation will also be required to keep track of callback listeners that have been registered by the client as well.

org.jboss.remoting.InvocationRequest – is the actual remoting payload of an invocation. This class wraps the caller’s request and provides extra information about the invocation, such as the caller’s session id and its callback locator (if one exists). This will be object passed to the ServerInvocationHandler. – extends the ServerInvocationHandler interface and should be implemented if expecting to receive invocations containing an input stream.

org.jboss.remoting.callback.InvokerCallbackHandler – the interface for any callback listener to implement. Upon receiving callbacks, the remoting client will call on this interface if registered as a listener.

org.jboss.remoting.callback.Callback – the callback object passed to the InvokerCallbackHandler. It contains the callback payload supplied by the invocation handler, any handle object specified when callback listener was registered, and the locator from which the callback came. – this is a singleton class that will keep track of remoting servers as new ones are detected and dead ones are detected. Upon a change in the registry, the NetworkRegistry fires a NetworkNotification. – a JMX Notification containing information about a remoting server change on the network. The notification contains information in regards to the server’s identity and all its locators.

org.jboss.remoting.detection.Detection – is the detection message fired by the Detectors. Contains the locator and subsystems for the server invokers of a remoting server as well as the remoting server’s identity.

org.jboss.remoting.ident.Identity – is one of the main components remoting uses during discovery to identify remoting server instances (is actually the way it guarantees uniqueness). If have two remoting servers running on the same server, they can be uniquely identified. The reason the identity is persisted (currently only able to do this to the file system) is so if a server crashes and then restarts, can identify it when it restarts as the one that crashed (instead of being a completely new instance that is being started). This may be important from a monitoring point as would want to know that the crashed server is back online.

When creating the identity to be presisted, remoting will first look to see if a system property for 'jboss.identity' has been set already. If it has, will use that one. If not, will get the value for the 'ServerDataDir' attribute of the 'jboss.system:type=ServerConfig' mbean. If can retrieve this value, will use this as the directory to write out the 'jboss.identity' file. If not, will look to see if a system property has been set for 'jboss.identity.dir'. If it has, will use this as the directory to write the 'jboss.identity' file to, otherwise, will default to '.'. If for some reason the file can not be written to, will throw a RuntimeException, which will cause the detector to error during startup. For more details on how and where the identity is persisted, can refer to org.jboss.remoting.ident.Identity.createId().

org.jboss.remoting.detection.multicast.MulticastDetector – is the detector implementation that broadcasts its Detection message to other detectors using multicast.

org.jboss.remoting.detection.jndi.JNDIDetector – is the detector implementation that registers its Detection message to other detectors in a specified JNDI server.

There are a few other components that are not represented as a class, but important to understand.

Subsystem – a sub-system is an identifier for what higher level system an invocation handler is associated with. The sub-system is declared as any String value. The reason for identifying sub-systems is that a remoting Connector’s server invoker may handle invocations for multiple invocation handlers, which need to be routed based on sub-system. For example, a particular socket based server invoker may handle invocations for both customer processing and order processing. The client making the invocation would then need to identify the intended sub-system to handle the invocation based on this identifier. If only one handler is added to a Connector, the client does not need to specify a sub-system when making an invocation.

Domain – a logical name for a group to which a remoting server can belong. The detectors can discriminate as to which detection messages they are interested based on their specified domain. The domain to which a remoting server belongs is stored within the Identity of that remoting server, which is included within the detection messages. Detectors can be configured to accept detection messages from one, many or all domains.

3.1. Discovery

One of the features of JBoss Remoting is to be able to dynamically discover remoting servers. This is done through the use of what remoting calls detectors. These detectors run in same instance as the servers and the clients. The detectors that run within the server instance automatically gets list of remoting servers running locally and emits a detection message contain information about those servers, such as their locator url and subsystems supported. The detector running within the client instance will receive these detection messages and update a local registry, called the network registry, with this information. The client detector will also monitor the remoting servers it has discovered in case one were to fail, in which case, will notify the network registry of the failure The network registry will then fire events to registered listeners (via JMX notifications), to include events such as new server added or server failure.

There are currently two types of detector implementations; multicast and JNDI. The multicast detectors use multicast channel to send and receive detection messages. The JNDI detectors use a well known JNDI server to bind and lookup detection messages.

The standard approach for detecting remoting servers happens in a passive manner, in that as detection messages are received by the client detector, they will cause an event to fire. In some cases, will need ability to synchronously discover the remoting servers that exist upon startup. This can be done by calling the forceDetection() method on the detector. This will return an array of NetworkInstances which contains the server information. Note, this method can take a few seconds to return (at least in multicast implementation).

3.2. Transports

Service provider interface

The transport implementations within remoting, called invokers, are responsible for handling the wire protocol to be used by remoting clients and servers. Remoting will load client and server invoker (transport) implementations (within the InvokerRegistry) using factories. The factory class to be loaded will always be either TransportClientFactory (for loading client invoker) or TransportServerFactory (for loading server invoker). These classes must implement org.jboss.remoting.transport.ClientFactory and org.jboss.remoting.transport.ServerFactory interfaces respectively. The package under which the TransportClientFactory and TransportServerFactory will always start with org.jboss.test.remoting.transport, then the transport protocol type. For example, the 'socket' transport factories are org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.TransportClientFactory and org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.TransportServerFactory. The API for org.jboss.remoting.transport.ClientFactory is:

public ClientInvoker createClientInvoker(InvokerLocator locator, Map config) throws IOException;
public boolean supportsSSL();

The API for org.jboss.remoting.transport.ServerFactory is:

public ServerInvoker createServerInvoker(InvokerLocator locator, Map config) throws IOException;
public boolean supportsSSL();

An example of a transport client factory for the socket transport (org.jboss.remoting.transport.socket.TransportClientFactory) is:

public class TransportClientFactory implements ClientFactory
   public ClientInvoker createClientInvoker(InvokerLocator locator, Map config)
         throws IOException
      return new SocketClientInvoker(locator, config);

   public boolean supportsSSL()
      return false;

The packages used within the factory does not matter as long as they are on the classpath. Note that the transport factories are only loaded upon request for that protocol. Also, the client and server factories have been separated so that only the one requested is loaded (and thus the corresponding classes needed for that invoker implementation). So if only ask for a particular client transport invoker, only those classes are loaded and the ones needed for the server are not required to be on the classpath.

The biggest reason for taking this approach is allows users ability to plugin custom transport implementation with zero config. Remoting comes with the following transports: socket, sslsocket, bisocket, sslbisocket, http, https, multiplex, sslmultiplex, servlet, sslservlet, rmi, sslrmi.